Coach Dave Daubenmire
October 22, 2015
“Well, there you go again.” That is what Ronald Reagan said to Jimmy Carter 35 years ago in the 1980 Presidential debate.
Perhaps it would be better to quote Yogi Berra who famously said “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” I’ve seen this movie before. I’ve been down this road. I’ve seen this song and dance before. Been there, done that!
Those are all quotes that I could use to explain what I am feeling in my heart as I watch yet another Christian coach get in trouble for praying with his football team. This time it is Joe Kennedy from the Seattle, Washington area who has drawn the ire of the ‘Prayer Police.’
It ticks me off. Not the fact that the God-haters are throwing their weight around, but that we are letting them get away with it. I’ve lived this life. I’ve played this game. I watched them huff and puff and threaten to blow the house down.
I went through the same thing back in 1997. I was sued by the anti-America, Christ-hating ACLU for praying with our teams in Ohio. Google it; you’ll find all kinds of propaganda spewed by the lying scumbags insinuating that I violated the rights of my players. Go ahead and read it. It’s all B.S. They are master deceivers.
Let me give it to you with a little punch; I am sick and tired of the reruns and the same old, tired game plan that our side rolls out. Here’s the truth: There is no law against praying anywhere. There cannot be a law. The right to freely express one’s faith is an unalienable right. Unalienable means CANNOT be taken away. It’s like skin color, or height, or dare I say it, sexual orientation. You is what you is and it cannot be changed. (I spoke that way so the Christ-haters can accuse me of being ignorant.) That is what unalienable means.
The right to pray is unalienable. The First Amendment calls it “free exercise.” The God-haters (and their cops) like to point us to the “establishment clause”, but “establishment” and “free exercise” are connected by “or”. Sort of like love and marriage used to “go together like a horse and carriage” you can’t have one without the other. You still remember when marriage was marriage, don’t you?
The courts and their legal miscreants have separated the terms. Establishment doesn’t trump free exercise. Coach Kennedy and every kid in that school has the right to freely pray if they so desire. Free exercise cannot be inhibited by lawyers or judges. If it is restricted, it is not “free” exercise. Technically only Congress can take away the right to pray, and they are expressly forbidden to do so. In case you’re interested, here is the pertinent section of the First Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
Saying a prayer after a football game does not establish a religion. Only Congress can do that...but they can’t. Coach Kennedy and the players are engaging in “free exercise.” If Congress can’t establish a religion, how can a school or a measly old coach establish one?
Only in America, with our un-Godly, un-righteous courts, could such a charade have been foisted upon us. There is no separation between the church and the state. They just tell us that there is and then they use that to dredge our children through the cesspool of secular humanism.
Free exercise means free exercise. Coach Kennedy can pray or not pray. The same is true with every one of his players. Free exercise! Not ACLU enforced “disestablishment” of Christianity.
Where are the churches? WHERE ARE THE PASTORS? Where are the Christian lawyers who will expose the lie that courts can’t make laws? Why do we follow such foolishness? It is time that somebody, somewhere told the courts and the ACLU to go pound sand.
Christians pay for the schools, yet Christian prayers are not permitted. All across the fruited plain, Islam is being invited into the schools with Halal meals and prayer rooms. Is it just me, or is there no separation between Islam and state? We could ask Hussein Obama, but then again we know where he kneels on the issue.
the 1947 Everson
v Board of Education opinion, we have been sold a lie.
Religious liberty is absolute in America. If the government can inhibit
the mention of God, then government has inserted itself ABOVE God. That
has been the Christ-haters plan all along. They have used that lie to
run Christianity out of the Public Square.
There is no separation between the church and state. Prayer in schools and Bible reading in schools are not unlawful. The posting of the 10 Commandments violates no law. Abortion has never been made legal. Homosexual sodomy is still a crime. Homosexual marriage can never be legal because it violates all Natural and Christian laws.
Courts cannot make law. They merely offer opinions. Christian values have been removed from America by tyrannical courts.
Coach Kennedy can pray. His players can pray. The school board can pray. The band can pray. The parents can pray. The bus driver can pray. Free exercise of prayer is UNALIENABLE!
It’s déjà vu all over again. How long will we allow ourselves to be controlled by the man behind the curtain?
What a bunch of misguided sheep we are.