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By Shirley Edwards
February 18, 2017

[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]

“Those who cry the loudest are not always the ones who are hurt the most” - Aesop

Just for once, I didn’t have to be personally present to witness or understand the anger at the Women’s anti-Trump march recently held in London. I have suffered with frustration and anger, I have seen the damage it can cause, and I also recognise it in others. It is an ugly spirit. It is usually loud, indignant and demanding; sometimes it hides behind a quiet demeanour, victim hood, tears, or a painted smile. There is a lot of it about.

However, with barely one foot through the front door of The White House, it still came as a bit of a surprise that an exaggerated 100,000 angry women’s voices would be on him like a ton of bricks from this side of the Atlantic, and that the event would be heavily covered through all of our mainstream media. The new president of the United States, is suddenly not only responsible for offending the minority of voters in the USA, and creating world division; but he is now apparently responsible for every woman’s anguish here in the UK and across the world as well. I hope he has broad shoulders.

Jumping on the bandwagon of what some call group solidarity for all those people who think they are marginalized or feel deeply offended by laws being implemented on the other side of the Atlantic; there were plenty of others across the nation, from the comfort of their own home, who were being empowered by joining in with the criticism, the hatred, and the disbelief directed towards the new president of the United States who they consider to be against women and also very racist towards immigrants. I heard it in the workplace, in shops, at friend’s homes, and witnessed the sudden outage of indignation verbalizing itself at every conceivable moment. It was quite astonishing to hear that once more, especially after the Brexit result, and to see it displayed amidst the quiet acceptance and respect that many others felt towards the majority of voters in the USA.

Yet my observations came not only from watching the display of female anguish marching through the streets of London, believing they spoke for the nation, but from asking why this very large group of protestors, if they were concerned about women, were not directing their energy against the real perpetrators of abuse in our society today? There are plenty of them about. What has Donald Trump had to do with it?

Sometimes, it’s not those women who cry loudest who are the ones who are most hurt…….They are usually the ones who are most wrong.

Was Donald Trump acting as a catalyst for something else; an unhealed anguish deeply forgotten and buried? Why haven’t we witnessed such hatred for male leaders; home and abroad before?

Why did this anger turn itself against one man, without looking at its own guilt, and the wrong compromises it has already made with evil within its own home?

Silent Witness - The Missing Women

If demonstrators were upset about the unfair way that women are treated, I wondered why they were not around when just one British woman bought out a private prosecution against 2 male doctors who were discovered carrying out abortions on unborn baby girls in the UK, based purely on their gender. With an estimated 100,000,000 missing women based solely on the practice of gendercide across the world, it should surely be something worth speaking out against.

What a wonderful platform some of those speakers in that demonstration could have had to highlight that abuse in our own country. [Link]

Silent Witness - The Invisible Mother

I wondered if 100,000 demonstrators will march or speak out on the removal of the name ‘mothers’ which is now being called for by the BMA, (The British Medical Association), who have issued official internal guidelines to all of its members to implement and refer to a new mother as a ‘pregnant person’, thus removing the unique gift, joy and privilege of being called a mother; in order to not offend others.

The guidelines also promote the new title of Mx which can be used instead of Miss, Ms, Mrs or Mr. It will not be a Happy Mx Day when that suggestion finally takes a hold.

The road to genderless, non descript, non identifiable ‘nobodies’ is upon us. Will we question or blindly comply with these instructions?

You can read A Guide to Effective Communication, Inclusive Language in the Workplace issued by The British Medical Association.

Silent Witness - The Invisible Child

I wondered why 100,000 demonstrators have not vocally objected in the streets to the sexualizing of children through the promotion of soft porn through music videos, where a little girls ambition in life has now become demoted to using the power of her assets to become a sex symbol like Rhianna, Beyonce or Britney and little boy’s are trained early to see girls as pure objects for their desire?

Passing their antics off as powerful and liberating is an insult to women, but more alarmingly it is feeding a more sinister and abusive agenda to make sex and provocative behaviour in children, especially little girls, much more acceptable.

It was interesting to see some of the more provocative female celebrities being the ones to shout the loudest in some of the organized marches across the world.

Silent Witness - Human Chattel

However, most of all I have wondered why those 100,000 demonstrators have not focused their energy into something which would be helpful and expose the evil of human trafficking in the UK, the rising number of rapes across Europe, child slavery, child brides, forced marriage, honour based violence, and FGM, (female genital mutilation) which is highlighted as a cultural problem and where it is estimated that the number of girls and women who have undergone FGM in the UK is estimated to vary from anything from 66,000 to 280,000 with between 7,000 to 24,000 girls under 17 years of age at risk?

The slogan currently being used to highlight FGM is No Voice – No Choice.

