PART 1 of 2
Tom DeWeese and Mark Lerner
September 6, 2010
Freedom Action National Conference, Valley Forge, PA
The revolution of 1776 was not just an exercise by armed men seeking to overthrow their current government – as had been done so many times throughout history.
It wasn’t a desperate attempt to replace a bad king with a new one – backed by the usual hope that this time, this one would finally turn a kind, benevolent ear toward the pleas of the people.
Such revolutions had been fought for centuries. Up to 1776 none of them had resulted in the desired goals.
Always the newly installed despot learned quickly how to plunder the people, gain power and riches for themselves, while holding out the carrot – the promise of a better day.
Not until 1776 did a few scholarly men in a rural, backward, isolated land figure it out. They studied every possible style of government. They noted the pitfalls, the dangers, the traps that lead to tyranny. And they noted this fact: Freedom doesn’t just happen. It must first be understood. And then it must be planned, implemented and protected.
based on that first American Revolution, every one of us talks about
how we support the principles of freedom. But what are those principles
of freedom? And were did they come from?
The Principles of Freedom
It is little understood that our founding fathers didn’t just come up with an idea and start to sell it as a principle—the way Obama and the in crowd do today.
First of all, we must understand that principles are not legislated or invented. A principle exists and you are subject to it, whether or not you know it. Eventually that principle is discovered.
For example, for centuries men were ignorant of the laws of physics but they were subject to them nonetheless. Man couldn’t fly or fill two objects in the same space, no matter how hard he tried because the laws (or principles) of physics are fact, whether known or unknown.
The same is true with the principles of freedom. The basic principles of freedom are consistent with man’s nature and that’s why they work. When the principles of freedom are recognized and adhered to, there is prosperity, justice and happiness. When the principles have been ignored or rejected, men have suffered poverty, stagnation and political tyranny.
So to obtain freedom, it’s vital that we know what the principles are. There are three, actually. Individualism, private property, and free enterprise. They are all necessary for freedom to exist. Leave just one out, and freedom is eroded.
Individualism – your personal choices — the ability to pursue your own rational self interest. Choices like the religion you choose; the size home you build; the car you drive; the kind of spouse you select. In short, individualism is fulfilling a life of one’s own.
Private property. Your own body is the most important property you will ever own. The idea that someone else can control that is absurd, but there are many who seek to do so. Forced Vaccinations, for example.
So private property is not just land. It is your thoughts. Your possessions and the fruits of your labor. Without the right to own and dispose of the products of ones own life, the individual is dependent upon the State (or someone) for his very existence.
So, it is obvious that one can’t be individualistic without the ability to own and control private property. It can be argued that one can have no other rights without property rights. George Washington said “private property and freedom are inseparable.” Property Rights activist and rancher Wayne Hage said, “Either you have the right to own property or you are property.”
And that brings us to the third principle of freedom – free enterprise. Free markets. Capitalism. The process whereby free men buy and sell and trade the products of their own lives free from interference.
These are the three principles of freedom and these are what made the actions of 1776 a revolution. The revolution was individuals, unleashed to follow their own paths, organized under one banner – the Constitution. As a result, these United States became, almost overnight, the most prosperous, healthiest, happiest place ever known in human history. It had never happened before and never since.
Quiet efforts to undo the spirit of 1776
And since its creation, there has been a relentless undercurrent to undo, destroy and remake the nation into the image of all of the failed systems of history.
From Alexander Hamilton to Franklin Roosevelt there was a slow, steady leak as individual liberty was carefully corralled for the common good. Property rights were deemed unworkable as “community needs” took precedence. And free enterprise was fouled as the root of evil greed.
Efforts were made to change America. But not too fast. A stronger central government steadily grew. A central bank was established. Foreign policy began to entangle Constitutional decisions.
But always these changes were put forward carefully, quietly, so as to not visibly rock the premise of a free America. And America continued to prosper as the envy of the world.
The cuts at the revolution of 1776 have been slow, steady and sure. But, like the frog in the boiling pot, hardly detectible for almost 200 years. Well into the last half of the 20th Century, many Americans still wholly believed we were the Republic of 1776.
Looking for answers
The changes were basically undetectable, that is, until the start of the Second American Revolution. From the start of that revolution America began to change – rapidly – openly – ruthlessly. From the free, prosperous nation we once were, America is today drowning in a sea of rules and regulations.
Every aspect of our lives have become controlled by government edicts and intervention. From a mere trickle those government controls became a flood – until finally, today, the Republic of our founders is literally unrecognizable.
