Other Kjos Articles: Real Conspiracies -- Past and Present Part 1 Marching Toward Global Solidarity The UN Plan for Global Migration, Part 1 The UN Plan for Global Migration, Part 2
By Berit Kjos November 25, 2007 NewsWithViews.com MYSTICISM & GLOBAL MIND CHANGE "A re-spiritualization of society is taking place...."[1] New Age futurist Willis Harman, speaking at the "evangelical" Consultation below. "Part of our reason for meeting in this conference is to re-examine our storehouse of images of the future.... Is it necessary for us to limit the evangelical image of the future...?"[2, page 31] Leighton Ford, Billy Graham's brother-in-law, addressing an "evangelical" Consultation on the Future. "The world is undergoing an extraordinary revolution, an intellectual rebellion against the exclusionary belief structure that has dominated Western thought for centuries..."[3] Willis Harman, "Global Mind Change" Do you wonder why yoga, labyrinths and other meditational practices have suddenly emerged in churches across America? Or why "Christians" now use the old occult formulas practiced by sorcerers, alchemists and "enlightened" yogis (a combination of concentration, meditation, visualization and mental projection) to invoke the presence of "God"? This East-West synthesis didn't happen by chance. For several decades, influential church leaders have been promoting a "new way of thinking," a more experiential religion, an end to "separatism," and an inclusive oneness that would fulfill their vision of an earthly "Kingdom of God." The hidden seeds of this unholy transformation began sprouting about five decades ago. In an article titled "The Higher Self Gets Down To Business," Christianity Today credits Willis Harman, a former Stanford Professor and management guru with the occult revival:
Instead of opposing this spiritual revolution, pastors and leadership gurus have been driving it -- and training others to do the same. Those who resist it are unjustly labeled fearful, divisive and -- worst of all -- fundamentalist! As Rick Warren said, "...Christian fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism, secular fundamentalism - they're all motivated by fear. Fear of each other."[5] "People are threatened by change," wrote Willis Harman who, in spite of his New Age/Theosophical views, had been invited to speak at an "evangelical" Consultation on the Future back in 1979. "The prospect that 'truths' they have known all their lives might be superseded by some other beliefs can be especially threatening. Thus there is a tendency to 'fight back' -- to actively oppose the change."[3, Foreword] THE NEO-EVANGELICAL "CONSULTATION ON THE FUTURE" Actually, it takes courage, not fear, to stand alone against such pressures to conform! The evangelical leaders who participated in that Consultation almost three decades ago showed no such boldness. The conference transcripts suggest that they valued "common ground" more than Biblical integrity. These strategists included Leighton Ford (Vice President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Honorary Life Chairman of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization), Howard Hendricks (Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and Chairman of The Center for Christian Leadership), Dr. Gene A. Getz (pastor and author), Dr. Ralph Winter (founder of U.S. Center for World Mission) and many others. These high profile pastors and presenters simply listened, dialogued and accepted Dr. Harman's disturbing views of occult experience and evolving oneness. Notice his promotion of a mystical form of universalism:
"Remarkably, Willis Harman was able to proclaim an alternative Luciferian future to evangelical leaders without any significant resistance," states Herescope, a respected discernment ministry. "This is because potential debate at the 1979 Consultation on 'Future Evangelical Concerns' was stifled." True to the dialectic process, "the format of the Consultation was orchestrated in such a manner that no contrary opinions were permitted."
According to Herescope, "one of the stated purposes of the Consultations was to integrate Harman's alternative eschatology with evangelical eschatology. Consultation presenter E.V. Newland, proposed creating an 'imaginative hybrid' of eschatology based on Harman's models." He said,
Herescope asks -- and concludes,
To crush Christian resistance to this deception, globalist visionaries both inside and outside churches are using a growing arsenal of psycho-social tactics. One of the more visible strategies for mass transformation is the seductive marketing of mystical practices and occult philosophies through books like Leonard Sweet's Soul Tsunami and Marjorie Thompson's Soul Feast. Less visible but just as effective are the large leadership conferences that gather Christian pastors and leaders, train them in a social context that normalizes "systems thinking" and facilitated dialogue, then sends them out as change agents -- missionaries for a new world order, determined to transform both church and world. THE RE-THINK CONFERENCE Scheduled for January 2008, the upcoming Re-think Conference shows the latest phase of this unholy quest for unity in diversity. Considering its team of speakers, it will surely encourage more dialogue, compromise, and fuzzy convictions. Visionaries will establish new norms for "positive thinking" and feel-good relationships while closing the door to the old "divisive" truths. The list of speakers could hardly be more diverse -- or influential:
"Nations that stick to stale old notions and ideologies [Biblical Truth and values?] will falter and fail. So I'm here today to say, America will move forward.... New schools for a new world.... Re-invent--literally start from scratch and reinvent the American school...." What do you suppose the former president mean by "stale old notions and ideologies?" Biblical absolutes? That makes sense in light of the education program he had just endorsed: the U.S. version of UNESCO's global education system. Remember, UNESCO is no friend of Christianity. In 1995, UNESCO's Commission on Culture and [human] Development issued a report titled, Our Creative Diversity. It denounced "extreme doctrinaire views" that "look to an imagined past" and called for a global transformation not unlike Dr. Harman's futuristic vision: �The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living."[10] Everything must be changed -- especially the way we think of ourselves in relationship to the "greater whole." When applied to religion, the "new ways of thinking" means setting aside "narrow" or inflexible beliefs for the sake of unity, universalism and "common good." Christianity must either bend or break. Or, as Leonard Sweet wrote in Soul Tsunami (endorsed by Rick Warren): "Postmodern culture is a change-or-be-changed world. The word is out: Reinvent yourself for the 21st century or die."[11]
Those who trust God and His Word will see the futility behind such revolutionary aims and claims. We have no reason to fear the rising hostility from those who reject our Lord, for He has promised, �...in
Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be
of good cheer, I have overcome the world.� John 16:33
Footnotes: 1,
Spirit at Work Award Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale Berit Kjos is a widely respected researcher, writer and conference speaker. A frequent guest on national radio and television programs, Kjos has been interviewed on Point of View (Marlin Maddoux), The 700 Club, Bible Answer Man, Beverly LaHaye Live, Crosstalk and Family Radio Network. She has also been a guest on "Talk Back Live" (CNN) and other secular radio and TV networks. Her last two books are A Twist of Faith and Brave New Schools. Kjos Ministries Web Site: http://www.crossroad.to/index.html
Everything must be changed -- especially the way we think of ourselves in relationship to the "greater whole."