July 18, 2009
[NOTE: The following was first published in "Truth In Education" in WISCONSIN REPORT on August 9, 1979. It is even more relevant today than it was at that time.]
Mathematicians are useful in their place, but that place ought not to be as planners of the future for all the rest of the population of the world. The totally mathematical mind is a limited and boring mind. There are mathematicians, for example, who are so inept and dim-witted about other things that they can hardly tie their own shoes or know when to go to the bathroom. This is literally true! The occurrence of such minds is frequent enough that there is a name for those who possess them. They are called, 'idiot savants.'
Many mathematicians, even if they are not idiot savants have other mental and emotional handicaps. One of those handicaps is the inability to comprehend anything that is not measurable, countable, controllable, and/or predictable. They cannot comprehend the world, or anything in it, that is not bound by those limits.
When mathematicians set out to make the world comprehensible to themselves they naturally attempt to bring all things, events, and people into systematic arrangements wherein they can be measured, counted, controlled and predicted. How nice for idiot savants and other mentally handicapped mathematicians! How gruesome for the rest of us!
When mathematical theorists occupy themselves with calculations concerning the future of the world and how it ought to be planned in order to make their predictions come true and their calculations accurate, they are sometimes called, 'numerologists.' To numerologists everything is number, and everything can be related to and explained by number. To them the ancient 'wisdom' of the Pythagorean cult is as modern as today. 'Everything is number' sums up the wisdom of the world. What does not conform to their theories has to be altered so that it does conform or it must be destroyed. Mathematics, instead of being a useful tool to aid in our thinking, understanding and communicating, becomes a god to be worshipped and obeyed.
If we are to be trapped in a mathematically predictable, planned world, we shall have to forget those parts of our natures that do not conform to the mathematicians' calculations. The first thing we must give up is our own will and conscience. Then we shall have to give up our own plans. It follows that we shall also have to give up our own property, our own families, and our private thoughts and emotions. We shall have to live in the types of arrangements and participate in the types of associations that are planned for us, and which help to make us, and our behavior, mathematically predictable.
One hundred years ago the idea of a totally planned and managed world was the scheme of a relatively few brilliant, but corrupt minds. Their chief inspiration and planning director was the French mathematician. Auguste Comte, who had spent his life making plans for the type of world he had decided we ought to live in. By the time he died in 1857 the entire plan had been published, and organizations, such as the Positivist Society, had been formed to see that it might be carried out.
Of those who were acquainted with Comte's works, some ridiculed them, some rejected them, some forgot them, and some set to work in order, eventually, to take control of the world through the efforts of fellow Positivists of later generations.
Positivists have worked through religion, education, organizations, business and government to prepare the world for the World Plan and to bring it into being. How close are they? Very close!—and all of us have been used in one way or another, generally without our informed consent, to help them achieve their goal.
Many people have wondered why it is that so many wealthy and super wealthy financiers and industrialists, such as the Rockefellers, Fords, Carnegies, etc . . . have financed and participated in schemes, religions, and educational efforts to bring about a totally-planned world economy. The answer is that they saw the totally=planned world economy as a device for retaining the family wealth and power in an age of increasing democracy and independence. Comte's plan set up a select group of wealthy 'Patricians' as custodians for the wealth of the world. He wrote:
"In industrialism, the voluntary protectorate . . . will concern property rather than persons; and, as such, its organization will be easier and on a vaster scale. Its real strength will lie in a central nucleus, a body of patrician widowers, solemnly dedicated by their own free act to the office, but not therefore ceasing to take part in industrial life, except at stated periods of retreat, in buildings set apart for the purpose, in order to rekindle their zeal by contact with the priesthood. (NOTE: mathematicians, sociologists, and economists)
them will rally, before reaching their maturity, all such as, possessed
of the requisite wealth, aspire to be enrolled one day in the protecting
corporation. The concentration of wealth to such an object will make all
feel the great importance of respecting liberty in the employment of capital,
even when its holders have no distinct function, for such may exceptionally
become the most useful members of the wealthy class, if they use aright
the freedom which their position gives them"
Positive Philosophy, Volume IV, P. 203
Those who followed the Positivist plan, such as Thomas J. Watson of IBM, Charles Ranlett Flint of W. R. Grace & Co., Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University, and James B. Conant of Harvard knew what they were doing when they helped to set up the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the U.S. and International Chambers of Commerce, the UN, the Educational Commission of the States, World Regional Government, etc . to help bring about world interdependence and world control of commodities and energy.
The International Chamber of Commerce and its 'elite' now have an organization called the Office for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris through which they can manipulate the flow of capital, goods, and energy to their own advantage. And, as OECD's Secretary General, Emile van Lennep, said recently, ". . . energy policies have become an important tool of macro-economic management." Translated, I take this to mean that energy policies are being used to control economic conditions in the world today.
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Economists are mathematicians who apply their mathematics to commercial affairs of men. Sociologists are number lovers who like to prove they can count by applying numbers and basic arithmetic to the social activities, patterns, and relationships among people and groups of people. We could get along very well without any of either, but there seems to be very little chance in the near future of our getting an opportunity to try.
Read Erica Carle's books: Why Things Are The Way They Are. and "Give Us The Young"
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Erica Carle is an independent researcher and writer. She has a B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin. She has been involved in radio and television writing and production, and has also taught math and composition at the private school her children attended in Brookfield, Wisconsin. For ten years she wrote a weekly column, "Truth In Education" for WISCONSIN REPORT, and served as Education Editor for that publication.