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UN Wants Control of The Seas With US Senate's Help

Return of The CARA Monster

Total Surveillance Equals Total Tyranny

Loosing Your Liberty in The Name of Fighting Terrorism

The Faith-Based Initiative is a Trojan Horse











By Tom DeWeese
June 29, 2006

He might be a whiz at creating computer software, but beyond that, Bill Gates has proven time and again that he hasn�t got a clue about why and how a free market works.

He constantly teams up with anti-free market types like the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) to produce �educational� programs that misdirect unsuspecting children with political propaganda. In 2002 he gave that group $600,000 worth of software to help the environmental radicals run their programs to block the drilling of American oil. Apparently Gates doesn�t understand that we need oil to create power to run computers.

When the Justice Department filed an anti-trust suit against Gates, rather than stand up in defense of his company and openly defend his business practices that made his company so successful in a free market, Gates denied it all and turned his back on the very free market principles that made his success possible. Instead Gates admitted the government had the moral high ground in controlling the market place.

Now comes this from the confused mind of Bill Gates: Recently, Newsweek listed Gates as the world�s richest man, ($50 billion). In response Gates said �I wish I wasn�t. There is nothing good that comes out of that.�

Nothing good comes from being successful and rich? I�ll bet his legions of employees would be unhappy to hear that. Apparently Gates fails to understand that it is only through success and money that he is able to hire them. How would his wife and family feel to learn that Bill Gates finds nothing good in their comfortable life style or the special opportunities he can now provide to his children?

The world, of course, would be a very different place without Bill Gates� software creations. Most of us would be much harder pressed to go about our daily routines without it. Of course, none of it would be possible if Bill Gates hadn�t been successful and therefore rich, in order to pay for the development of his ideas. But according to him, nothing good has come out of any of it.

What Bill Gates has failed to understand is the true nature of money. He sees it as an evil to be controlled by some self-appointed moral authority. Money, of course is simply the means by which we measure and reward success. As Ayn Rand so clearly put it, �Money is a is a tool of exchange that can�t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them�Money is made possible only by men who produce.� There is nothing evil about it. The evil comes from those who loot from those who create. It is simply a sign of moral depravity to loath such a result of honest effort. The only substitute for the free exchange of money among producers is the muzzle of a gun.

Bill Gates is certainly the modern socialist businessman. Rather than standing strong in defense of the system that allowed his success, he feels guilty about his wealth. Perhaps he would be much happier if he were just another government employee working in his cubical, carrying his lunch pail, shoulders hunched, frown permanently on his brow, joyless, oppressed, nothing special.

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I�m sure that if he truly wanted to turn his entire company and all of his assets over to the government and let it run his company, the government would be more than happy to accommodate him so he can live out his days, guiltless and plain.

The only problem for the rest of us is that once the government consumes yet another piece of the free market system there will soon be a sever shortage of computer software.

� 2006 Tom DeWeese - All Rights Reserved

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Tom DeWeese is the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center, an activist, grassroots think tank headquartered in Warrenton, VA. The Center maintains an Internet site at

Tom DeWeese American Policy Center 50-A South Third St. (Suite #1) Warrenton, VA 20186
(540) 342-8911










When the Justice Department filed an anti-trust suit against Gates, rather than stand up in defense of his company and openly defend his business practices that made his company so successful in a free market, Gates denied it all and turned his back on the very free market principles that made his success possible.