Additional Titles









Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You

Forced Mental Health Screening for Your Children









PART 2 of 2




By: Devvy

February 27, 2006

Below is an excerpt from a speech I gave at the Free Enterprise Society convention on July 6, 2002. If you read this, you will see that what's happening right here, right now, is a mirror image of the fall of the Roman Empire. We have the power to change the outcome, the question is: do the American people have the stomach for the fight?

"Ladies and gentlemen. These are indeed dangerous and serious times in which we live and not just from mad-dog terrorists from third world countries who hate US.

We find ourselves in the same position as those who tried to save the Republic of Rome. I would like to open with a quote from the book, Dear and Glorious Physician, The Story of St. Luke, by one of the most prolific, magnificent writers of modern times, the late Taylor Caldwell. Published in 1959, this book spent 60 weeks on the NY Times bestseller list with more than 1,000,000 copies in print at the time.

This is the character Diodorus speaking:

"In this very Senate, not many years ago, a senator was done to death because he spoke the truth. Not by knife or sword or spear was he murdered, and not by honest stones. No honorable hand struck him down, for there was no honorable hand here. He spoke of Rome. He cried out that Rome was no longer a republic, and that she had become a bloodthirsty empire, ruled not by men of wisdom and not by law, but by Caesar and his legions, and his generals and his rapacious freedmen and his palace politicians.

"The senator stood on this very podium and he wept for the Republic. He wept that emperors were not elected by the people, but by infamous legions and the idle and ravenous mobs who wished only to devour the fruits of the granaries and the treasures, and to be amused by charlatans and mountebanks and actors and singers and gladiators and pugilists -- at public expense."....

"For greed, that young senator cried to you, the mobs in this city supported evil Caesars, who lusted only for power, because those Caesars promised them loot from the public treasuries. Venal senators supported those Caesars, for profit and power.

"The lying Caesars spoke to the mobs and told them that our country could not defend itself against barbarians without allies, who must endlessly be bought and cajoled and flattered. And the traitorous Caesars plotted against their nation, mad with the lust to be gilded like gods by the whole world, and to be acclaimed by millions of thieves and beggars and wrestlers and freedmen and the cowardly, who never felt a pulse of patriotism in their vultures hearts!"......

"Let me move your hearts!" he cried. "It is not yet too late!

"The course of empire leads only to death. Senators, look at me! Listen with your hearts, and not with your evil minds. Turn back to liberty, to frugality, to morality to peace, to Rome. Think no longer of those who appoint you, those whose bellies demand to be satisfied by the very blood of Rome, the very flesh of Rome, the hard-earned gold of Rome. Bow no longer to false Caesars, who, defying our very Constitution, issue mandates against the welfare of Rome and place themselves above the law which our fathers formulated, and for which they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

"Rome was conceived in good faith and in justice, and in the worship of God, and in the name of the manhood of man. Return our country to the rule of law and strike down the rule by men.

"Restore the treasuries. Withdraw our legions from foreign lands which hate us, and will destroy us at a moment's notice when it serves their interests. Repeal the taxes which crush those who work hard and industriously.

"Tell your multitudes that they must work or they shall starve. Drive from the Palatine itself the masses of toadies and self-seekers and thieves! Drive from the Palatine the puny freedmen who say 'Yes, yes!' to Caesar, and bow before him as though he were a god and not human flesh. Cleanse this chamber of rascals and mountebanks and demagogues who declaim in rounded phrases that the welfare of the people is close to their hearts, but who really mean that they will do the will of the mob in exchange for vile plaudits and power, and bribery!"....

"Romans! In the name of God, in the name of Cincinnatus, the Father of this Country, in the name of heroism and peace and manliness and freedom and justice, I beg of you to restore yourselves as the guardians of Rome, to cast out the usurper of the powers which rightfully belong to you, to impeach and to punish those who seized those powers in order to pervert the laws of our fathers! Let your Roman hearts speak and your Roman spirits cry out against the expedient and the corrupt, against the vainglorious and the traitors, against Caesars who anoint themselves as gods and hold court for the depraved and the ambitious and those who would dissipate the strength of our people, our Constitution, and our traditions! If you turn from your country, then she will die, and a thousand thousand legions shall not save her and a thousand bloody Caesars will vainly blow to the winds."

