Ron Ewart
February 22, 2017
The crack of FBI sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi's sniper rifle echoed across the forest as it tore through Kevin Harris and then passed through Vicki Weaver's head, as Kevin dove through the door of the Idaho cabin in August of 1992. The FBI sniper had already wounded Randy Weaver. Vicki was cradling her infant daughter in one hand and holding the door in the other. Her older daughter was standing next to Vicki and as the bullet ripped through Vicki's brain, pieces of her hair, scalp, skull, skin and blood splattered the older daughter standing next to her.
of an earlier event where a U. S. Marshal was killed by Randy Weaver's
14-year old son, and the son was killed by the other U. S. Marshals,
an FBI "kill order" went out to all FBI agents that had descended
on the scene. The Weavers were to be killed on sight. The wholly preventable
tragic episode lasted 11 days. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bo Gritz was
successful in negotiating an end to the standoff. The event stemmed
from Randy Weaver trying to sell two sawed off shotguns to an ATF informant
and then not showing up for his court hearing, leading to U. S. Marshals
showing up at the cabin.
Rumors that the FBI had engaged in a cover-up regarding the Ruby Ridge operation were verified when E. Michael Kahoe, former chief of the FBI’s violent crimes section, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in 1996. Kahoe, who had destroyed an official bureau critique of the standoff, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Weaver and Harris won a $3.1 Million dollar settlement from the government.
The well-known government siege that occurred at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas between February 28th and April 19th in 1993 was a similar event of out-of-control government power. It resulted in the death of 76 people, including young children living in the compound, burned to death by the ensuing fire. The memory of that event is burned into the minds of conservatives all over America.
Also burned into the memory of millions of Americans, especially Japanese Americans, was FDR's February 19, 1942 Executive Order 9066, which interned (jailed) upwards of 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in military camps on the West Coast. The government used the military to round up these Americans and don't think for one minute the government wouldn't do it again. Now do you still trust government?
Never forget that government is force and it is power. Thomas Jefferson warned us that: "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Has the U. S. Government become tyrannical? You decide.
But this government over-reach and abuse of power doesn't stop there. In a much more recent case, FBI agents and Oregon County Sheriffs and State Patrol Troopers staged an ambush on a desolate, snowy stretch of Oregon highway to apprehend Ammon Bundy and the others that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to protest the incarceration of ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. The ambush led to the assassination by the officers of Lavoy Finicum, one of the occupiers of the wildlife refuge. A jury would later acquit the surviving occupiers, to the dismay and disappointment of the government prosecutors.
wrote about the event in a recent article: "Over the
last several decades, small, local skirmishes, sometimes violent, started
erupting in different parts of the West, in response to the government
and environmental land grab, which led to the Sagebrush Rebellion in
the 1970’s. The skirmishes started to grow in size, which culminated
in the Bundy Ranch standoff in 2014 at Bunkerville, NV between 200 heavily
armed BLM agents and several hundred private citizens carrying guns.
A shooting war where private citizens would start dying in the desert
for all to see at the hands of federal agents, wouldn’t play well
with public opinion. The event was widely covered by the news media
and the government wisely stood down."
As Americans push back against rising government abuse, harassment,
interference and growing regulations, government responds with overwhelming
force, totally out of proportion to the event, in an overt act of tyranny,
as they did in Ruby Ridge, Idaho; Waco, Texas; Bunkerville, Nevada and
Burns, Oregon.
But it's not just government that Americans can't trust. The lack of trust also extends to the news media and even academia. Both lie extensively, distort events to fit their agenda and infuse events and even science with a rabid Progressive mindset, man-caused global warming being a glaring example.
A few days ago the Associated Press reported a bogus story that the President was going to use the National Guard to round up illegal aliens and deport them, whether criminals or not. The story was an outright fabrication, in other words, fake news.
In a recent article by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times, he wrote: “Ladies and gentlemen, we were attacked on Dec. 7, 1941, we were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and we were attacked on Nov. 8, 2016. That most recent attack didn't involve a horrible loss of lives, but it was devastating in its own way.”
