Erica Carle
July 11, 2010
Internal Standards Must Go
The ideal type for life in the sociocratic new world order is a human automaton with no internal standards. A robot can't say no. It is controlled by whatever signals are used to activate a response. The New World Order needs robotic human responders, not self-controlled individuals who have internal standards.
Auguste Comte, the originator of sociocracy put it this way:
"The only real life is the collective life of the race; individual life has no existence except as an abstraction."
"When the system is fully regulated, the effect of this will be to secure greater unity by diminishing the influence of personal character."
Reading about Comte's ideas inspired Edward Bellamy to fictionalize his concept of what life might be in a sociocratic society. He wrote:
Individualism, which in your day was the animating idea of society, not only was fatal to any vital sentiment of brotherhood and common interest among living men, but equally to any realization of the responsibility of the living for the generation to follow.
You must understand that we all look forward to an eventual unification of the world as one nation.
Madame Blavatsky, one of the founders of the Theosophical Society was inspired by Comte and later by Bellamy's Looking Backward. She promoted the idea of world brotherhood. In her Key To Theosophy she wrote:
The organization of society, depicted by Edward Bellamy, in his magnificent work Looking Backward admirably represents the Theosophical idea of what should be the first great step towards the full realization of universal brotherhood. . .
Annie Besant, Madame Blavatsky's successor as head of the Theosophical Society explained the Theosophical meaning of word brotherhood in the magazine WORLD THEOSOPHY:
The feeling of separateness is definitely wrong, whether it leads to one's thinking oneself more righteous or more sinful. The perfect saint identifies himself with the criminal as much as with another saint. For the criminal and the saint are alike divine, although in different stages of evolution. When a man can feel thus, he touches the life of the God within himself. He does not think of himself as separate, but as one with all. To him his own holiness is the holiness of humanity, and the sin of any is his sin. He builds no barrier between himself and the sinner, but pulls down any barrier made by the sinner, and shares the sinner's evil while sharing with him his good.
There is no chance that the "perfect saint" of Theosophy will be able to establish high quality internal standards. But sociocrats are also working to insure that no one, Theosophist or not, will be able to establish, teach, or live by high internal standards.
In 1967 a Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction bulletin told teachers:
A child generally comes to school with what R. J. Havighurst calls an authoritarian conscience acquired from his parents through a progression of punishments and rewards. He soon learns that he is not equipped to deal with all the new situations which confront him. Peers and teachers join and sometimes supplant parents in helping him to find solutions which are often in conflict with those offered by his parents. His task, then, is to change from this early authoritarian conscience to a rational one. . .
Harvard psychologist B. F. Skinner wrote:
It is the autonomous inner man who is abolished, and that is a step forward.
QUESTION: How does the system go about abolishing the inner man?
Once an individual has reached the state in which the current of thought and feeling flows on under the sole guidance of suggestion, without any interference from the will, he is operating on the level of what Dr. Wm. B. Carpenter called 'reflex action of the cerebrum.' In this condition the victim cannot of himself turn the current of his thoughts because all his power of self-direction is gone. His mental operations are directed by whatever suggestions impress his consciousness.
Do you remember the great tragedy of murder and self-destruction in Guyana in 1978? More than 900 people died because the cult they joined had destroyed their will.
And there has been a more recent example of large groups operating by reflex action of the cerebrum. When the Obama Health Care legislation was passed not a single member of Congress who voted for it could have acted according to the oath taken on joining the body, or on any intelligent analysis of the legislation, because the contents of the legislation were not available before the legislation was passed. They reacted as human automata rather than self-directed individuals with internal standards. The robots couldn't say no.
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Obviously a great deal more than political correctness is involved when the Ten Commandments and the Bible are banned from education and from public policy decisions. For the new world order inner standards must be abolished. Robots can't say no.
[Read Erica Carle's books: Why Things Are The Way They Are. and "Give Us The Young"]
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Erica Carle is an independent researcher and writer. She has a B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin. She has been involved in radio and television writing and production, and has also taught math and composition at the private school her children attended in Brookfield, Wisconsin. For ten years she wrote a weekly column, "Truth In Education" for WISCONSIN REPORT, and served as Education Editor for that publication.