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By Shane Ellison M. Sc.
The People's Chemist
November 30, 2008

Everyone has cancer. Johns Hopkins recently reminded us of this fact while studying how most of us beat the deadly outcome: the immune system. When it identifies a cancerous cell, it attacks and eliminates it from the body. But every now and then, this system gets hoodwinked by rogue cancer cells.

Rogue cancer cells have the ability to become invisible and therefore overcome our immune system defenses. This superpower helps it invade other regions of the body. Internally, we become a playground for cancerous infection and disease. Slow death ensues. Fortunately, anyone can overcome it.

To beat rogue cancer cells, you need to eliminate their ability to become invisible. What keeps cancer cells out of sight from your immune system? Trophoblast cells. You can expose cancer for what it is - deadly - by boosting your pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes eliminate trophoblast cells and thus reveal any underlying cancer cells to your "immunity radar" for eventual eradication.

Several natural medicines have been identified that attack trophoblast cells. The most effective are flavonoids found in broccoli; whey isolate; B-17 from the apricot seed; and curcumin (which is available at Wal-Mart).

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Considering their aggressive attack on invisible cancer cells, boosting pancreatic enzymes should be a daily habit among anyone who wants to ward off the everyday occurrence of cancer.

Author's Note

Ellison's entire career has been dedicated to the study of molecules; how they give life and how they take from it. He was a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. He is a bestselling author, holds a master's degree in organic chemistry and has first-hand experience in drug design. Use his knowledge and insight to look and feel your best in 90 days with his AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery. Click here to read more.

� 2008 Shane Ellison - All Rights Reserve

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Shane Ellison, M.Sc. is an author and organic chemist. He is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. An internationally recognized authority on therapeutic nutrition, he is the founder of The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package. At one time, he was TOTALLY against diet pills. Now he is 100% for them! Learn why here.

Learn more about his books Health Myths Exposed and The Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs.

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Several natural medicines have been identified that attack trophoblast cells.