When did such a drastic change take place? Who perpetrated it? How did they pull it off before our very eyes? Winston Churchill once said, “If you don’t look facts in the face, they have a way of stabbing you in the back.”
The fact is, before we can move forward, before we can restore the American Republic, we need to know who we are fighting. We need to understand the root of the enemy we face.
The Second American Revolution gathered behind a philosophy that is a complicated mixture of communism, fascism and corporatism. It marches under a banner of green. And it calls itself “Environmentalism.”
For more than three decades the forces of freedom have been systematically trampled under the boots of the green army that is driven by a religious zealotry to obliterate human society.
Under the slogan of “going green” our industry is being strangled. Our property rights are being obliterated and its innocent victims litter our courts. Almost anything goes in the name of environmentalism.
Many of you have been the victims of such harsh treatment or have been subjected to the propaganda that sells it to an uninformed public. Your life has been turned upside down. Some of you have lost your farms and ranches. Some have seen your industries devastated. Some represent other industries hoping yet to avoid disaster. Some are victims of unwarranted regulations. Some are victims of the violence of zealots. Some see an even greater danger rising on the international horizon through the United Nations.
Many of you have been forced to become activists in the cause of freedom simply for your own survival. And you face a seemingly unending number of foes – threatening all aspects of our society.
You seek help. You seek answers. You seek truth. You seek a way home. So do I.
This year marks my 43rd year in the war against those who say there is no reason, no ability and no absolutes. 43 years in a war against those who say private property and profit are evil. 43 years in a war against those who have no problem ruling, regulating and taxing my efforts in order to fill their own pockets – all in the name of the “public good.”
What I have learned in that time is the true nature of the beast I oppose. I’ve learned his tactics and I’ve 1earned his purpose. And I know from where he came.
I’ve also learned that there are those who profess to hold my values, who proclaim friendship, but who, when the chips are down, can be easiest found breaking bread at the table of my enemies.
And these are perhaps the most dangerous foes of freedom because many have our trust and have helped drive us all to the brink of disaster and defeat.
The Second American Revolution
I was there on the front lines at the origins of the Second American Revolution – the revolution under which America is still ruled. In the 1960’s I stood on college campuses, opposing those who sought to close down classrooms in the name of a “revolution.”
Those who marched professed themselves to be Marxists, Leninist, Trotskyites, and Maoists. Their revolution, they proclaimed, was to give power to the people over evil industry, to replace money and materialism with charity and benevolence for a “common good.”
In the name of brotherhood they used violence and deceit, threw bricks into windows, burned down campus buildings, incited riots and spit on soldiers returning from Vietnam.
At the time, most Americans considered these self- proclaimed revolutionaries to be little more than spoiled kids exercising youthful energy and natural rebellion. Their advocacy of communism in the most free of all nations, fell on deaf ears.
By the early seventies, while a few had gone underground to form terrorist units like the Weathermen, most of the activist were forgotten as they and the rest of America went on with their lives.
What does all of this have to do with environmental policy in the 2010? What do a bunch of forgotten campus rebels have to do with the livelihoods of ranchers in Nevada or loggers in Oregon, or fishermen in California, or international treaties coming out of the UN?
My friends, the answers to your pain and suffering can be found from the moment these revolutionaries left their college campuses.
I have in my possession a book published in the 1970’s. It is a compilation, a scrapbook, if you will, of the writings of the leaders that appeared in the radical underground newspapers produced during the “revolution” of the 60s.
Its title is “The Movement Toward a New America, The Beginnings of a Long Revolution.” You see, those who drove the revolution of the 60s, the true believers, were dedicated to a life- long struggle.
And what are some of the ravings we find in this document of revolution? You will find the beginnings of modem feminism. You will find attacks on the family structure and marriage.
You will find the roots of education restructuring that led to transforming our schools into little more than propaganda mills for the revolution. The book lays the ground work for the use of psychological behavior- modification teaching methods, now standard in public education.
And you will find the roots of modem environmentalism. From the beginning it was obvious that this most popular of causes had very little to do with protecting the environment and everything to do with destroying free society.
In 1969, TV host Dick Cavett aired his regular network talk show, featuring a number of rock stars, including Crosby, Stills and Nash and Jefferson Airplane. These stars of their day had just returned from performing at the historic Woodstock rock festival.
That concert was to go down in history as the defining moment of the “revolution.” Here the anti-war movement finally took hold. Here the anti-poverty movement became social revolution. Here the drug culture took on an identity.
But what was on the minds of these rockers, just after such a monumental event?
Toward the end of the program, Cavett asked his guests if any of them would like to say something that they never had the opportunity to say before on TV.