As the Women’s anti-Trump movement in the UK now takes a stance against his restrictions on immigration and travel to the USA, with demonstrations up and down the country in many of the major cities, I refer to two of the many signs that I have witnessed in these rallies which reads:

‘Kindness is Everything’
‘Your cannot unify with Hate’

Promoting humanism in a country which is already divided, not through the efforts of Donald Trump, but by another system which has purposefully overcrowded one culture with another culture, people are already aware that their kindness has been mis-used.

Apart from genuine immigrants and refugees who have integrated over many years into the UK, who are friends to the UK, and consider themselves British; unfortunately there are many legal and illegal immigrants who are not so friendly now living within our society.

Many places in Europe have fallen backwards and become unrecognisable; there are many places where people, especially women, are very afraid to visit. There is no kindness or unity there.

An area known as Tower Hamlets is known to be one of the most dangerous places for women and girls in the east end of London.

You can read the 45 page document on the abuse against women and girls in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets is also known as one of the ‘no-go’ areas which are reportedly existing throughout the United Kingdom where people do not feel safe or protected anymore.

In an article by Soeren Khan from the Gatestone Institute in relation to European ‘no-go’ zones, fact or fiction; here are some of the comments from people who speak out against some of the areas which now populate the British Isles.

The article also speaks about how many people are desperately leaving some areas in which they feel that the British law, culture and values are being dominantly displaced by cultures which want to police themselves and others, rather than follow the law of the land. [Link]

"There are some communities born under other skies who will not involve the police at all... there are communities from other cultures who would prefer to police themselves." — Sir Tom Winsor, chief inspector of the police forces in England and Wales.
"We are sleepwalking our way to segregation. We are becoming strangers to each other and leaving communities to be marooned outside the mainstream." — Trevor Phillips, former chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality.
"One of the results of [multiculturalism] has been to further alienate the young from the nation in which they were growing up and also to turn already separate communities into 'no-go' areas where adherence to this ideology [of Islamic extremism] has become a mark of acceptability.” Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester.
"There are things that I see when I'm driving around Birmingham that shouldn't be happening. I only drive into these areas, never actually walk into these areas, I just wouldn't. Just in case I did do something that...because of their culture or their religion it was a threat or it was an insult or something."
— Resident of Birmingham.

Who will fill the Void?

The protestors in the Women’s anti-Trump march I fear are being used in varying ways. An out-of-control reaction, an anger, by the protesters is creating an irrational and biased attack upon a president who may be initially daring to prioritize the safety of his own fellow citizens first, and it is also acting as a distraction against some of the real issues that we should all be talking about and not be shouted down upon in our own country. It is not racist to highlight such problems.

The real anguish which some women feel is that they do not feel safe, or protected in society. They feel badly let down by men, even the good ones. It was all very well to march in large numbers through a relatively safe street in London. It is not so nice to walk alone in places of society where no one cares for you.

When we no longer identify or respect the specific and special roles that each of the sexes possess, society becomes demoralized so low that it loses all respect for itself and each other, and becomes very weak. It does not recognise genuine strength, love or grace.

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You can sense and see the growing weakness and lack of character and identity all around. Who is it that is orchestrating the demise of mankind and why do we have to be considered unkind to object to it?

Will men and women unite together and value their role in society, protect their children and stand up to evil in a rational way without falling prey to the political correctness and humanism which is destroying people?

Out of control anger, like over the top kindness, can kill people. The women’s anti-trump demonstration was a weak attempt at the countries collective failure to show true strength and kindness in the correct proportion when it should have done a long long time ago. Leaders have let us down.

Is it to late to turn back to a dignity now lost….?

Sources and Links

1 - European 'No-Go' Zones: Fact or Fiction? Part 2: Britain.
2 - 'Time to take a stand': thousands across UK protest at Trump policy.
3 - Women's March: UK protesters join anti-Donald Trump marches.
4 - European 'No-Go' Zones: Fact or Fiction? Part 2: Britain.
5 - A Guide to Effective Communication, Inclusive Language in the Workplace.
6 - Violence against Women and Girls Consultation Report 2013.
7 - Woman's £47,000 bill over sex-selective abortions: Christian pro-life campaigner fails in bid to prosecute doctors who were filmed offering to terminate female foetuses.

© 2017 Shirley Edwards - All Rights Reserve

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Shirley Edwards was born and lives in Great Britain. She has always worked in administration, but has also taught and studied complimentary health. In administrative roles, she has worked within The Church of England. She also worked for some years as a volunteer within the hospice movement.

Shirley has an interest in all health issues, loves the British countryside, and enjoys writing. She is thankful for talk radio and loves listening.

Shirley has always been concerned about the loss of freedoms in her country, and also the demise of America, a country she loves for the original reasons on which it was founded. She believes in the Pursuit of Genuine Happiness.





When we no longer identify or respect the specific and special roles that each of the sexes possess, society becomes demoralized so low that it loses all respect for itself and each other, and becomes very weak. It does not recognise genuine strength, love or grace.


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