Other Darwinism and the Rise of Gnosticism Engineering Evolution: The Alchemy of Eugenics
D. Collins In the previous installments in this series, we established the centrality of war to the elite�s occult doctrine of transformism. This occult doctrine has presented itself under numerous appellations, but its core theme has remained the same: humanity is gradually evolving towards apotheosis. The most recent incarnation of this doctrine is Darwinism, which depicts life as an enormous struggle to survive. On the microcosmic level, this struggle is bodied forth by the competition between species. On a macrocosmic level, this struggle manifests itself as war between nations. In hopes of facilitating the purported evolutionary ascent of man, the power elite has instigated war after war. In this installment, we shall take brief glimpse at some of the hidden alchemists behind World War II. Sci-fi Predictive Programming Revisited In the first installment of this series, we examined the role of sci-fi �predictive programming� in psychologically conditioning the masses for future wars. Researcher Michael Hoffman defines �predictive programming� as follows: �Predictive programming works by means of the propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future� (205). Through the circulation of science �fiction� literature, the ignorant masses are provided with semiotic intimations of coming events. Within such literary works are narrative paradigms that are politically and socially expedient to the power elite. Thus, when the future unfolds as planned, it assumes the paradigmatic character of the �fiction� that foretold it. The societal impact of science �fiction� literature is acknowledged in The Report from Iron Mountain:
It is interesting that the Report makes mention of H.G. Wells, for it is within his work that readers will find the most remarkable predictions concerning one of the world�s bloodiest wars: World War II. Shaping Things to Come A brief examination of Wells reveals that he was much more than a science fiction writer. Darwinian apologist and Round Table member T.H. Huxley mentored Wells. Given his membership in the overtly Anglophile Round Table organization, it is very possible that Huxley passed its tradition of British elitism onto Wells. This becomes evident in Wells� own words, which bear eerie resemblance to the rhetoric of John Ruskin:
Wells�s vision for the technocratic world-state can be found in The Shape of Things to Come, a �mass appeal� tract disguised as a science fiction novel. Published in 1933, this book seems to predict the course of human history for years to come. Given some of its uncannily precise prognostications, the book probably should have been titled �Shaping Things to Come.� Among one of the book�s most notable predictions is the beginning of a second global conflict. Wells correctly identifies the Treaty of Versailles as the primary catalyst for the coming bloodbath:
Wells elaborates on the Treaty�s inherent flaws, which would facilitate Germany�s metamorphosis into a fascist dictatorship
Indeed, Wells was correct. Built into the body of the treaty was the means by which yet another global conflict could be facilitated. Commenting on the Treaty, British Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon prophetically stated: �This is no peace; this is only a truce for twenty years� (Epperson 261). Simultaneously, Wells examines (and scrutinizes) the League of Nations. Wells correctly characterizes Woodrow Wilson�s global organization as an extremely limited form of world government:
The League�s Achilles� heel, according Wells, was its observance of national sovereignty: �It was a League not to end sovereignties but preserve them� (no pagination). Wells candidly confesses that global government stipulates the consolidation of immense quantities of power within an omnipotent world entity. This, Wells contends, was Wilson�s greatest mistake:
Ultimately, Wells attributes the inevitability of warfare to the sovereignty nation-state: �The existence of independent sovereign states IS war, white or red, and only an elaborate mis-education blinded the world to this elementary fact� (no pagination). Automatically, astute readers will recognize Wells�s globalist propensities. Again, this may have been a natural consequence of his tutelage under Round Table member T.H. Huxley. Wells�s promotion of Britain as a potential World-State certainly echoes the Anglophilic contentions of the Round Table group. According to Wells, the second global conflict would result from a quarrel at a train station in Danzig, Poland. A Polish Jew shifts his dental plate. A Nazi soldier misunderstands the Pole�s gesture and takes offense. The quarrel rapidly spirals out of control and, eventually, an international incident occurs. Within the fictional narrative of The Shape of Things to Come, the misunderstanding at the Danzig train station exasperates already existing international tensions. The incident swiftly escalates, triggering the mobilization and commitment of national armies to an enormous global fray. Wells describes this world war as one of the most bloody and violent episodes of human history. Does this sound familiar? In reality, the world did experience a second global conflict. History would dub it World War II. In approximating the actual events preceding World War II, Wells displays some uncanny precision. Indeed, the actual Second World War officially began in Poland. Wells�s projected date for the war�s beginning is off by only a few months. The fictional incident in The Shape of Things to Come is somewhat similar to the border incidents that exasperated international tensions and provided the Nazis with a pretext for war. Remaining considerably close to the actual chronology of World War II, Wells places the conflict�s end in 1949. The Coefficients Club In light of these disturbing synchronicities, the viability of sci-fi �predictive programming� certainly seems stronger. The case is only strengthened when one examines Wells�s affiliations. In addition to being a Fabian socialist and Freemason, Wells was also a member of the Coefficients Club. Formed by Fabian socialist Beatrice Webb, this organization assembled some of Britain�s most prominent social critics and thinkers to discuss the course of the British Empire. One of the Club�s members was none other than Fabian socialist and Malthusian ideologue Bertrand Russell. According to Russell, Wells and several other members harbored an overwhelming preoccupation with war. Russell explains:
Indeed, the Club�s proclivities towards war were strong. One Club member, Leo Maxse, had promoted war with Germany in 1902. This preoccupation with war is especially evident in much of Wells�s scientific romances. Moreover, a great deal of Wells�s work acknowledges the alchemical role of war in man�s purported evolutionary development. J.P. Vernier observes:
Recall the dialectical framework intrinsic to evolutionary theory. The organism (thesis) comes into conflict with nature (antithesis) resulting in a newly enhanced species (synthesis), the culmination of the evolutionary process (Marrs 127). In the case of Wells�s work, the critical mutation within humanity was facilitating by confrontation with other species (including other species of man).
Hitler's genocidal Final Solution tangibly enacted such a dialectical framework. The German people (thesis) came into conflict with the Jew (antithesis) in hopes of creating the Aryan (synthesis). The fact that Wells �predicted� this suggests that he was privy to certain plans. Such plans may have circulated within the Coefficient Club, among other elitist think tanks. Whatever the case might be, World War II certainly synchronized with the evolutionary designs of Wells and his other oligarchical colleagues. In the next installment of this series, we shall examine the specific ways in which the supranational elite engineered World War II. Sources Cited: 1,
Ralph. The Unseen Hand. Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1985. � 2005 Phillip D. Collins
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Author Phillip D. Collins acted as the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine, MKzine, NewsWithViews.com, and B.I.P.E.D.: The Official Website of Darwinian Dissent and Conspiracy Archive. He has an Associate of Arts and Science. Currently, he is studying for a bachelor's degree in Communications at Wright State University. During the course of his seven-year college career, Phillip has studied philosophy, religion, and classic literature. He also co-authored the book, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, From the 19th to the 21st Century, which is available at: [Link] E-Mail: collins.58@wright.edu
In approximating the actual events preceding World War II, Wells displays some uncanny precision. Indeed, the actual Second World War officially began in Poland. Wells�s projected date for the war�s beginning is off by only a few months.