Immediately, David Crosby leaped at the chance, and said, “we all know the air around us is filthy. But the only way to change that is to convince Ford, GM, Chrysler and Shell to go out of business.”
You see? And perhaps you thought environmentalism was something that cropped up only in the last decade or so?
The first to see the opportunities of using environmentalism to promote otherwise discredited Marxist/Leninist philosophy, were some anti-nuke activists who changed their name to Greenpeace. The “Green” represented the new propaganda of environmentalism, and the “Peace” kept the faith with the 60’s street revolution.
As for the rest of the committed revolutionaries, they went to work. But while you and I found jobs in the private sector, or followed in our parents footsteps or started our own businesses, the revolutionaries went into “public service.”
They joined the offices of public defenders, staffed government social service offices, and worked in congressional and local political offices, using their position to create subtle changes in legislation and policy. Changes that led to more government control.
Of course they went into the news media and entertainment fields, and some ran for public office. Their tactic was political correctness, designed to force mass behavior changes and thought control.
And so all of these job choices were carefully picked to fill a specific purpose, – to influence public policy and attitudes. There were also those who went to work for multinational corporations, facing accusations by their unenlightened fellow activists of “selling out.”
Now, it’s been over 40 years. The young Turk revolutionaries have turned gray, balding and plump. But they did their job well. Because by now, most of our government agencies, social services, news media, entertainment centers, institutions, charitable agencies, colleges, and multinational corporations are influenced , if not run by those who once marched in the street and pledged to lead a “long revolution toward a new America.”
So, are you now surprised that our nation is going through a massive restructuring? Are you surprised that our schools no longer teach the ideals of what was once a society run on free enterprise? Are you surprised that American history is being changed and patriotism is considered a relic of the past?
When revolutions are won the victors gain the power to honor their heroes. Schools, public buildings and parks are no longer named after Washington, Jefferson and Franklin. Those were the heroes of the first revolution. They have been overthrown.
The new heroes on the names of schools and public boulevards are Caesar Chavez and Rachel Carson. We have Black Panthers like Bobby Rush in Congress. We have college professors named Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayres. We have a first lady who lists as a mentor, Stokely Carmichael, who coined the phrase “Burn, Baby, Burn.”
The truth you must now face is that the rules and regulations that so unreasonably have forced Americans out of their homes and jobs – have absolutely nothing to do with saving the environment – and everything to do with those slogans that were chanted in the nation’s streets in the 1960’s.
You have become the victims of a revolution to turn American society upside down, or as Al Gore calls it, “a wrenching transformation.”
First and foremost is the drive to destroy the concept of private property. You see, those who seek to rule and regulate your every action know that, without the right to own and control property, there can be no peace or security – no rule of law.
Without property rights, no other rights are possible. How do you break down a society? You eliminate property rights.
Why is crime rampant? Because, first, government sanctioned the right to take property from individuals, through rules and regulations, and through lawsuits and public opinion. Once the concept was established, it was easy for the third rate thugs on every street comer to follow suit.
The sanction of the victim
But one doesn’t take the freest society on earth and turn it into a collectivist gulag overnight. For peaceful revolution to succeed, the perpetrators first need the “sanction of the victim.”They need you to voluntarily give up your property, your wealth, and your liberty.Open adherence to the ideals of Marxism-Leninism didn’t do it. They needed something else. The threat of danger is a good tool.
The greater the threat, the less the objection to giving up liberties. World- wide environmental Armageddon became the plan of choice.
And so it began. Faced with the threat of Global Warming that would melt the polar ice caps and flood the world, we victims voluntarily gave up vital technological development that would have saved us labor and increased the quality of life.
Industry accepted regulations that forced it to spend millions to create “unnecessary” technology.
Faced with the unfounded charge that unnamed species were supposedly vanishing by the crate load, the alarmed public supported regulations that shut down timber and mining.
Ozone holes, acid rain, dolphin-safe fishing became the mantra, driven by a hysteria plotted at the level of twelve- year-old girls in a pet shop pleading with the shop owner to “let the poor little animals out!”
As the propaganda mill poured out one unsubstantiated horror story after another, science was bastardized to fit the political agenda. Reason and truth weren’t necessary.
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So successful has the campaign been to replace reason and knowledge with blind emotion and Pavlovian adherence to environmental propaganda that we victims voluntarily accept the premise that:
It’s OK for a beaver to build a dam – but not for man. It’s OK for a bear to hunt, but not for man. It’s OK for a lion to eat meat, but not for man. For part two click below.
Click here for part -----> 2,
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