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The Leipzig

Sept. 11: Hold Government

An Economic Assault on
African-Americans and Others in The US

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More Cuddy







Part 16




By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
July 11, 2005

In Part 15 of this series, I mentioned dangers associated with youth taking certain powerful drugs prescribed for mental health disorders. Since then, THE NEW YORK TIMES on July 1, 2005 published "Report of Ritalin Risks Prompts a Federal Study" relating that a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory committee had just been "called to examine the most recent reports of adverse events among children taking Concerta, a long-acting form of Ritalin. The committee found nothing new or unusual about the reports, which included cases of children who had become psychotic and others who had developed heart problems....Among the mental side effects reported among children taking Concerta were hallucinations, thoughts of suicide, psychotic behaviors and aggression....The most common side effects of Ritalin, Concerta and similar drugs are appetite suppression, headaches, abdominal pain and sleep disturbances. Children who take these drugs chronically often weigh less and are shorter in stature as a result."

There is some good news in this area, though, as Rob Hotakainen and Melissa Lee in "New law: Schools can't force meds on kids" (Minneapolis STAR-TRIBUNE, July 3, 2005) informed their readers that "as of Friday (July 1), schools no longer have the upper hand in deciding whether children should be given Ritalin or other controlled substances. A new federal law (Individuals With Disabilities in Education Act---IDEA) tilts that power to parents, banning states and schools from keeping students out of class in cases when parents disagree with a recommendation to medicate a child....Schools will have plenty of incentive to comply with the new law: Congress is threatening to block federal aid to schools that try to force medication on students against the wishes of their parents."

In earlier Parts of this series, I also mentioned the role ot tax-exempt foundations in the areas of health, education and social control. In the area of health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has taken the leading role. The RWJF provided major funding for the Clinton Task Force concerning health care in 1993, and the Clinton Health Reform Bill was largely developed by the RWJF and its affiliates. The RWJF Health Policy Fellowships Program has even assigned select Fellows to the staff of certain U.S. Senators in order to influence health policy decisions.

Regarding social control, the Rockefeller Foundation has played a leading role, and in Part 15 of this series, I mentioned a partnership involving the Rockefeller Foundation and others assessing Americans' willingness to change their thinking and ways to accept global interdependence. One way to get Americans to "change their thinking and ways" was for the Rockefeller Project to promote "Global Education" in schools. This was not without controversy, though, as a memo dated April 19, 1985 on Seattle Public Schools stationery from "Jim Grob, Rockefeller Project" cautioned that "the term 'Global Education' is an extreme, political hot potato at this time" with "right-wing Christian groups" opposing its use, and that instead of using the term "Global Education," district personnel should note that a "temporarily safe term is---multicultural/international curriculum development." The Rockefeller Brothers Fund would later begin a "Global Interdependence Initiative."

According to a report by the Study Commission on Global Education, all school courses should be "infused with a global perspective." Other promoters of Global Education have included the University of Denver Center for Teaching International Relations, that produced WORLD CITIZEN CURRICULUM, which "recommends out-of-body experience as a way of visualizing a world without national boundaries." Global Perspectives in Education (founded in 1976 and now called The American Forum for Global Education) works to develop broad public support "to ensure that global perspectives become a permanent feature of our schools," and it published NEXT STEPS IN GLOBAL EDUCATION: A HANDBOOK FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT to be used by those working for curricula that will "internationalize local school systems."

Talking about having a "global perspective in education," the Center for Civic Education (which the federal "No Child Left Behind Act" placed in charge of developing civic education for all of America's schools) has stated that "in the past century, the civic mission of schools was education for democracy in a sovereign state. In this century, by contrast, education will become everywhere more global. And we ought to improve our curricular frameworks and standards for a world transformed by globally accepted and internationally transcendent principles." Furthermore, the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies indicates that "students should be helped to construct a pluralist perspective based on diversity (and) should be helped to construct a global perspective."

Another organization supporting Global Education is Global Education Associates (GEA), which was founded in 1973 and has a network in over 90 countries. GEA supports the Earth Charter (written by Steven Rockefeller and presented to the U.N. by Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong) and initiated the Earth Covenant ("to advance a global ethic and culture"). GEA seeks a global transformation "to break through the straitjacket of obsolete national paradigms to a viable world community," and has developed an "Educating for Global Citizenship" program and an "Earth Pledge" that begins with the words "I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all its sacred parts." GEA has also published "Toward A Global Spirituality," which states: "We have become as gods with new powers to create and destroy life....Ultimately we will need to develop global systems commensurate to the new needs of an interdependent world....Old orders and systems are dying....Abraham Maslow saw the long range goal as world peace through one world, one law....The God of this world is an Interdependent God."

