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It's Hard to Get Rid of Them!

The Giant Sucking Sound
in Washington, D.C.

Is "The Giver" On Your Horizon?

Is The Chamber of Commerce an UN Front?

Oregon State Supplies Our Vices

Earth Day, May Day And Watermelons

Are We Destined For Selective Reduction?

Robbing Peter To Pay Paul In Oregon

Rote Memorization Out, Pavlov In?

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By Betty Freauf

June 18, 2003

Actually, the above title I've borrowed from a 1969 pamphlet published by the America's Future, Inc., a non profit, non partisan educational organization in New Rochelle, N.Y. and written by Dr. Albert H. Hobbs. So many well-meaning organizations have come and gone over the years but little did they know what they published someone was keeping.

I'll be using some excerpts from this publication. It seemed appropriate to pull this information out and dust it off because Greta Van Sustern on FOX news recently reported that PLAYBOY had reached a 50 year anniversary as though it was some historical milestone as she explained how Hugh Hefner turned his $8,000 investment into a "successful" business venture. The term "success" may have an entirely different definition in many circles. If "success" means getting rich off the weaknesses of people, then I guess Hefner could be considered a "success" but at what price to our society?

This subject rather reminds me of the question often asked, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" When it comes to the 60s sexual revolution, in which Hefner was, no doubt, in many ways responsible, was it because of his PLAYBOY bunnies and his magazine or were people ready for such "First Amendment Expression" called "Art" as some would be quick to call it?

Some claim the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) program sowed the seeds for the sexual revolution of the 60s and today everyone can see the grim harvest that has been reaped in the years since but a FRIEND'S FIRST publication, Fall '95, Vol. VI indicated from 1967-1971 the Playboy Foundation provided seed grants to SIECUS for its sex education curriculum. So while one was providing the seeds, the other planted the seeds and society is reaping a harvest of weeds.

The Wall Street Journal of September 19, 1967 revealed that the federal government had poured into SIECUS over one million dollars... and those who followed SIECUS guidelines could expect to get their share of federal research money... Dr. Lester Kirkendall, a SIECUS board member from the University of Oregon said at an Anaheim, Cal. meeting exclusively for teachers that the Sexology magazine would be given new covers and titles for use in public schools.

According to Dr. Hobbs, SIECUS had its beginning in New York City in 1964 and distributed hundreds of thousands of study guides, information kits, reprints and film strips with the ostensible purpose: To establish man's sexuality as a health entity; to identify the special characteristics that distinguish it from, yet relate it to, human reproduction; to dignify it by openness of approach, study and scientific research designed to lead towards its understanding and its freedom from exploitation; to give leadership to professionals and to society, to the end that human beings may be aided towards responsible use of the sexual faculty and toward assimilation of sex into their individual life patterns as a creative and re-creative force.

Dr. Mary Calderone formed SIECUS with a group of like-minded professionals from such diverse fields as sociology, psychiatry, education, religion and law. The National Education Association (NEA) leaflet No. 051-02066 said SIECUS was a new, voluntary health agency. The New American (2/28/2000) said SIECUS rounds up apostate clergy on behalf of sodomy: Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians Disregarding the Catholic Church's problems with homosexual priests, the Episcopalians have recently been in the news over the nomination of a homosexual to some high position.

In a matter of four years, SIECUS had attained the position of undisputed leader and consultant in organizing school sex education programs. It enjoys tax free status as a non-profit organization.

If the role of SIECUS was portrayed as a voluntary health organization, why have we seen an increase in venereal diseases, out-of-wedlock pregnancies, rape, sexual child abuse, pedophilia, pornography and homosexuality since the introduction of that curriculum in the schools? And I can't help but wonder how many of our sex-crazed serial killers were introduced to this SIECUS curriculum. Have sexual Commanders-in-Chiefs like Calderone, her professional perverted associates, her husband and Hugh Hefner been contributing factors?

What the Bible calls sin and the law on sodomy (homosexuality) once called a crime, like alcoholism, the psychiatric industry saw dollar signs and convinced lawmakers it is merely a mental illness so the insurance industry was compelled to cover the treatment. Mental health services are one of the most expensive of all health services. Will the Explosive Disorder Syndrome (bad temper) soon be covered too? What a racket!! How did this all come about?

The 1963 Congressional Record set forth the 45 Communist goals. No. 38 recommended transferring some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies and to treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists could understand or treat. No. 39 recommended dominating the psychiatric profession using mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who opposed communism goals. You've heard of political prisoners locked up in mental institutions?

In the book PAVLOV'S CHILDREN (c) 1969, it states in two theaters in Long Island, New York, Mary Calderone's husband, Dr. Frank Calderone, helped titillate the public with girlie shows. In 1967 at Calderone's Nassau County theater, Minsky's Burlesque Follies ran for five weeks.

The District Attorney had received numerous complaints that the show was lewd and pornographic. After a preview, the DA insisted the show be toned down. In the meantime Mary was flying back and forth across the U.S. telling school districts they must have Sex Education because youngsters were being exposed to so much pornography in the theaters and elsewhere.

I remember the same point being made when legislatures across the country were told that AIDS education was a health matter and it was to help stop the spread of AIDS. Then the homosexuals were put in charge of the tax-funded programs and the schools became a recruiting haven for this perversion.

In 1987 Calderone endorsed Dr. Koop's proposal of AIDS education for kindergartners as good preventative health care. This was a dream come true when the Surgeon General of the United States got on board her bandwagon.

