Lee Duigon
July 5, 2012
With about half of us already on some kind of government assistance, and the airwaves full of “public service” spots exhorting more and more of us to get on food stamps, and millions of us delirious with joy because, in our hallucinated state, we think we’re going to get free health care from now on—in light of all this, we ought to change the name of our July 4th holiday to Dependence Day.
We once went to war with King George III because he trampled on our liberties. Most of the Declaration of Independence is devoted to listing the king’s “repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny…” These injuries included interfering with the state legislatures, tampering with the state judiciaries, creating and sending out “Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance,” and, most famously, “imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” Amazing how little has changed since 1776, isn’t it? And for these and other injuries our fathers took up arms against the king, and won their independence.
Now consider some of the things King George didn’t do.
• He never claimed the authority to tax us for not buying something—a brand-new, limitless power conferred on the government only last week by Chief Justice—or is it Emperor?—John Roberts. Imagine the fun King George might have had, if only he’d thought of taxing Americans for not buying English tea! You can always dump the tea into Boston harbor, but you can’t dump the absence of tea. You can choose not to buy the tea, and so escape the king’s tea tax. But if he can tax you for not buying it, he’s got you coming and going.
• The king never dared to force the Church, and religious people in general, to finance sin. What remains of religious liberty, once you’ve forced the churches to pay for abortions? And don’t think those petty kings in Washington will stop there. Once they’ve got the churches paying for abortions, it’ll be sex-change operations next—or whatever other humiliation they can think of.
• The king never used the power and prestige of government to promote, celebrate, and grant special favors to the practitioners of homosexuality. There is no purpose in this but to estrange the American people from their God.
• Nor did George ever intercept, by means of an income tax, the fruits of the people’s labors before they could even harvest them. But today our money is taken from us before we see it.
Why go on? Everything the King of England did to us, our present government does, too. But our government has piled new injuries on top of old, and never runs out of new ways to insult us.
And we let them do it! In November, millions of citizens will vote to re-elect the same president who is turning them into helots. Why not? He gives out free cell phones. He makes it easier and easier to get disability and food stamps. And we’ll never run out of money for all these entitlements. We have his word on it!
A government that is not under God, and not accountable to Him, is no authority at all, but only a preponderance of force. A government that will not perform its legitimate function under God, but which usurps the functions God reserves to the church, the family, and the individual, is no better than a street gang in expensive suits.
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And a people that has denied God any say in how they live their lives or go about their business—who subordinate Him to their own idols of science, or profit, or personal pleasure, or political expediency—this is a people who will find themselves enslaved by a government that recognizes no limit on itself, no authority higher than itself, and no obligation to do anything but to expand its own power.
Independence Day? For a people who mindlessly chew their cuds while presidents and legislators and judges and czars and bureaucrats hack away their liberties? As long as they’re kept supplied with fodder, without having to work for it, the cattle will submit to anything.
So gather ye food stamps while ye may.
Till the death panels come and put you away.
� 2012 Lee Duigon - All Rights Reserved
Lee Duigon, a contributing editor with the Chalcedon Foundation, is a former newspaper reporter and editor, small businessman, teacher, and horror novelist. He has been married to his wife, Patricia, for 34 years. See his new fantasy/adventure novels, Bell Mountain and The Cellar Beneath the Cellar, available on