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Religion In The
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The Chamber Of Commerce:
It's Power And Goals

Control The Environment To Control Humanity

Universal Brotherhood And The Drive For World Unity

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Erica Carle
July 16, 2004

They're playing games with us. It's no joke. Remember the book and movie, "A Beautiful Mind?" It was the story of John Nash who won a Nobel Prize in economics for improvements to the theory of games. For most of the moviegoers, attention was centered on Nash and his mental and emotional problems, but it was the theory that won the Nobel Prize. Why is it so important?

The June 1949 issue of FORTUNE carried an article, "A Theory of Strategy" by John McDonald which explained some of the basic principles of game theory. It was in 1944 that John von Neumann, Hungarian-born mathematician, atomic scientist, and computer developer, and Oskar Morgenstern, professor of economics at Princeton University, marketed a 600 page book, called, The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.

Game theory is part of the effort of mathematicians and social "scientists" to make human behavior predictable in conflict situations. It has military applications, but its use has become much broader including business, politics, international relations, sex, law, education, etc.

Game theory fits well with what has been called management by objectives. It was in the forties that Harvard Business School went in for management by objectives in a big way. Not only was management by objectives taught to its undergraduates, but business executives from all over the country were invited to take three month postgraduate courses in Harvard's Graduate School of Business Administration. Thousands of Executives and corporate officers responded, and as a result made changes in their personal values and their way of doing business. Business management became a type of problem-centered war game to make money and gain power. To win at the game is called, success.

There is no limit to the amount of success. No matter how much money and/or power one has acquired, no matter how many personal or moral sacrifices one has to make to continue, he must keep setting new objectives and striving for greater and greater success. That is the way the game is played.

The strategy is similar to that used in poker which is based on imperfect information about the opponent, and bluffing to obscure information about one's own situation. Game players make strategic decisions in order to make gains and avoid losses for themselves or their "team." The more information the game player can discover about the strategy and the future moves of his adversary or adversaries, the better chance he has to make gains. All ethics are situation ethics based on setting goals and attempting by hook or crook to achieve them.

World management system planners needed the Theory of games desperately. Having no moral code or principles to guide them in their behavior or to instruct their followers, the theory of games gave them principles of a sort and strategies to use as an aid in communicating with one another, and to limit the behavior of less informed followers.

The first requirement for social "science" game playing is a collective goal or objective. The more naive game players are given emotion arousing goals, which are not necessarily main goals, but which helps lead to the thing desired. This is called telesis. Emphasis on success can keep the minor players dedicated to the task they are assigned. They often become so dedicated to their "goal" that they do not allow themselves to be distracted by side issues, criticism, or moral inhibitions.

Those of us who are not mathematicians cannot expect to follow all the intricate calculations used by economists and game theorists. The FORTUNE article explained the difficulties:

"It is not and never can be available in its entirety to the layman, for it is written largely in the special notation of the mathematician. But its outlines are clear, and the intrepid reader may find its ideas rewarding."

Game theory applies not only to business, but to every aspect of life because social "scientists" claim all human action as their domain. Economist Ludwig von Mises stated in his book Human Action:

"It (NOTE: economics) is the science of every kind of human action. Choosing determines all human decisions. In making his choice man chooses not only between various material things and services. All human values are offered for option. All ends and all means, both material and ideal issues, the sublime and the base, the noble and the ignoble, are ranged in a single row and subjected to a decision which picks out one thing and sets aside another. Nothing that men aim at or want to avoid remains outside of this arrangement into a unique scale of gradation and preference. The modern theory of value widens the scientific horizon and enlarges the field of economic studies." P. 3

There are courses in game theory in most universities, and interested readers can learn a great deal by entering game theory as a keyword on the computer. For most of us, however, it is enough to know that game theory exists, that it is being used, and to recognize when someone is playing games with us rather than offering friendship or sharing the truth.

