Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 28, 2015
In this century, it seems that the number of unbelievable things said by high profile people has increased. First, after American forces quickly sped from Kuwait to Baghdad in the 2003 Iraq war, President George W. Bush said "Mission Accomplished." I could not believe he did not realize that is what Saddam Hussein wanted us to do, because only then would we change from battle formation to smaller patrols more easily hit by RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) and IEDs (improvised explosive devices). A few years later, I could not believe Congress passed Obamacare after Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi said members of Congress should pass the legislation before seeing all that was in it!
During the current political campaign when Dr. Ben Carson was rising in the polls, he spoke at radical Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network's convention and said "Al Sharpton and I have the same goal, just different ideas on how to get there," and in Dr. Carson's book AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL on page 102 he said it is "the moral low road" to "deport many individuals (illegal aliens) who are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families." Carly Fiorina, who also temporarily rose in the polls, had touted President Obama's "Race to the Top" education program, and last August said "I've been very clear I don't support deportation (of illegal aliens)." Conservative talk show gurus Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others have extolled the virtues of Sen. Ted Cruz, even though he has spoken positively about his Council on Foreign Relations member wife, Heidi, in her co-authored globalist book BUILDING A NORTH AMERICAN COMMUNITY.
The unbelievable statements of President Obama are too numerous to mention here, but the morning of the recent ISIS-inspired attack in San Bernardino, he declared: "ISIL is not going to pose an existential threat to us....Our homeland has never been more protected...." How could he say that shortly after the Russian airline was brought down by an ISIS improvised explosive device only perhaps the size of a soda can on board the plane? Can he guarantee that ISIS-inspired sleeper cells (like the couple in San Bernardino) cannot put soda cans filled with C-4 or other explosives on drones and from far away fly them into large crowds of people, perhaps during cities' New Year's Eve celebrations (e.g., at New York City's Times Square)?
Perhaps the most egregious examples of unbelievable statements come from (Queen) Hillary Clinton herself. Remember when she claimed she was running from sniper fire when landing in Bosnia in 1996? This turned out to be completely false. Also remember when she repeatedly publicly said the Benghazi attack was spontaneously caused by an anti-Muslim video, even though she was privately telling others it was a planned terrorist attack. Well, her latest unbelievable claim is that ISIS is using a video of Donald Trump, saying he would temporarily ban Muslims from immigrating to the United States, as a recruitment tool. The problem is that when the media questioned the veracity of her claim, she could not produce any such video. Think about it. Hillary and her political twin President Obama have been claiming that Islam is a religion of peace, and that jihad is simply an individual's pursuit of spiritual betterment. They claim ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, even though they refer to ISIS as ISIL, the first letter of which stands for "Islamic." They say ISIL is simply a group of thugs who are misrepresenting Islam.
All right, let's see how this works. We are supposed to believe brutal ISIS members have recruited new members by bribing or threatening them or their families, perhaps saying something like "Join us or we will behead your mother and rape your sisters." We are then supposed to believe that these peaceful prospective recruits reject these threats regardless of what ISIL does to their mothers and sisters, but then decide to join the ISIL thugs just because Donald Trump said he temporarily wants to halt Muslim immigration to the United States! Really?
But Trump does not get a pass on unbelievable statements either. One has to be careful when making blanket statements such as he wants to ban "all" Muslim immigrants. That would even include banning a one-year-old Muslim child from joining his grandparents in the United States after his Shiite parents were killed by ISIL Sunnis in Syria.
And religious leaders are not immune from making unbelievable remarks as well. According to a NATIONAL REPORT article posted about 6 months ago, Pope Francis in an hour-long speech told Vatican guests that the Koran, and the spiritual teachings therein, are just as valid as THE HOLY BIBLE. He also told them: "We can accomplish miraculous things in the world by merging our faiths." He has even kissed the Koran, just as Pope John Paul II did, even though in Islamic teaching, Jesus is secondary to Mohamed!
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