Additional Titles









Churches Are
Spreading Mad
Cow Disease

The Deluded Christian Church













Coach Dave Daubenmire
September 13, 2007

Lying has become a way of life in America. In fact, it is so common that we almost expect it.

I don�t know if America can ever recover from our acceptance of lying. Honesty used to be a virtue. Today it is a weakness. The truthful are ridiculed. The dishonest are promoted.

Pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world is done by children. --Oliver Wendell.

But yet we teach our children to lie.

Lying permeates our society.

When our education system tells us that:

  • Test Scores are going up.
  • No Child Left Behind has improved the quality of education.
  • Education would improve if only we gave the beast more money.
  • The NEA cares about children.
  • A values-free education makes America better.

They are lying to us.

When our courts tells us that:

  • Speaking the name of Jesus in government schools is illegal.
  • Parents lose their parental rights when kids enter the school house.
  • The Constitution grants a woman the right to murder her unborn baby.
  • Burning the American flag is protected speech but praying in school is not.
  • There is a �separation between the church and state� in the US Constitution.

They are lying to us.

When social scientists tell us that:

  • There is no difference between a man and woman.
  • A child doesn�t need both a mom and a dad.
  • Spanking a child is abusive.
  • Condoms are better than abstinence.
  • Our diversity is our greatest strength.

They are lying to us.

When our teachers tell our children that:

  • Humans evolved from pond scum.
  • All families are the same.
  • Truth is relative.
  • Casual sex has no consequences.
  • Homosexuality is normal and inborn.

They are lying to us.

When the Republicans tell us that:

  • They want to end abortion.
  • They are the party of �family values.�
  • They oppose homosexuality.
  • They are against big government.
  • They are the lesser of two evils.

They are lying to us.

When the Democrats tell us that:

  • They want to see abortions rare, and safe.
  • They are for the �working man.�
  • They are the party of �individual rights.�
  • They need more of our money to run the government.
  • They don�t hold the same view on the war as the terrorists do.

They are lying to us.

When the Clintons tell us that:

  • It takes a village to raise a child.
  • Everyone lies about sex.
  • They haven�t sold out to the Chinese.
  • They aren�t dyed-in-the-wool communists.
  • They have made America better.

They are lying to us.

When the news media tells us that:

  • They don�t have personal biases.
  • They are not socialistic in their leanings.
  • Their reporting is �fair and balanced.�
  • The escapades of Paris Hilton and her �girls gone wild� is newsworthy.
  • They report the �truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.�

They are lying to us.

When college presidents tell us that:

  • The majority of professors are not raving communists.
  • Radicals have not seized control of most of the department chairmanships.
  • The universities are not institutions of lower living rather than higher learning.
  • Diversity and tolerance are important pillars of education.
  • They can�t do anything about the rampant alcohol/drug/sex abuse on campus.

They are lying to us.

When the Bush Administration tells us that:

  • Border-jumping is okay if you need a job.
  • A North American Union is not in the works.
  • We don�t need to close the borders to secure the nation.
  • Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Muslims and Christians serve the same God.

They are lying to us.

When the �government� tells us that:

  • We need to trust them to keep us safe.
  • We need to allow them to control guns to keep criminals from having weapons.
  • They need more money to �provide services.�
  • We need to exchange freedom for security.
  • America is �under God.�

They are lying to us.

When our church-leadership tells us that:

  • Romans 13 tells us we must obey ungodly authority.
  • Homosexuality is consistent with Christianity.
  • We must vote for Rudy to stop Hillary.
  • Voting for the lesser of two evils glorifies Jesus.
  • Christians are not to judge.
  • Government schools are a good place for our children.
  • God wants you to be rich.
  • There is no consequence to sin.
  • There is more than one way to heaven.
  • Christians should stay out of politics.
  • God winks at sin.

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They are lying to us.

A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood. --William Shenstone.

Don�t ever forget that telling white lies eventually lead to color-blindness.

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Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach.


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Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.











I don�t know if America can ever recover from our acceptance of lying. Honesty used to be a virtue. Today it is a weakness. The truthful are ridiculed. The dishonest are promoted.