Devastating Mr. Friedman? How? Devastating to Progressives maybe. Friedman purposely fails to recognize and attacks the 63,000,000 Americans in the 30 states that voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. They voted for a candidate that was going to shake up the status quo and rattle the timbers of the establishment elite. They voted for Trump because they had grown tired and angry over decades of failed Progressive policies. Trump, as flawed as he may be, was and is the flag bearer of that shake up and Friedman, the New York Times, academia and the rest of the national Progressive crowd are crying like a hungry baby with a dirty diaper because they didn't get their way.
How can you trust columnists, reporters and news outlets that purposely distort the news, make up the news ..... or lie?
But let's not forget those liberal colleges that pretend to teach your college-age children. These liberal professors are so brainwashed into thinking that liberalism and Progressivism are sacrosanct, they do everything in their power to silence any other avenue of thought. No, not every college professor is a rabid liberal carrier of the Progressive disease, but unfortunately, most of them are. We've selected a few quotes from college professors that illustrate the institutionalized liberal and often radical bias that exists in almost every college in America.
"Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers. …How does a country deal with the fact that some of its most revered historical figures had certain moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?" — Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin
"On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab hijackers too demonstrated their willingness to die — and to kill — for their dream. They died so that their people might live, free and in dignity." — Shahid Alam, Northeastern University
"I live to harass white folks." — Derrick Bell, Harvard
"The blood is on the hands of the NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God d*mn you." — David Guth, University of Kansas
"Real freedom will come when [U.S.] soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors." — John Daly, Warren County Community College
"The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military…I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus." — Nicholas De Genova, Columbia University
"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." — Bill Ayers, University of Illinois at Chicago
"As to those in the World Trade Center…Let’s get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. …If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it." — Ward Churchill, University of Colorado at Boulder
The foregoing is just a sample of what liberal professors actually think. We found many more comments just as egregious.
But our educational institutions don't begin and end with liberal indoctrination in America's colleges. It goes all the way back to Kindergarten and through 12th grade public education that has now been infected with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). We described CCSS in our August 7, 2013 article entitled: "Common Core Standards - Suspicions Confirmed." Common Core State Standards are riddled with United Nations internationally defined social justice and radical environmentalism. One of the standards includes this all-illuminating phrase: "CCSS must respond to equity as a meaningful process to address the social justice issues of race, language, gender and class bias." This statement was in a math class directive. A math class!?
The other words and phrases that caught our eye in CCSS were "social interactionist theories", "social and cultural theories", "social contexts" and "equity." The words "social" and "equity" are recurrent themes in everything we read about Common Core State Standards. These words come right out of United Nations socialist policies, parroted by liberals and you won't find them in the U. S. Constitution.
Social justice and social equity have now become more important and have greater priority in the public school curriculum than Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic.
The point of all this discussion is, how can you trust the utterances of academia, or even teachers in K-12, when a huge majority of the professors and teachers are steeped in only one ideological, philosophical and political point of view that vehemently rejects any other point of view?
How can you trust government when it abuses its power so readily, so often and with deadly force against its own citizens? How can you trust the news media when it creates false news and outright lies to their viewing, reading and listening audiences?
If the people cannot trust their government, or the news media, or academia, or public education, then these entities have become the enemy of the people and must be resisted by any and all means.
Finally, there is a president who will bring that resistance to the front doors of these entities in open and notorious defiance. If he succeeds, that could be the turning point that conservatives have been waiting and praying for, ever since the days of President Woodrow Wilson and the 16th Amendment.
Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, after over 100 years, Progressivism is so embedded in our institutions and the mindset of the people, it may be that only a revolution will break the strangle hold it has on our culture, our economics and our freedom. At this time, there simply is no organized and well-financed resistance to unravel Progressivism and like all Republics before us, the people will wait until it is too late to mount an effective challenge. All the words and utterances in all the conservative venues won't change anything. In contrast, "The Other Side" is well organized and well funded. Hopefully, some day, the people will come to realize that Progressivism is as much a danger to freedom as the atomic bomb is a danger to the entire human race.
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