Other Alliance of Civilizations: War on Monotheistic Religions?
Attorney Constance Cumbey NewsWithViews.com In my June 27, 2007 NewswithViews.com article "The Cashless Embedded Society Advances," I wrote of the American Medical Society's qualified endorsement of human microchip and/or RFID implants. If you click on that article and pull up the links, you may read the AMA report for yourself. Clearly, there is big money pushing the implants. Also disturbing was that Pat Robertson presented one of his Regent University theologians, Professor Joseph Kickasola to reassure worried Christians that there were no theological risks in taking a computer chip implant �unless it was compulsory.� Well, as the good book says, "Let God be true and every man a liar." There were clear scriptural warnings against taking "the mark of the beast," which obviously was a global control system for buying and selling. Black letter biblical language is:
If you lack your own bible, here is an online place to look up this ancient prophecy. Not surprisingly, the European Union is getting in on the medical microchip act. They are presently taking bids for a study of same. You may read about that by clicking here. On October 13, 2004, the USA's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Verichip embedded microchip for human implantation. Maybe they should have investigated more thoroughly before rushing to judgment. The Biblical warnings are clear that whoever partakes of a warned of system of receiving the mark in their forehead or hand enabling them to do business in this "New Age" is eternally doomed. There is another Revelation warning that we should take equally seriously. It is found in Revelation 16:1-2:
I love using computers as much as anybody Well,
the prevailing propaganda line of the "New World Order," oops, "global
governance" folk is that Well, it now turns out, surprise, surprise, that there is no advantage in taking such an implanted mark in the here as well as in the hereafter. The implanted microchip it turns out, is distinctly carcinogenic. Furthermore those working in the medical field, per today�s stories, have known of this for some time. Why did the Food and Drug Administration rush to endorse it? What pressures had been placed on their bureaucrats to okay it? This was done under the watch of the supposedly conservative Christian George W. Bush�s administration! Breaking news on the subject today carried, inter alia, an Associated Press article by Todd Lewan with much of this data. In fact, there have been numerous warnings about that for some time. Todd Lewan's article said the information had been known in veterinary circles since the mid 1990's. Spain during the time that Javier Solana held substantial governmental powers there was the first country to make pet microchipping mandatory. That happened in 1993. As I vividly recall the press coverage from then, a Dr. Andrew McDonald, a Scottish veterinarian was in charge of the computer chip implanting program. He explained to the media that it was part of a process that was first national, referring to Spain; then regional (referring to the European Union); and then global. I decided to see what Dr. Andrew McDonald might be up to today. I googled him together with the term "Spain" and indeed did find a Dr. Andrew McDonald involved with an interestingly, even creepily named project: "Bioinformatics." Smelling a rat, I took a BIG internet surf and decided to see if there was a relationship between "bioinformatics" and "Verichip." I googled both terms together and here are the first few of 31,500 hits on �Bioinformatics� and �Verichip.� 1,
Students for Their Future 2,
Sells First Baby Protection System, in Talks with Military 3,
Bar Code Implant May Not Be Worth the Trouble 4,
eHealth News EU - Bioinformatics
Grid Application for life science 5,
eHealth News EU - Call
for Papers - BIOTECHNO 2008 6,
PowerPoint - Body Sensor Networks AD3.ppt 7,
Issue for 200509 ... 8,
Business Week (2007-01-29) NewsRx Similar warnings have been around the internet for some time. Even earlier, in 1988, I spoke briefly at a brown bag lunch session at Dallas Seminary. Leaving, I was startled to pick up a Christian flyer for students and faculty alike. It suggested that all responsible pet owners should microchip their animals. I told my �now, now� hosts that this could well be a prelude to encouraged human acceptance of a future �mark of the beast.� I thought I was right then and I am even more convinced now. If my attitude on the progressivism and progress of implanted microchips remain both belligerent and bellicose, so be it. I will conscientiously objector out on any forced biometrics and/or microchip implantation as long as possible. Then, if I need to leave the system to escape it, as I have often said, �I will boogey out.� Take the chip? Not my cat, not my dog, not my children, nor my grandchildren, and most definitely NOT ME! Hopefully, not you either. As today�s news shows there is no advantage either in the here or the hereafter to crossing this Biblically forbidden line. If I am marginalized and ridiculed for this stand, so be it. Better to be marginalized than to develop painful sores that make me want to die but death will not come in the here and cause ineligibility for the promised afterlife thereafter.
If Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris disapprove, so be it. If they were all that smart, they wouldn�t be ridiculing God either! Are you scared? Maybe its time we all should be. For certain, the carcinogenic dangers of this will be downplayed. For certain, it will be a mark of �dangerous fundamentalism� that we refuse to accept such a convenience. It might even be a sorting out device for who is worthy and who is not to continue into this emerging �New Age.� May the Lord help us all! [Read] and [Read] � 2007
- Constance Cumbey - All Rights Reserved E-Mails are used strictly for
NWVs alerts, not for sale
Constance Cumbey is an active Michigan lawyer. Constance practices her profession primarily in, Southeastern Michigan, USA. Sometimes she also works in what she calls her "old stomping grounds" of Michigan's State Capital, Lansing, Michigan where she practices administrative, state law related matters. She's enjoyed active and stimulating careers in government, politics, law and as a published and translated author. In the past she served as a national officer of the National Association of Women Lawyers and chaired the Family Law subcommittee of the General Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Before beginning her legal career, she worked as a legislative analyst for the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, and while in law school as a consultant to the Appropriations Committee of the Michigan State Senate. She also served as the first charter position Executive Assistant to the Mayor of the Detroit enclave City of Highland Park, Michigan. Seven years into her legal career, she went on to become the author of the first major critical book about the New Age Movement, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: The New Age Movement and our Coming Age of Barbarism (1983); A PLANNED DECEPTION: The Staging of a New Age Messiah (1986). Currently, she's completing a volume about Javier Solana, the Barcelona Process, Israel and the European Union. E-mail: cumbey@yahoo.com Blog Spot: www.cumbey.blogspot.com
The Biblical warnings are clear that whoever partakes of a warned of system of receiving the mark in their forehead or hand enabling them to do business in this "New Age" is eternally doomed.