Coach Dave Daubenmire
January 29, 2015
was once known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave”.
Today, we are neither.
fact, it is the loss of bravery that has led to our loss of freedom.
It’s hard to find anyone who is willing stand up for anything
anymore…except for the god-haters. They are boldly standing up
all over the stinkin' place for their demented agenda.
tell us that “the righteous are as bold as lions.” Evidently
we are not very righteous anymore. Christians have become the easiest
pushovers in America…especially our pastors. They will neither
do, nor will they allow anything that might rock the boat. I guess that
is because they think the church is either a hospital ship or a cruise
ship, while the brave men who built this country saw the church as a
for the good old days when men were brave and America was free.
there ever been a time in American history when moral leadership was
so lacking?
am reminded of what George Washington said in his Farewell Address:
is the lack of morality that has led to the demise of this nation. No
foreign foe was ever capable of destroying this nation, but we have
crumbled from within. “Those great pillars”, as Washington
stated, have crumbled because we no longer have men who will boldly
proclaim the Truth.
would we ever expect a politician to stand up for Truth when the men
in the pulpit are afraid to do so? Why should we expect politicians
to fight to end abortion when the pastors won't?
but my pastor speaks out all the time against what is happening in this
nation,” I had a woman tell me the other day. “That's
great,” I responded. “But does he ever do anything
besides talk about it? Does he ever get his name in the paper for his
public stand against the sin ravaging this nation? Do you ever see him
out in the streets fighting against the decadence that is destroying
the pillars of society? Do you ever see him at school board meetings
raising hell with the debauchery and lies being taught to our children?
Is there any specific group of citizens that hate him?”
is dangerous. Fighting for it can get dicey. You can get yourself in
a whole lot of trouble when you speak your mind. Most aren't willing
to go there. Most won't take the risk. They have convinced themselves
that preaching is fighting.
talk is cheap. Preaching ain't fighting. Flapping one's jowls at the
already converted gives one a false sense of accomplishment, yet signifies
am reminded of a story I once heard about President Lincoln. Although
my details may be a bit sketchy, the story goes something like this:
seems that one of President Lincoln's trusted friends was delivering
a message at a local church, and President Lincoln, out of respect for
his friend, sneaked in the back just as the sermon was about to begin.
The President stayed until the message was concluded and slipped out
the same way he entered.
next morning he had the opportunity to have breakfast with his friend,
and the ‘preacher’ inquired about Lincoln's critique of
his sermon. “It was well delivered and filled with enthusiasm,”
the President responded. “But it was a failure because not
once did you ask your audience to do something great!”
is time for our pastors to ‘do something great’.
is a lifestyle, not a religion. It is most alive when striving for the
souls of men. The outward-living of the Gospel is the most dangerous
act that a Christian man can undertake.
have died because of their stand. Millions more will. The current crop
of Christian leaders are an affront to the Christ they claim to serve.
Our spiritual DNA speaks of the exploits of the unnamed heroes of Hebrews
11, which describes such folks as those “of whom the world was
not worthy.”
you name ONE ‘man of God’ on the national stage who doesn't
give a rat's behind about what people think of him? Can you give me
one big-name Christian leader who is clearly articulating what is happening
to the pillars of religion and morality in this nation?
100 million people will soon have a satanic ritual pumped right into
their homes as satan goes mainstream. Katy Perry's Super Bowl halftime
show will be nothing short of a satanic ritual. Has your pastor warned
you of this so that you can be aware while attending your church's Super
Bowl party? WATCH.
you name ONE ‘religious leader’ who will tell the world
that homosexuality is a moral perversion, or will declare that Islam
is a lie, and that the followers of the “religion of peace”
are on a fast-track to a virgin-less hell, or openly declare that abortion
is murder and that those who participate in that sin are spitting in
the face of God, or declare that the actions of the current resident
of the White House are some of the most un-American, un-Christian fruit
in the history of this nation?
someone openly defy the thievery of the IRS and the Federal Reserve,
or declare the obvious fraud of 911, or fight against the government
subsidy of sin, or openly and boldly declare that the idea of Grace
before repentance can be found nowhere in the Holy Word?
Oh there are thousands ‘preaching,’ but there are shamefully
few who are
willing to do anything. Our nation sits on the precipice. Unthinkable
disaster lies just around the corner.
State is godless. The church is most faithful when it fights against
the rules and edicts of godless government. Every problem facing this
nation is a moral problem. Every one. Yet not one pastor in 10,000 will
stand up and be counted.
this: satan never preaches about Heaven...he preaches the here and now.
He tells you that God is love. Get all you can now. Be happy. Live a
full life. Don't judge anyone. Most of America's pastors are preaching
this same message.
is the church's business. That is why Jesus said that we are to be salt...and
not sugar. Judgment, sin, and personal and collective morality is the
church's business...and business should be booming.

told us a lot of things. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
Take up your cross and follow me. The wicked shall be turned into hell
along with all the nations that forget God. He who loves his life shall
lose it…
Christians simply love ourselves too much. Speech is never free. Just
ask John the Baptist. Ask his cousin, The Christ. Their willingness
to exercise their freedom cost them their lives.