By Cheryl Chumley
April 1, 2016
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski may be facing assault charges for allegedly grabbing at the arm of former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields – but when it comes to shoving aside members of the media, it's the Democratic Party that's shielding the real offenders.
There are enough examples for a creative YouTuber to make a snarky video of Dems' attacks through the years. Suggestion? Set it to the aptly titled Olivia Newton-John's "Let's Get Physical" pop hit. It may be obvious, but it's still funny.
But until – the written word will have to suffice.
First up: February, 2009. That's when Gawker reported how a man who was escorting Leon Panetta, who was President Obama's pick for CIA director, outright grabbed at a CongressDaily reporter, Chris Strohm, during a hearing. Strohm described to Politico how he "felt this hand grab my right arm and push me aside," that he responded by saying, "please don't touch me," over and over again. Another at the scene, Tim Starks, a Congressional Quarterly reporter, confirmed Strohm's version of events to Politico, telling the news organization how he saw the Panetta escort "grabbing him by the arm and moving him away."
Nope - life moved on for both Strohm and Panetta henchman. The scarier thing, Gawker wrote, was "no one seem[ed] to know who Panetta's escort [was] or what he does."
Fast-forward to January, 2010, when a staffer for Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley made national headlines for roughing up a Weekly Standard journalist, John McCormack – and then, outrageously enough, pretending to be said reporter's knight in shining armor.
Rush Limbaugh actually gave a priceless description of how the assault went down during his January 13 broadcast: "You know, this is amazing, folks. I don't know if you know this or not, but last night, Martha Coakley, the Democrat candidate in Massachusetts, was in Washington for a fundraiser ... [and] came out of a restaurant … followed by a reporter named John McCormack. He is from the Weekly Standard. He tried to ask her a question, and somebody came and shoved him to the sidewalk into a metal railing, and he fell down on the sidewalk, and then this same person ... Then [this] same person goes up and says, 'Oh, my God, somebody fell!' He goes down, helps the person up and then kept bumping the guy, the reporter, so he couldn't get close to Coakley."
The perpetrator?
"The video shows it. It was Michael Meehan, a Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee guy," Limbaugh said then, pointing out that Coakley, an attorney general, "stood there and watched this whole thing take place and didn't do anything about it."
Again, no criminal charges – just aa lame apology from Meehan.
And who can forget just a few weeks ago when Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, was captured on camera physically shoving a woman during a brief interaction?
As Gateway Pundit recounted: "When the woman tried to hug Huma, she pushed the woman away and moved on. No charges were filed."
Sometimes, Democrats take a more subtle approach. In August, 2008, ABC producer Asa Eslocker was arrested while standing on a sidewalk, trying to take pictures of Democratic senators and bigwig party donors gathered at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. Police couldn't immediately tell ABC executives what his charges were, or explain video of the scene that showed "a cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, [putting] his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twist[ing] the producer's arm behind him to put on handcuffs," ABC reported at the time. Later, after they had time to think, police said he was guilty of trespassing, interference and failing to follow a lawful order, and that the complaint came from someone within the hotel – a known"central location for Democratic officials," ABC reported.
Seriously, somebody cue Olivia. Lewandowski may have his little misdemeanor arm tap, but when it comes to silencing the press, Republicans can't hold a candle to Democrats.
© 2016 Cheryl Chumley - All Rights Reserved
Cheryl K. Chumley, a news writer with and former news staffer with the Washington Times, is also the author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality." She may be reached on Twitter at @ckchumley, or through her blog,