I believe one of the best ways to learn about game playing techniques is by example so I will repeat some of my observations and experiences with game players. The first experience I described in my book, Why Things Are The Way They Are:

It was during the Bicentennial promotion in 1976. On May 19 I attended and reported on a six-county conference for women held at the Milwaukee YWCA. The meeting was a joint enterprise of the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Administration, the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women, and various women's organizations. Reservations were required, so Mary W., who was one of the leaders and also a local alderman, was aware before the conference that I would be there.

The morning meeting was used to train women to obtain and use lawyers, seize political power, write legislation, and write programs for federal grants. Since the WORld Management System is based on using problems to gain power, women were also encouraged to work together toward setting up community resource centers to find and become involved in people's problems.The morning session was followed by a luncheon at which various problems would be discussed. I had questions for some of the morning speakers so by the time I arrived at the luncheon most of the people were seated. Each table was set up for a discussion of a different subject. The table nearest the door had a sign on it saying 'EDUCATION'. Every seat at the table was occupied except the seat at the head. The women seemed to be watching me expectantly. I was about to seat myself when I noticed that the next table was also labeled 'EDUCATION'. There were several vacant seats at the side, so on the spur of the moment I decided to sit at the second table.

A few moments later Mary came with an armful of packets. With a rather puzzled look she handed me one and asked if I would lead the discussion at my table. Being curious to see the contents, I happily obliged. Here were my scripted instructions:

"Congratulations! By virtue of the fact that you are sitting at the head of the table (I WAS NOT) you will lead the discussion. DISCUSSION GUIDELINES: (1) Introduce yourself and the resource person at your table. (2) Appoint a recorder. (3) Ask the resource person to cite what she considers to be the three or four greatest needs in this area. (4) Ask if anyone else at the table sees any other current needs. (5) Ask the recorder to review the list of needs for the group. (6) Discuss these needs one at a time. Ask the participants to draw from their personal experience to suggest possible courses of action for each need. (7) Pass sign-up sheets around the table to ask if participants would like to pursue further their interest in this subject. (8) Ask the recorder to give her notes to Mary W. Thank you very much for helping. Please distribute enclosed surveys and information sheets when you have finished discussing the issues."

I read the steps aloud to the people at my table (WHICH I SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE HAD I BEEN A properly programmed LEADER.) Then I turned to the woman to my left and introduced myself. She introduced herself and remarked that she had been at the meeting the night before when it was decided that I would be one of the discussion leaders.

I was stunned. I had been chosen to be a discussion leader, not in a casual manner because I seated myself at the head of the table, but by preplanning. The System's programmed leaders expected that I would be less critical in my report of their efforts, and might possibly join them, if I became personally involved as a leader.

The first table had been set up and waiting for me. The women had filled every seat except the seat at the head of the table which would have made me the discussion leader had I taken it. They were playing a game with me. I foiled their original plan without realizing it by taking another seat, which was why Mary had looked puzzled when she passed out the leader packets. Although there was no chance their recruiting efforts would succeed, I would not have known of any preplanning had I not made the last-minute switch, and had I not been told of the previous night's meeting by my new acquaintance.

The women's conference was used to recruit programmed leaders for the WORld-Management System, to discover problems which might be used to hold groups together, and to persuade women to become social activists for a system most of them did not understand or realize they were serving. Why did more than 100 women become so involved in this tax-subsidized promotion? They believed they were doing good, but in addition, they were flattered and made to feel important. Some, for the first time in their lives felt like movers, shakers, and problem solvers. They found identity in group involvement. They had feelings of exaltation due to their participation in what they considered to be an important endeavor. They were playing a games and being used, but they were bluffed into believing otherwise.

And then there was busing. Those who dreamed up that scheme knew that Congress would never pass laws to compel children to leave their neighborhood schools. The plotters chose to play the bluffing game. They convinced enough local officials that federal judges had the legitimate power to order the kidnapping of children on a daily basis, with or without parental consent, and bribe other communities to hold them in custody. The Chamber of Commerce had already been briefed on how to work with local businesses to soften up the workers. The urban universities were prepared with instructions on forming committees of 100 and playing mind games with them to make it all appear nicey nice.

