Additional Titles









Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You

Forced Mental Health Screening for Your Children









PART 1 of 2



By: Devvy

January 30, 2006

I captioned my column last week Year of the Tiger for a reason: We are running out of time and this has to be the year that We the People become tigers, not pussycats. Congress and Bush - all in the name of more false security and his endless war on terrorism - are completing a totalitarian police state faster than we can fight it. My mailbox sags everyday with people wanting to know what they can do, right along with telling me that they work and have so little time. This is true--and part of the plan: keep Americans working longer and harder for stagnant wages, while passing more and more draconian laws that few even know about until it's too late because these buzzards in Congress and your state legislatures have already voted.

I've written all the patriotic words that need to be said, and along with thousands of others, have exposed the agenda, programs, treaties and bad legislation. This must be the year that Americans act, period. We've seen the magnificent job done by the great patriots down in Tennessee over a state personal income tax, one woman's efforts who brought the oil cartels to their knees and our Minutemen - even while being vilified and called vigilantes and extremists by corrupt politicians and those who support breaking our laws. After the incident last week on the border, Congress should have issued a formal declaration of war against Mexico. No? Too extreme? Bullfeathers! Look where appeasement and cowardice by Congress has taken us by refusing to act until the Minutemen rubbed their noses in it. Frosty Wooldridge has chronicled this invasion and the carnage while these incumbents in Congress and the four border states and their governors have spent their time at fundraisers or preening in front of a camera. These elected servants are failures, so why reward them by rehiring them in November?

There is a real war going on along our border, aided and abetted by a rotten, corrupt maggot like Vincente Fox. The only thing he's going to understand is an in-your- face ultimatum and we'll see who flinches first. With the exception of Ron Paul and Tancredo, we have a Congress full of empty headed sows and sissies who try to pass themselves off as men, but their actions show them to be wimps. Put the National Guard on the border with orders to shoot if Fox's military and drug runners fire on our citizens, military or law enforcement. How many more of our border agents need to be shot and killed, our citizens terrorized in their own homes - many shot and killed in cold blood? How many more Americans need to be raped and murdered by illegals roaming the states before we get tough? The sovereign states of the Union are guaranteed a republic form of government and protection against invasion, period.

While the National Guard are deployed along the four border states, let's get them busy building a wall or fences that will stop this invasion. Don't tell me there's no money. That is an excuse that doesn't hold water. Where there's a will, there's a way. But, one thing is certain: we the people will stop this invasion. We won't stop until all illegals are rounded up and deported regardless of how long they've been here. We will support local law enforcement in tracking down terrorists who have smuggled themselves across the border. We will support employers being jailed for hiring illegals. We will demand that bank CEOs and managers be tried and convicted for giving mortgages to illegals (criminals). What an outrage that our corrupt Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez turns a blind eye to criminal activity!

Today I received a bulletin from Bay Buchanan's mailing list: "The good news is that this week the Senate postponed the vote on an immigration bill until March! That gives us another month to get the word out that the Republicans in the Senate are planning on giving amnesty to 15 million illegals! But it also gives the Chamber of Commerce time to put together a media campaign to sell guest worker to the public. But I know we can win this fight if we can reach enough Americans and explain to them what is actually happening."

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is supporting lawlessness right along with Bush. They want to give amnesty to 12-15 million illegals (criminals) who smuggled themselves across the border. Instead of supporting our laws, the Chamber wants to give a free pass to lawbreakers making a mockery of our laws and citizenship. I hope businesses all across this country will withdraw their membership in the corrupt, rotten U.S. Chamber of Commerce and any local Chamber that supports giving a free pass to illegals. Money is the only thing these people understand. Let your friends and business colleagues know that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce deserves your scorn, not your support.

Solving a puzzle means backtracking to where the problem started and in the case of Congress running amok, ignoring the Constitution and crushing the Bill of Rights, the most important legal consideration is jurisdiction. Art. 1, Section 8 of the Constitution specifically and clearly lists a limited number of areas where Congress can legislate. Beginning in 1913, everything changed and we can all see today what the federal government has become: a behemoth, a monster, an enemy of we the people and freedom. Congress, Bush and their predecessors before them care not a whit for what you and I want, their agenda is one world government. Foolish Americans whose blind loyalty is to a political party can deny this until they finally hear their chains rattle, but it doesn't change documented facts.

The state legislatures have also gone the way of being seduced by ignorance, lack of resolve and the lure of federal money that the federal government never had the legal right to steal to begin with. We need a majority in each state legislature that will stand up to the feds and reclaim their sovereignty, not a bunch of hens fluttering around chirping "More money for education!" These nitwits need to be thrown out of office in 2006. We must get state legislators in office who have the guts to reconstitute the state militias as mandated by the Second Amendment and get rid of the dangerous and unnecessary Department of Homeland Security.