At the same time as the Rockefeller Project memo mentioned above, the U.S. Government in 1985 signed the "Soviet-American Exchange Agreement," which included Soviet educators becoming involved in writing curricula for American schools (there have also been teacher exchanges with other nations such as China). And a few years later, the NEA took a leading role in the Soviet-American Citizens' Summit, with education task force projects such as "High School World Citizenship Course" and "Treaty for the Disarmament of Our Souls." Mary Hatwood Futrell was president of the NEA at the time, and later became president of Education International (the union of all the world's teachers' unions).

One of the primary ways of getting the American people to accept the internationalizing of education has been to say that our students need to develop skills to be able to compete in a global economy. Refer to Part 4 of this series where I describe the agreement between the United States and the European Community calling for "Transatlantic student mobility...and thus portability of academic credits." You will also notice that over 500 schools around the U.S. have begun offering something called the International Baccalaureate Program and Degree. In fact, the high school I attended years ago now claims to be "an International Baccalaureate World School which offers an exceptionally challenging program that emphasizes global connectiveness and promotes responsible world citizenship...with a commitment to teach all students to think critically, appreciate diversity, serve others and be productive, responsible citizens in a global society."

A little over a year ago, the U.S. Department of Education awarded $1.2 million in grants to expand the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program in middle schools in Arizona, Massachusetts and New York. And according to Henry Lamb (chairman of Sovereignty International), the IB's director-general in Geneva, Switzerland, George Walker, has indicated that "the program remains committed to changing children's values so they can think globally, rather than in parochial national terms from their own country's viewpoint." Interestingly, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has been promoted by World Goodwill (a service activity of Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Publishing) in its 1999, no.4, newsletter headlined "The Heart of Education."

Former Oxford University Department of Education director A.D.C. Peterson has also been a director-general of the IB office in Geneva as well as one of its early architects. In the 1980s, he served as vice-president of United World Colleges, and in his book, SCHOOLS ACROSS FRONTIERS: THE STORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE AND THE UNITED WORLD COLLEGES (1987), he said the IB and the United World Colleges both began in 1962. The IB is accepted by the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West (see picture of the college's sign here) located in a castle structure at Montezuma, New Mexico, since 1982. Armand Hammer was head of Occidental Petroleum and a close personal friend of Lenin, Stalin, and other Soviet dictators.

According to Armand Hammer (with Neil Lyndon) in his autobiography, HAMMER (1987), Prince Charles of England delivered an after-dinner speech at a 1983 fund-raiser in Palm Beach for United World Colleges (UWC). In the speech, Prince Charles stated: "What is wrong with being elite, for God's sake?...How are we to have any hope of balanced and civilized leadership in the future unless there are some people who have learned about...the other man's religion, the other man's customs and history....So what the h_ _ _ can the United World Colleges do about it? We have six-thousand ex-students after twenty-one years of operation....We have an ultimate ambition...and that is that the ex-students...when they are in their fifties or even their sixties might be in influential positions in their own countries...." Prince Charles has been president of the International Council of United World Colleges. And in an announcement about "future leaders" attending the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West, one reads that they "experience two years of intense preparation---mental, physical and spiritual. They garner the tools necessary for the complex and internationally interdependent world they will be inheriting."

After the power elite has conditioned the people via social control mechanisms to accept the internationalizing of education to be able to compete in the global economy, the power elite will then say that the global economy has to be managed by a world government. Americans probably won't buy this argument as long as the dollar is strong. However, the dollar is being made weaker and weaker by inflation, and too many American people don't even know it's happening. Have you noticed that when the federal government releases the figure for the rate of inflation, they no longer include food and energy---the 2 main expenses for families? According to Steel-on-Steel talk show host John Loeffler, if food and energy figures were included, the inflation rate today would be almost 10%. Loeffler said the death of the dollar is occurring and Americans aren't even aware of it.

Most Americans also are probably not aware that the Bush administration has signed a "totalization" agreement with Mexico, which would allow a Mexican citizen working in the U.S. for as little as 18 months to become eligible for American Social Security. At a time when American citizens are fearful that their own Social Security funds will not be available to them when they retire, "totalization" could make an estimated 5 million Mexicans working here illegally eligible for the program.

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Not only will the power elite say the global economy has to be managed but people will have to be managed as well---for the good of the world. As mentioned in Part 5 of this series, prominent New Age networker Donald Keys (who was a speechwriter for former U.N. Secretary-General U Thant) declared: "When it comes to running a world or taking people into a New Age,...don't anyone think for a moment that you can run a planet without a head....This planet has to be managed." And in language resembling that of illuminist New Agers, Queen Elizabeth II, not long after becoming Queen of England, delivered an address in which she referred to "the chain reaction of the Powers of Light, to illuminate the New Age ahead of us."

� 2005 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

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Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

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Most Americans also are probably not aware that the Bush administration has signed a "totalization" agreement with Mexico, which would allow a Mexican citizen working in the U.S. for as little as 18 months to become eligible for American Social Security.