Ron Ewart
November 9, 2016
In our recent article entitled, "Will A Hillary Presidency Trigger A Revolution", if Hillary is elected President we wrote:
"It is a given. Hillary is pre-disposed to continue the Obama doctrine of "fundamentally transforming" America into his distorted vision of what he considers to be a seriously flawed nation. She will continue his FAILED economic, financial, environmental, climate change, educational, energy, immigration and foreign policies and make them worse."
A Hillary Presidency will just continue the downward spiral of America into abject socialism or even worse, fascism.
if it turns out that Donald Trump has been elected President, the situation
America faces is just as dire as it was before November 8th, 2016. The
accumulated difficulties that have piled up over the last 100 years
are not going to go away in a Trump four-year term. A sagging economy,
illegal immigration, globalism, the death spiral of Obama Care, radical
eroding property rights, an insane energy policy, political correctness,
public school socialist indoctrination, a widening racial gap, run-away
welfare, a non-existent foreign policy with our friends and our enemies
and the lack of a strategy to defeat radical Islam will still be with
us. It remains to be seen whether Trump can do all of the things he
says he would do. He will be up against a high percentage of the electorate
that considers him to be their enemy and a divided Congress where the
Democrats will do everything in their power to see that he doesn't complete
any of his goals. If Democrats have taken the Senate, it is likely that
most of the things Trump wants to do will be blocked. It is further
quite probable that in four years, Trump will be replaced with Democrat
and the House and Senate will revert to a Democrat majority. We have
gone past the point of no return where socialist-Democrats in large
urban cities have the majority of the votes. For all intent and purposes
the conservative ideology has become essentially impotent.
But there are millions of Americans that are more than just tired of over 100 years of expanding Progressive rule, double dealings, backroom conspiracies, political racketeering, international entanglements, collusion and corruption at all levels of government, they are furious. Government has become the master, not the servant as it was intended to be. Those millions of angry Americans are itching to set things right, once and for all and by any means. All it will take is a "FLASH POINT" to set off a violent chain of events.
America was born out of a "flash point", the Revolutionary War. We confronted the bully of King George the third of England in a bold act of courage and in violent open revolt against British rule. When the nation was about to become divided by states rights and slavery, America was altered again by another "flash point", the Civil War. Brother fought against brother and sons fought against fathers. The loss of life has never been equaled in any other contemporary war and the festering and lingering animosity from that "flash point", exists even today.
Then the bullies of Europe and the Empire of Japan erupted onto the world stage in the two "flash points" of war in the Twentieth Century. America responded to those "flash points" at great cost, saved the world from dictators and tyranny and freed over a billion people. The sacrifice of those American heroes from both World Wars was and is immeasurable.
During the time between the two World Wars, another "flash point" began to alter American principles of freedom, liberty and unalienable, individual rights, to a point now, where all three are in serious jeopardy. Reacting to the Great Depression, another narcissistic President, over-enamored with his place in history, began to unravel the constitutional rights, protections and guarantees of the American individual. The Bill of Rights contained in the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution was not enough for this president. He expanded the Bill of Rights to include a whole series of social rights that were invented out of whole cloth without any regard to their constitutionality. His actions were fully supported and sanctioned by a left-leaning U. S. Congress and an FDR-packed U. S. Supreme Court who ignored their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. This openly Progressive "flash point" that started in the early 1930's, may have altered America to such an extent that returning to a Constitutional Republic may never be achieved except by revolution. The real America, the vision of our Founding Fathers, started dying when the people succumbed to the siren call of "I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help!
If you have been paying attention to the pulse of the nation on all of the different issues that present themselves, you will get a deepening sense of rising anger, frustration and open hostility to government. That anger cries out with the words, "..... let's go get those guys that are abusing the Hell out of us and shredding our cherished Constitution."
Ladies and gentlemen, in its history there is evidence all over America of people saying enough is enough and pushing back against government tyranny, corruption and little tin Gods, like the Clintons. One such pushback occurred in a little town in Tennessee in 1946. Another took place a little more recently on Independence Day 2000 in a little town near Elko, Nevada on the Jarbidge River. And another pushback came in April of 2014 when heavily armed militia confronted over 200 Bureau of Land Management storm troopers trying to force the government's will on a Nevada rancher.