She said "children are sexual before birth" and "if they reach the first grade and have no sexual instruction from their parents, they're sitting ducks for all kinds of things." A friend recently told me a teacher told her daughter, the mother of her 3rd-grade granddaughter, she'd better be telling her child about sex.

Calderone was one of the technical advisors on the President's Committee on Population and Family Planning which outlined the role to be played by the Office of Education in regard to sex instruction. Public Law 89-68 in 1966 passed by Congress laid down the guidelines for Federal leadership in the field of international education. SIECUS Board members were consultants to the SEXOLOGY (erotica) MAGAZINE.

In addition to PLAYBOY, financial support for SIECUS came from 6,000 contributors, with major ones at the time the pamphlet was published being the Ford Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund and the U.S. Government which, through the then Office of Education of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) had provided funds for SIECUS conferences and given $30,000 to produce a guide for counselors.

The pamphlet said sex education in general, and apparently the SIECUS program specifically, was endorsed by the National Council of Churches, Synagogue Council of America, United States Catholic Conference, American Medical Association, National Education Association, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and by HEW.

SIECUS had opposition. There have always been watchmen on the wall calling out the warning but because the media also indirectly endorsed this sex education, the voices of the opposition were censored.

Though SIECUS had a governing board of 50 members and a number of presidents, the prime mover was executive director, Mary Calderone, medical doctor, Master of Public Health, daughter of famed photographer Edward J. Steichen, Quaker, Vassar alumna, and many years a medical director for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America who repeatedly referred to her as "a sweet-faced, silvery-haired grandmother, with the evangelical fervor of Joan of Arc."

Yes, Calderone was a leading advocate of "value free" school sex education. She said "you have to give young people knowledge and then the kids will promote their own morality."

And was she ever wrong or was she right? Was producing an immoral society of young people by corrupting their minds Calderone's ultimate dream? The morality of far too many of these young people today is so depraved it makes their grandparents blush and these sexual shock troops seem to be operating on all fronts.

Dr. Hobbs said, "We set ages for legal majority, for voting, for driving licenses. Why are we so afraid to say forthrightly, 'While you are still in high school you are just plain too young in every way to make the mature sexual judgments and decisions that this important step requires.'"

Calderone died in a Pennsylvania nursing home on October 24, 1998 at age 94 so she doesn't know how the cost of sexual permissiveness has been overwhelming government budgets. Calderone and her colleagues made people believe it was going to be "education" so once again, parents relegated what should have been their jobs, to the schools -- the so-called experts. In 2001 the American Psychiatric Association was getting ready to support the "normalization" of sex with children (pedophilia).

A June 11, 2003 from said "Psychiatric Association Debates Lifting Pedophilia Taboo" In a step critics charge could result in decriminalizing sexual contact between adults and children, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently sponsored a symposium in which participants discussed the removal of pedophilia from an upcoming edition of the psychiatric manual of mental disorders. There you have it, folks. Government supported sexual child abuse.

[Editors Note: For whatever reason pulled the above article.]

Studies have found psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate among physicians so why does society put so much faith this troubled profession? But today's parents have learned too late it wasn't education but indoctrination.

I understand there is a "Restorationist Rebellion" going on with some young people who are desirous of breaking away from their generation, rejecting the lifestyle of their parents' generation and who are attracted to the standards of morality of their grandparents. This is good news. There yet may be hope.

DR Hobbs ends by saying "... George Orwell foresaw that for Western Civilization the main problem of the 20th century would be, not war, or famine, or disease, or a population explosion, but the question whether we can work out a way of life once we have abandoned the moral precepts..."

Perhaps George Orwell got his "vision" from Romans 1:18-32 in the Bible where it says apostasy would run rampant and God would simply turn people over to reprobate minds. Reprobate in the Greek means apokimos: Unprincipled, depraved, unable to discern evil, confused mind. The most heinous crimes flash on our T.V. screens on a daily basis. Have we arrived? You be the judge.

Oregon Citizen's Alliance has been on the front lines since 1986 trying to stop the "special rights" homosexual agenda which they fear is simply a precursor to pedophilia. The media's constant slant in reporting the news has caused its leader to become the most vilified man in Oregon. OCA, a non profit organization, has a 12-page 11 x 17 SIECUS tabloid available which is far more detailed than I have been able to put into this article. Bundles of 100 are available for $15 which includes shipping and handling as long as supplies last. Oregon Citizen's Alliance, PO Box 13109, Salem, Oregon 97309-1109 Or, you can e-mail Bonnie at: for more information. Phone: 503-463-0653

� 2003 Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved

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Betty is a former Oregon Republican Party activist having served as state party secretary, county chairman, 5th congressional vice chairman and then elected chairman, a precinct worker for many years and twice ran unsuccessfully for the Oregon State Legislature. The Republican tradition is to stay neutral in Primary races but in Betty's case. They supported her opponent. E-Mail:








"If the role of SIECUS was portrayed as a voluntary health organization, why have we seen an increase in venereal diseases, out-of-wedlock pregnancies, rape, sexual child abuse, pedophilia, pornography and homosexuality since the introduction of that curriculum in the schools? And I can't help but wonder how many of our sex-crazed seriel killers were introduced to this SIECUS curriculum. Have sexual Commanders-in-Chiefs like Calderone, her professional perverted associates, her husband and Hugh Hefner been contributing factors?"