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The Men, The Money and The Methods Behind the New World Order aka Global Governance.

Dennis L. Cuddy, historian and political analyst received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in Political Science), and taught in the public school system and at the university level.






Government Spin or Truth?

In 1890 Cecil Rhodes stated he would start a movement that would in 100 years bring in a world government in which there would be no war and only one language. One hundred years later in 1990, President Bush announced the arrival of the New World Order.

Since early this century Rhodes Scholars have been involved with the CFR, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, international Banking, Congress, and federal administrations since Woodrow Wilson, President Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, has appointed at least twenty-two Rhodes Scholars to high positions in his administration. Dr. Dennis Cuddy reveals the source of the conspiracy that has been dedicated to erasing nationalism and replacing it with a world government.

Cover-Up; Government Spin Or Truth?:  By Dennis L. Cuddy, Published by, Hearthstone Publishing, Inc., 138 pages p.b.  $11.95 plus $6.00 for S/H.  For each additional book add $1.50 for S/H

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