Of course there were legal battles. They were expensive, but meaningless because the federal judges had been informed ahead of time what their decisions would be. A small article in the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL, February 23, 1975, announced that "About 20 federal district judges from around the country are meeting in Washington, D.C. this weekend in closed sessions to discuss school desegregation cases and how to handle them. At least three of those invited are among judges now involved in desegregation litigation. The seminar is being held at the Federal Judicial Center, the research and training arm of the federal judiciary, but is being run by the Institute of Judicial Administration, a private organization at New York University."

There is game playing behavior and there is truth seeking behavior. It is important to recognize the difference. One of the major needs of the game playing leadership is to eradicate Christianity. Why? Because it creates problems for game players with such admonitions as:

Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom, instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23.) Who will accept bluffing and lying when this is what he has been taught?

A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet. (Proverbs 29:5) Who will want the game players to use him as a leader, or accept compliments on his game playing ability if he is suspicious of their flattery.

The Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule also serve to cramp the style of social "science" game players. Efforts are being made to remedy this situation and rid the United States of any public display or public use of these guidelines. More games.

However, to destroy you must replace. This replacement for Biblical teachings already has arrived. Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, and founder of Green Cross and the Gorbachev Foundation, along with Canadian billionaire, Maurice Strong have promoted the idea of an Earth Charter for the formation of a new outlook and a new set of values which they hope will eventually be super imposed above all other religious doctrines. They have gotten many international non governmental organizations to play their game, also hundreds of colleges and universities, and, of course, the United Nations. To read and learn more about the Earth Charter enter it as a keyword on your computer.

Under the heading III. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE in the Earth Charter you will read the following:

12. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

b. Affirm the right of indigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods.

Sustainable development is a United Nations international movement which is intended to end private ownership of land. (Step 1)--Under the Earth Charter, indigenous tribes are encouraged to make claims on land. (Step 2}--Indigenous people are deprived of the land. They are merely part of the strategy in a game to confiscate all land from its owners. A short article on the fifth page of the June 9, 2004, MILWAUKEE JOURNAL serves as a chilling example of game playing using the concepts from the above section of the Earth Charter.

HEADLINE: ZIMBABWE PLANNING TO NATIONALIZE FARMLAND--Harare, Zimbabwe--In its latest crackdown on democratic freedoms, the government announced Tuesday that all farmland would be nationalized and private land ownership would be abolished. All land--including more than 5,000 formerly white-owned farms handed over to blacks since a violence-plagued land distribution began in 2000--will become state-owned and subject to state-issued leases, Land Reform Minister John Nkomo said. Title deeds of farm properties will be scrapped and replaced by 99-year leases, with rent payable to the government, the state Herald newspaper reported.

Could such a thing happen in the United States? Do not underestimate the cunning of the game players or the weakness, meekness, ignorance, and complicity of Congress and state legislatures. However, more than anything, game players fear the unexpected. Here's hoping we can give them some surprises.

� 2004 Erica Carle - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Erica Carle is an independent researcher and writer. She has a B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin. She has been involved in radio and television writing and production, and has also taught math and composition at the private school her children attended in Brookfield, Wisconsin. For ten years she wrote a weekly column, "Truth In Education" for WISCONSIN REPORT, and served as Education Editor for that publication.

Her books are GIVE US THE YOUNG--$5 Plus $2.00 P&H WHY THINGS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE--$16 PLUS $4.00 P&H BOTH BOOKS -- $25 Total. A loose leaf collection of quotes titled, SIX GENERATIONS TO SERFDOM is also available--$15 Plus $2.00 P&H. Mailing address: Erica Carle; PO Box 261; Elm Grove, WI 53122.








Could such a thing happen in the United States? Do not underestimate the cunning of the game players or the weakness, meekness, ignorance, and complicity of Congress and state legislatures. However, more than anything, game players fear the unexpected. Here's hoping we can give them some surprises.