Other Rural America In The Crosshairs How
Obama Illegally Bought The Black and Latino Rural Vote
Ron Ewart Forgive us for entering into a subject that is best left in the bathroom, but without certain items of biological comfort we could be sent back to the dark days of outhouses and Sears catalogues. With the insanity that is radical environmentalism aside, our lifestyle and its comforts are a direct result of industrial ingenuity in turning trees (a renewable resource) into highly useful paper products from toilet and computer paper, to feminine napkins, Scot towels, packaging and grocery bags, etc., each product making our lives a little easier. Industry keeps coming up with new ideas to turn trees into paper, in all of its various forms. Of course, there are always the 22-year old brain-dead actresses telling us we can get along with one square per event. Obviously she never had a ................................, Never mind, we won't go there. But oh my God! When you make paper from trees it takes energy and in the process that evil CO2 is emitted. And of course we have to kill the trees to make the paper. That’s bad. But even worse is that we reduce the absorption of CO2 by removing the trees as well, except that we can re-plant trees. That’s why trees are a renewable resource. Obviously, we must be killing the planet by our hedonistic lifestyle of greed and avarice, especially those rich Americans, and this practice must be brought to a halt immediately to save the planet. The environmentalists and the government tell us it is so and they have brainwashed millions of Americans (including our young school children) into believing it is true, except for a couple of little scientific "things" that the government and the radical environmentalists choose to ignore to promote their green agenda. Two of these scientific "things" come to mind. CO2 (carbon dioxide) is heavier than air. CO2 sinks. It is a fact of physics. Yes, a small portion of CO2 that doesn't sink to the ground to feed the trees, plants and plankton, ends up in the upper atmosphere due to churning, but a very tiny portion. Of all of the greenhouse gases, CO2 makes up 0.177%. But what is even more striking in these statistics is that the CO2, supposedly caused by man, is a small fraction of that 0.117%. In fact, the greatest greenhouse gas (95%), over which man has absolutely no control, is water vapor and obviously has the greatest effect on planet warming, or cooling as the case may be, if any, not withstanding the effects of that giant yellow orb in the sky. So the government and the radical environmentalists would have us believe that a miniscule fraction of a gas, that is heavier than air, a gas that all living things on this planet could not survive without, is somehow heating our planet into a runaway global warming event and we are all going to die or drown, if we don't repent to the God of Green! If you believe this poppy cock, we question your intellect. The environmentalists and thus the government, don't want us to drill for oil anywhere in the U. S., or won't let us build any new pipelines, power plants, refineries, or dams. Meanwhile, other countries, like China and India are exploiting their sources of energy every day, in spite of their greenhouse gas emissions. But these same insane folks who run our asylum called a government, want to lock up as much of our land as possible from livestock (food), resource extraction (minerals, oil and trees) and people. They then implemented by law, the positively outrageous and questionable practice of turning our food into fuel, (ethanol from corn - Sorry Iowans) thereby driving up the price of almost every food group. Anyone with half a brain could see this coming 30 years ago. Some did and warned us, but the warnings went unheeded. Let's follow these events to their illogical and deleterious conclusion. Crude oil is the very foundation of the energy that powers our civilization in the western world. Just about everything is affected by the cost and availability of crude oil. A large fraction of crude goes into the production of fuel for cars, trucks, airplanes, ships and heating our homes and businesses. The rest goes into the production of plastics, paints and resins and many other products, you know, like nylons for women. Transportation and the infrastructure that supports transportation, is absolutely vital to the distribution of every product we buy or sell, including food. If trucks and trains don't roll and ships don't ply the open seas, Albertson's, Safeway, QFC, Costco, Fred Meyer and a host of other retailers and big box stores don't get products to sell to you. Have you ever thought of where you will get your food, if your local grocery store's shelves are empty? Perhaps from your neighbor at the point of a gun, if he has any food and if government hasn’t taken away your guns.