Tiberius, the Caesar of the time, responded to this attack:

"I am a soldier. I am surrounded by sycophants and liars, and in that Diodorus speaks truth. What is lavish and uncomprehending praise given out of self-seeking and fear?

"What is flattery if lips that speak it only fawn, and in that fawning profit? The dull ear is servant to a duller tongue. As a I solider I prefer men of simple truth and without complexities who speak in honor and of patriotism. But where are men today in Rome?"....

"Let me tell you this," said Tiberius, quietly. "Venal Caesars, power-mad Caesars, never seize power, never destroy law and their country. Their power is forced on them by an evil and despicable people, a selfish and cowardly people. Where are the guardians of the people's liberty then? You are silent, you are slaves in spirit, you are thieves and cowards. But a people deserve their lawmakers."......

"Rome!" he said. "Do I recognize this Rome of polyglot slaves, of Scythians, Britons, Gauls, barbarians, Greeks, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the scum of a whole world? Where are the Romans? They have lost their identity. They have lost their tongues, their minds, their souls, their virility. What have I to do with such a Rome? I am not an honorable man! I am what my people have made me. I am their captive, not their Emperor. Here is no escaping the evil of a debased people."......

"I am here only to do the filthy will of a nation obstinately determined to commit suicide. If I break the law and the Constitution in their greedy behalf, they applaud me. If I have given up my hope of restoring the Treasury, they praise me for having their welfare at heart. Their welfare! Dogs and jackals!" End of quote.

The rabble, the mob of "democracy" exist only to suck off the productive. These may sound like harsh words, but only a willfully blind person can't see the hand writing on the wall.

History does repeat itself. Those who ignore it are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, you and I are watching history right now. We are watching America follow the same blueprint of destruction that caused the Roman Empire to wither into dust.

America was once a great nation of people who used to be self reliant, determined, masters of their own destiny and strong warriors. We can be that way again and I believe we will.

Dresden Jameson said: "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."

The majority of America's population have been seduced into a welfare mentality that has reduced so many into pathetic, weak, self-centered, self-absorbed, lazy, dumbed down adults who behave like children depending upon Mother Government for all their needs.

Too many coming from third world or communist/fascist countries care nothing for assimilating into the western culture. They are here to leech off the productive.

However, every person sitting in this room and watching this video, has the opportunity to make and shape history by committing ourselves 100% to the challenges which face every freedom loving American.

While most of the self ordained slaves in this country will willfully continue to believe lies from the politicians who unlawfully rob the public treasury to support the rabble of the mob, there are millions of real Americans who are becoming informed and determined to stop the destruction of this Republic.

Those of us who are committed to this cause should not worry ourselves overmuch about the sheep out in America. We will never reach all the people and we don't need to. We only need those men and women who have the stomach to stand up and be counted. Our numbers grow by the day.

On September 14, 1994, David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nothing [UN] said:

"But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence."

We the people who cherish freedom are closing that so-called window of opportunity and we intend to ratchet up the game in the immediate future.

For many years I have said that most people don't become activists until they become victims. As more and more of these draconian junk laws passed by Congress and the 50 state legislatures affect more of the general population, we are beginning to see the sleeping tiger awaken.

What kind of man would defy a King?

What kind of American will defy tyranny?" The rest of my speech can be read here. For Part 1 click below.

Click here for part -----> 1

� 2006 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Your complimentary copy of the 32-page report may be obtained from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for

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History does repeat itself. Those who ignore it are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, you and I are watching history right now. We are watching America follow the same blueprint of destruction that caused the Roman Empire to wither into dust.