
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Can Trump Stop the Ukraine War Before Inauguration to Prevent WW3




Don’t Fall for the Flat Tax Scheme

“For forty years the tax and spend Democrats ruled Washington, DC, looting the people's treasury for social programs that are clearly outside their authority under the Constitution. LBJ's great society jump started this insanity and sadly, my parent's generation bought into their chains of dependency and have passed this mess to my generation. Their addiction was fed by Congress and the state legislatures for votes.

By |March 30th, 2025|

Devolving California Into A Third World Nightmare

At the same time, I witnessed the decline from “extraordinary” to what it has become today: a growing third world trash heap of something around four to five million illegal third world refugees who have created an entirely “different” California. Added to that, an estimated 250,000 homeless Americans as well as illegal refugees.

By |March 30th, 2025|

March 31: Cesar Chavez Day: Honoring an American Hero

The story has been told now in many articles, books, documentaries, and a relatively recent movie of how Cesar Chavez, while working as an organizer in Los Angeles, became convinced a union for farmworkers had to be created if working conditions were to be improved. He quit his job. He and Helen loaded up their old station wagon with the kids and a mimeograph machine, and headed to Delano.

By |March 30th, 2025|

The Heart and the Way we Think

Jesus would establish His Kingdom with those who are born from above and endued with power from on high who would expand His Kingdom by making disciples of Christ.  The coming of the Kingdom of God would be whatever area of society and culture that are invaded by His disciples doing His will on earth as it is done in heaven would cause that part of society and culture to be conformed to God’s will – the rule of God.

By |March 29th, 2025|

Darwin, Freud and Marx: Pitiful Little Triune gods of Militant Paganism

The French Revolution 1789/1800 resulted from the deliberate abandonment of Jesus and the Christian foundation of the rule of law, so that the most violent person could rise to power. This resulted in the infamous Terror, a couple of years where everyone representing the former government and the rule of law had their heads cut off.

By |March 29th, 2025|

Revival & Reverence, Returning To God

But according to this study, American churches have lost 82% of their attendees since 1970.  Of course, they’ve tried many things to retain their congregations, but today, the vast majority of people are just not going to church anymore.  Those that are, are often disappointed in their church or with their pastor...for numerous reasons.

By |March 29th, 2025|

Is Liberalism Dead (In All Forms)?, Part 4

Classical liberalism and homo economicus may have been “out” in most of academia, but they didn’t disappear. Their defenders — in economics, business, or their small corner of the intellectual world — doubled down. Sadly, they did so without considering factors, none of them political-economic in nature, that got secularized classical liberalism into trouble. Instead, they invented neoliberalism, elevated utility-maximization and monetization to the status of divine principles, and told us There Is No Alternative.

By |March 28th, 2025|

Signalgate Update

Democrat President Andrew Jackson addressed this quite well in Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. (6 Pet.) 515 (1832) when he reportedly responded to then Chief Justice Marshall, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."

By |March 28th, 2025|

March 29: National Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

While more than nine million Americans served when the country called them to defend the nation of South Vietnam from aggression by Communist North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh,  anti-war demonstrations involved many thousands who condemned not only the war, but those who were sent to fight it.

By |March 27th, 2025|

Oregon’s Wildfire Mapping Has Everything to Do With Property Rights

When Global warming became unprovable, the name was replaced with Climate Change but the plan remained the same —to deconstruct the world. In 2022, the Rockefeller Foundation announced that it would make the fight against climate change central to all of its work. At the same time, Governor Kate Brown took significant executive action to address the climate crisis, and Oregon adopted a revised Climate Protection Program in November 2024.

By |March 27th, 2025|

Trump Aides Stage Cyber Attacks on Themselves

After a great start, the Trump Administration has run into its first major scandal. Somebody in the Trump Administration gave an anti-Trump “journalist” access to sensitive information about a military operation. The “leak” gave the anti-Trump operatives in the media and the Democratic Party the opportunity to portray the new administration as incompetent lightweights.

By |March 26th, 2025|

Standards, Critical Thinking, Reason and Common Sense

In Sam Jone's new book, Five Steps to Kill a Nation, he forcefully argues that a republic cannot stand without a citizenry of moral and virtuous people guiding the cultural mores and checking the public servants when they stray from the principles upon which these United States were formed. These citizens must have a common and objective ethical standard on which to base their shared lives and prosperity.

By |March 26th, 2025|

For God’s Sake, Tell Folks the Truth!

I suppose it is dangerous to write about this topic…seeing how the idea of “judging” is no longer kosher in American Christianity.  In fact, “Judge not”, a partial statement taken out of context by many American Christians, is the modern command of those practicing modern soft American Evangelical Christianity.

By |March 26th, 2025|

Heterosexual Discrimination

Ibriam Kendi is often quoted as saying “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.” Is that true? Above the main entrance to the Supreme Court is a promise chiseled into the marble façade: “equal justice under law”. How can we have equal justice under law if one side is always discriminating against another?

By |March 25th, 2025|

The Only REAL Surprise From the Assassination Papers

One thing we know for certain: The Deep State has NOT changed its deadly plans. They still want us to shut up and sit down. They still want us to “own nothing and be happy”. Our Constitutional government gets in their way, and they will do anything and everything to win.

By |March 25th, 2025|

All Eyes On The Illegals! Media Diverts Attention From Treasonous Governors & Mayors Who Allured Them In

Today, Americans are being driven to their television sets by spin doctors to watch the illegals that have invaded their land.  What is being highlighted by the networks are the crimes being committed: murdering American police officers, rape, drug and child trafficking, carjackings, targeting malls in cities throughout the country, and the list of crimes goes on (Deuteronomy 4:6).

By |March 25th, 2025|

Democrats Unelected Dictators

This is about much more than Donald Trump. Most of the so-called “resisters” have no clue what they are resisting or why. They have no clue that the only people they can enslave are themselves, not their perceived political opponents. Most would not be in our streets today if they were not being organized, financed and mobilized by the same people who stacked the federal courts to undermine the Constitution.

By |March 24th, 2025|

Nuclear Generated Electricity Saves an Electricity-Starved World

All of us should be environmentalists at heart. Our daily purchases and actions should contribute to the preservation of clean air and water on the planet. Yet, we also care about our quality of life and our peaceful existence on this planet. So, we make compromises. One such compromise would be to ensure that any replacement for electricity production would be better than what we abandoned.

By |March 24th, 2025|

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