Food is kind of important to survival you know. Some think that if you can't buy it, then you will have to take it by force. Now of course in such a scenario, your benevolent government would step in, declare martial law, nationalize all food production and distribution and ration it out as they see fit. Do you want to be at the end of the long line of how the government sees fit? How easy it is to control people when you own food and energy production. Could that be our future? Many think it is. But this all fits a very evil pattern, driven by international environmentalists, one-world-order types, and the United Nations and Europe, in their eternal quest to bring the United States down to a third-world country by re-distribution of our wealth, our property rights and the destruction of our freedom. By driving up the price of everything, the thinking of governments and the radical environmentalists is that you will use less of things and move into cities where you won't have to drive as far for your food or work and where you are much easier to control by government. And of course they are encouraging you to bicycle, walk, or take mass transit. It's good for your health you know and the government and the radical environmentalists are very concerned about your health. Hardly! If the environmentalists and the government succeed in taking away, or outlawing, crude oil and trees, we will be driven back into those days of outhouses, palm leaves and candles. We covered this possible outcome in our fiction story of Jeremy’s one day in the future. The article starts out: “Jeremy huddled in a corner of the old log cabin, out of the wind, even though it blew through the cracks in the walls and whistled and moaned with a haunting, bone-chilling sound. The sky was dark, gray and menacing. The coming twilight filled him with dread. There would be no artificial light for the approaching darkness and he tried not to think of the long night ahead.” “Our own oil, coal and natural gas resources had been shut off by the environmentalists and the Obama administration. The entire energy infrastructure had fallen into disrepair. Oil, gas and coal companies had shut their doors because of too many restrictions and exorbitant emission taxes. The wind and solar power that Obama promised would replace fossil fuels, was just one of his worthless, but very expensive pipe dreams, like so many other socialist and radical environmental policies he implemented. Power plants quit running for lack of transportation, energy resources and maintenance personnel. The power grid was ravaged by neglect, natural forces and frequent domestic and foreign terrorist attacks. But that was of no consequence. There was no power to distribute to the grid.” Read the rest of the story HERE. Throughout history dictators have herded the people out of the countryside and into large cities where they can be controlled to a much higher degree. Remember the Nazi's Warsaw ghetto? A dictator's, or a liberal president’s worst enemy is a freethinking rural landowner, who just might start a revolution. So the next time you have the opportunity to send a donation to an environmental group, or vote for a politician that will do whatever the environmentalists or socialists want them to do, think twice, or maybe four times. You could be funding and voting for your own demise, not to mention the high possibility of losing your freedom and control over life-sustaining food and toilet paper. Right now government controls your money, your land, your water, your food, your energy and your health care. What’s left? WE THE PEOPLE have a choice, either become the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED again, or be slaves to the GOVERNMENT, where they take your money, your land, your health care and control the distribution of your food and energy. Imagine what the world would be like if there were no toilet paper, or worse, no food at your local grocery store. A hungry belly has nothing to lose by stealing, looting, killing, or going to war. It is happening in many parts of the world right now. And don't be fooled. It can happen here! People who fail or refuse to confront and stop tyranny, are destined to be enslaved by it.
But then, who is going to lift a finger to stop the socialists, the environmentalists and the one-world-order types? Americans could stop this freedom-robbing madness within a few years if there were enough people willing to act and enough money to fund their efforts. Sadly, out of 320,000,000 people and the richest nation on earth, there is neither ….. at least not now. Evidently, things just aren’t bad enough yet, even though half the people are living off the sweat, blood and tears of the other half and the former half get to vote to force the latter half to pay. One hundred years ago, that egregious injustice would have ignited a revolution. But not today where we live in a cesspool of political correctness, irrational compassion, radical environmentalism, multi-culturalism and the liberty-starving ideology of social justice. [NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] � 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at info@narlo.org. Website: www.narlo.org E-Mail: info@narlo.org
Forgive us for entering into a subject that is best left in the bathroom, but without certain items of biological comfort we could be sent back to the dark days of outhouses and Sears catalogues.