Other Rural America In The Crosshairs How
Obama Illegally Bought The Black and Latino Rural Vote
Ron Ewart [NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations and I have not provided false information to this or any other committee.” —Lois Lerner, past director of the Internal Revenue Service's Exempt Organizations Unit That’s
right! Lois Lerner didn’t do anything wrong, or broke any laws,
or provided false information to any committee. No, she pleaded the Fifth
instead. She, a practiced attorney, decided on her own to target conservative
groups seeking tax-exempt status with volumes of intrusive, prying, intimidating
Now if you believe that Lois Lerner did this on her own and was not directed to do what she did from well up the executive ladder and perhaps all the way to the President, then you believe in fairy tales, Alice-in-wonder land and leprechauns. Of all of the federal agencies, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the most vicious, arrogant, abusive and corrupt and this is on top of their bloated bureaucracy, gross incompetence and antiquated computer systems. It is a criminal, racketeering enterprise by any definition. The IRS has virtually unlimited power to harass, intimidate, abuse, or incarcerate anyone it pleases and is subject to little if any legislative oversight, as evidenced by the fact that the Department of Justice refused to indict Lois Lerner and other officers of the IRS in the recent IRS scandal, in spite of overwhelming evidence of criminal activity and cover up. And the IRS inspector general, one J. Russell George, is a joke. He should be in jail, along with the IRS Commissioner Joseph Koskinen and its Chief Counsel, William Wilkens. And if you are thinking that a new president or Congress is going to abolish the IRS, forget it. Congress will never abolish the IRS, as we wrote in a previous article entitled, “Why Congress Will Never Repeal the IRS.” Congress loves the IRS because it very effectively controls you and your behavior ….. on purpose. Americans are in an oxen’s yoke. They just don’t know it. Sadly, government gets a free pass almost every time. In today’s world, government always protects government. That’s why the DOJ never went after the IRS. It will come as no surprise to this author if Hillary Clinton gets a free pass while a decorated general, with a long, celebrated career, is taken down for far less of a violation than what Hillary Clinton has committed. Hillary is as corrupt as the IRS. As we stated, the IRS is arrogant, abusive and corrupt. Here are just three documented examples of IRS criminal abuse of taxpayers.
These are three glaring cases. But they can’t hold a candle to the millions upon millions of lesser cases that terrorize American citizens every day and make them deathly afraid of the IRS. As we wrote in a previous article, it has been reported that the IRS harasses over 10,000,000 taxpayers each year for mistakes the IRS makes, forcing the taxpayer to spend many hours and lots of bucks trying to convince the IRS that they are wrong. We are in one of those situations right now. Some taxpayers, in disgust, just pay the taxes, penalties and interest rather than fight the IRS. We, on the other hand, are using our own tools to set them straight. Now some authors will tell you that you don’t really owe income taxes under a strict interpretation of the tax code. They may be right, but many taxpayers have paid a huge price, or even sent to jail, by acting on this knowledge. For the purposes of this article, we are not going to buy into that argument. At this point, we are going to assume that each citizen that earns money from wages or other pursuits owes income taxes, right or wrong. But that doesn’t mean you are powerless to defend your self against the IRS. It is not necessary to capitulate every time you receive a letter, notice, or demand from the IRS. There are actions you can take to put you back in the driver’s seat. The first thing you need to do is to request more time to consult with professionals who have knowledge in the issue raised by their letter, notice, or demand. You may or you may not consult with professionals, it is just a plausible reason for more time, time that you can put to good use. Also, you need to tell them in your letter requesting more time that you consider their letter, notice, or demand to be an adversarial act by government and you must act accordingly “to defend all of your rights and interests in law or at equity.” This will put the IRS on notice that you intend to meet them head on and take nothing for granted. The next thing you need to do within the time period of your request for more time is to challenge their assertions in their letter, notice, or demand. They could easily be wrong because they are wrong a good portion of the time. Another defense is to question their legal authority and the legality of the law that they cite in their letter, notice, or demand. It is your absolute right to do so.
Whatever you do, don’t panic. Stop and think about your next move. Don’t act hastily, although it is wise to answer any notice from the IRS within three (3) business days. You are dealing with a vicious federal agency that has the absolute power to take everything you own and put you in jail, even if they are wrong. Research and study as many credible sources as you can. When you are sure of your facts, then act and act professionally to let the IRS know you know what you are doing. If you don’t feel you can handle the issue on your own, seek qualified professional help, if you can find help that won’t rob you blind. Stay out of court if you can. The courts are a stacked deck and they don’t always comply with the law, much less constitutional principles. Just ask Doreen Hendrickson. Now you may not win every time with the IRS, but at least you can look in the mirror with respect and your head held high, knowing you fearlessly and unafraid, spit Goliath in the eye. And then again, by challenging them you just might get lucky and slow them down, hold them at bay, or stop them altogether. As they say, you can’t win the lottery if you don’t get in the game. Ladies and gentlemen, you are not powerless against the IRS. Don’t get mad at them when they come calling. Get brave, get smart and then get even, “HERE” or “HERE.” [NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of NewsWithViews.com, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.] © 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.org) a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at info@narlo.org. Website: www.narlo.org E-Mail: info@narlo.org
One other thing: Never, ever engage the IRS in any other form than in writing. Anything they say to you personally or over the telephone, they can and will deny. Anything you say verbally to them, they can and will use against you.