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Jesus Has Left the Building







Grants Pass




By Lee Duigon
March 26, 2015

Have you ever wondered why the same educators who teach your children that there’s no such thing as “right” or “wrong” go into screaming conniptions about “hate” and “bigotry” the moment you suggest, for example, that marriage consists of a man and a woman? Their whole “your truth, my truth” thing goes out the window, and you are an enemy of the people and must be destroyed—or at least “rehabilitated.”

Justin McBrayer, a professor of philosophy, noticed that his college freshmen don’t believe in “moral facts”—that “the overwhelming majority of college freshmen in their classrooms view moral claims as mere opinions that are not true or are true only relative to a culture.” He took some pains to find out why this is so, and reported his findings recently in a New York Times article, “Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts.” You really ought to read it.

Additionally, the professor has a son in second grade, and he visited the school to see if he might discover the roots of his students’ moral illiteracy.

He did.

Prominently displayed in the classroom was a poster that proclaimed, “Fact: Something that is true about a subject and can be tested or proven. Opinion: What someone thinks, feels, or believes.”

This teaching—that anything you think, feel, or believe cannot be a “fact,” and thus cannot be “true”—is mandated by the federal government as part of Common Core. Read the professor’s article to see how this teaching is in itself illogical and cannot be true.

“It’s wrong to commit murder” is a statement of opinion, although most of us would say it was a moral fact, even a commandment from God. But then God Himself, by the standards of Common Core, is not something that can be proven to be true, and therefore isn’t true.

Do you see where this is heading? As Professor McBrayer put it, “Value claims are not facts.” And only “facts” are true.

It looks like the idea behind this is to empty the children of all moral beliefs before they enter college. There the educators can fill them up with strong, even vehement, opinions—which, by some academic hocus-pocus, are transformed into the only “true” or “right” opinions, the only ones allowed—on social justice, “gay” rights, the iniquity of White Privilege, Saving the Planet from Income Inequality and Climate Change, or Becoming a Citizen of the World Because Being an American is so Un-cool.

It’s a really neat trick, as they go from “no opinions can be true” to “these are the only right opinions, and woe unto you if we catch you holding any others!” It’s better than alchemy. The kids come in with “your truth, my truth, no truth” and come out getting extra credit for spouting stuff like “There are no illegal immigrants, only illegal borders.”

That grand patriarch of the Progressive movement, Woodrow Wilson, said, “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” That’s what the educators are doing, and the fathers pay for it. Kind of like paying a thief to rob your house.

I think I know why the alchemy works. It is against human nature to have no morality at all. Only a psychopath can manage it. By the time he enters college, the student’s soul cries out for something to fill the vacuum. The progressive profs are only too happy to oblige. First they starve the kids, and then they feed them garbage. It works like a charm. After all, if you try to live your life with your head full of inanities like “It’s wrong to say something is wrong,” you’ll soon go altogether batty.

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The purpose of public education is, as it has always been, to replace the Christian religion with pagan worship of the state and the anointed experts who operate the state. It is not necessary to initiate students into the full mysteries of secular humanism. What the experts are after is obedience. It’s easy to rule over shallow, ignorant, and self-centered people.

This is what you sign up for when you send your children to those public schools instead of placing them in a homeschool or a Christian school. And at great expense, which you or your children will be paying off for years to come, the university will finish the job.

� 2015 Lee Duigon - All Rights Reserved

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Lee Duigon, a contributing editor with the Chalcedon Foundation, is a former newspaper reporter and editor, small businessman, teacher, and horror novelist. He has been married to his wife, Patricia, for 34 years. See his new fantasy/adventure novels, Bell Mountain and The Cellar Beneath the Cellar, available on





Have you ever wondered why the same educators who teach your children that there’s no such thing as “right” or “wrong” go into screaming conniptions about “hate” and “bigotry” the moment you suggest, for example, that marriage consists of a man and a woman?