We the people must also go after our local governments: mayors, city council and board of supervisors. Part II of this column is a breakdown of issues and where to attack. First, and I know this is time consuming, it is critical for Americans to understand jurisdiction. I respectfully direct you to Larry Becraft's three part, easy to read series on this, Larry's fine legal writings on federal jurisdiction, Marbury v Madison, U.S. v Lopez and Printz/Mack vs US. We also need to educate as many Americans as we can over the next 11 months about vote fraud.

You can't expect Americans to join the good fight if they don't even understand their rights, how our government works and the insidious forces at work. Not all Americans are the sheeple. I was walking around blind until 1991 when I was introduced to the truth of the globalist agenda and became a fighter. There are Americans out there who do want the truth, just like me and you and we found out because someone gave us the truth. We know the media is compromised, so why waste any more time and words on that medium? We can get the truth to our fellow countrymen and women via the Internet - which the draconian Homeland Security is now trying to take control of and we can use my One for the Road project, which has been successful beyond my expectations.

Vol II has been recorded and will be ready for shipping in about two weeks. I have laid the foundation in Vol I for world government and the mechanisms and organizations carrying out the agenda. Vol II contains these critical issues: genetically engineered foods, fluoride, hormones in milk, internationalizing U.S. roads, the Endangered Species Act, the 17th Amendment, the battle in New Mexico over aspartame, the experimental weather modification bill in Congress, vote fraud, homeland security, communist China, immigration and much more. I hope you will order a set of these CDs. This is a non-profit project of mine, so please, if you have the capability, burn copies of these CDs and get them to friends, family and business colleagues. I opened Vol II with the issue of GM foods because this is an issue that will capture the general population's attention, followed by hormones in milk. When you order, be sure to specify in the comment section either Vol I or Vol. II, or both.

If you want to become active, there are several ways to find like minded people who are serious about stopping the destruction of this country. Even if you work full time, many groups and organizations hold meetings in the evening or on the weekends, but it takes sacrifice and commitment. We also need the seniors out there with nothing but time on their hands to help save their children and grandchildren's birthright--to be free. If you don't belong to a group or organization here are some suggestions:

You can contact any of the political parties through their state and national web sites, see here. In California, the California Republican Assembly is the constitutional arm of the corrupt Republican Party in this state. There are thousands of organizations in this country fighting one brush fire at a time. It's too late for that, we must go for the jugular on the major issues and the rest will be taken care of when jurisdiction is recognized and we get our state legislatures and mayors in line. There are good state legislators out there who have the convictions and fortitude to stand up to Bush, i.e. Utah saying no to the FTAA and Bush's phony 'No Child Left Behind.' State Senator Howard Stephenson has now sponsored a bill described as "a first step toward eventually repealing the 17th amendment." The text can be read here. This is very, very important and everyone in Utah who understands this critical issue needs to hound their state senators and reps to get this first step passed. If you are unfamiliar with this issue, please see this column. For those of you who live in Utah, contact Senator Stephenson (, thank him and let him know you support his bill and will work to see it passed.

We the People by the millions must let our elected public officials at all levels know that we have had it, we won't take anymore destruction of our rights and that we will fight. We will throw them out of office. We will use recall if available. We don't need any more new laws, we need to get rid of the unconstitutional ones destroying our rights.

You need to attend all political party meetings, committee meetings and let these honchos know that no more will we support any politician or candidate who is CFR, Trilateral, supports these destructive trade treaties or any other new world order agenda. Call your congress critter's office and find out their schedule for town hall meetings. Get your volunteers together and attend every one of them in your district, along with debates, speeches, dinners, etc. This is where you retirees and our veterans need to get with it and help save this republic. Make up a nice flyer to give out at the door of town hall meetings and debates, with bullet points that you want the general population to know about and give sources, i.e. direct them to or the other resources in Part 2.

We the People have to become a visible force to be reckoned with, not hide at home. We have to become relentless and get in the face of our mayors, city council, county board of supers and your state legislators. Be polite, firm, but persistent and informed. Be prepared to answer questions. Be prepared with hand outs. Don't go to a town hall meeting and stand up and announce that Bush planned 9/11. Your credibility will be shot and people will turn on you in a NY minute. Remember: most Americans don't have a clue about what's really going on in this country other than the pap and flap they hear on their local news or from cash cows from either of the major parties. A lot of the individuals who are active with great organizations are experienced and know how to be effective. These are the groups you need to support and become part of as a unified body and I hope part 2 will help you get going in the right direction. For part 2, "Federal vs State" click below.

Click here for part----- 2

Related Articles:
Sustainable Development: Creating Crisis, Shortage and Police State

� 2006 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Your complimentary copy of the 32-page report may be obtained from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for

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This must be the year that Americans act, period. We've seen the magnificent job done by the great patriots down in Tennessee over a state personal income tax, one woman's efforts who brought the oil cartels to their knees and our Minutemen...