The first push back was called the Battle of Athens. The second was called the Jarbidge Shovel Brigade. The third was called the Bundy Ranch showdown. In the first case, a bunch of returning Veterans from World War II pushed back and corruption was silenced, at least for a while. The federal government was told to shove off in the second and the third. In the first case, the town's people had to resort to violence because local government corruption had gotten so bad. In the second case, the town's people showed up in large numbers with shovels raised at the ready, forcing the government to retreat. That's right! A bunch of Americans with shovels sent the federal government packing. In the third case hundreds of armed civilians showed up at a Nevada Ranch to challenge federal authority and the government had no choice but to back down.
Perhaps we are using the wrong weapons against government tyranny. Because we all know a bully can only be silenced by a greater show of force and in the case of government tyranny, the people are that greater force.
Could America fall into civil war or revolution? Many signs point to it. The anger in America is rising virtually by the day as the government, big business, big unions, academia, national and international moneychangers and power brokers and the news media that aids and abets them all, has set a direction for America that is in direct opposition to a center-right country, not to mention the egregious and continual assault on our Constitution and our liberties. Where can it lead, if not revolution? Can America be brought back from the brink of revolution, peacefully? This author thinks so, but not without putting up one of the greatest citizen fights since the American Revolution.
This country set up a unique political environment in which an individual man, woman, or family, left alone by their government, could struggle and prosper or struggle and fail, based upon their own individual abilities. This country of individuals was created by people of vision, by people who were willing and free to take risks, by people who were willing to toil, by people who were willing to fend for themselves and take care of their own, by proud people and proud families.
What a concept! But my how judges, legislators, supreme courts, academia and the news media have perverted this principle. The fact of the matter is, when government helps those who have the ability to help themselves and transfer monies (taxes, with a gun to your head) from the productive side of society to pay for it, they weaken forever the will, pride, strength, energy and desires of those they help and we as a country grow weaker for it. Should we take care of those who truly can't help themselves, of course?
However, we as a country are getting weaker by the day and each intrusion of government into our private lives (like onerous taxes, nationalizing banks, businesses and health care and the taking of private property without due process and just compensation) continues to erode those freedoms granted to us by our creator and by a document that has never been repeated in any other country on the face of this planet. These erosions will eventually lead to civil war or revolution.
Just how long will those that pay the taxes finally revolt against a government that forces the taxpayer to pay for massive government waste, fraud, abuse and corruption and also pay for millions of able-bodied free loaders? Just how long will the Western State landowners take federal abuse and harassment by radical environmentalists and those Eastern politicians and bureaucrats before the guns come out? (See "Session or War - American West Against the East")
The recent acquittal of the Bundy crew that took over the Oregon Wildlife Preserve with guns in January 2016 is just a small taste of what is in store for further federal encroachments on private lands.
In the spirit of Thomas Paine, during this time of great conflict, confusion and turmoil, and at a time “that truly tries men’s souls”, we have tried to describe why America is headed for a revolution, unless there is a major shift in the thinking of many Americans and the reining in of the growing power of government, at all levels. We offer this historical wisdom, political insight and prophetic vision, in the sincere hopes that we can keep the idea of freedom and liberty burning brightly in the hearts of all men of good will and that American freedom will never die. And further, that America will remain to be the "Shining City on the Hill" for all Americans and the rest of the world.
Ronald Reagan told us that: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”
Consequently, each generation has a solemn duty to preserve, protect and defend freedom for their generation, as well as the freedom for their children and grandchildren by any means and by violence if necessary. To do otherwise is a dereliction of duty and the penalty for the failure to defend freedom will be written in the history books describing the generation that shirked their duty. May we not be that generation.
May we not end up like the Germans, the Italians, the Russians and the Japanese in World War II, who let the heads of their respective governments drive head long into imperialism, fascism, socialism and communism, because that is where America is headed today.
In the interest of preserving, protecting and defending freedom for this and the next and future generations of Americans, we hereby dedicate our new book entitled “America Is Headed For A Revolution ….. Unless?” to our three grandchildren, Preston, Spencer and Vanessa. Let it be known that we gladly performed our solemn duty, with pride and honor, to defend freedom for this generation and each succeeding generation. "We don't want to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States when men were free."
[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it's employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]
© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) ( a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at