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Understanding how current events are changing your world!

Joan Veon has interviewed and queried presidents and prime ministers; key officials from the United Nations secretary-general to the presidents of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the managing director of the Bank for International Settlements; Chief Executive Officers of major multinational corporations and the non-governmental organizations (NGO), such as, the Prince of Whales International Business Leaders Forum; and key movers and shakers, such as Maurice Strong and Michael Gorbachev, as well as eminent economists from around the world. Visit her at or call 301-371-0541 for more information.


Understanding the North American Union & Public Private Partnerships

Joan Veon is a business woman, journalist and expert in the United Nations. For the last 13 years she has covered 93 global meetings around the world, including: economic, environmental, peacekeeping & trade meetings; the UN General Assembly; UN-mega conferences on population, housing, food & sustainable development, UN Office on Outer Space; the birthing of the International Criminal Court; NATO, as well as, the group of eight, the World Economic Forum, the Club of Rome, and the Bank of International Settlements, IMF/World Bank, and many others.

This DVD includes:

  • How the barriers between nation-states have been torn down and how the world is becoming one-interdependent,
  • How eminent domain has become the "law of the land" as a result of sustainable development.
  • Explains what public-private partnership is and how it provides a way for private corporations to buy government, thus changing the structure of government and reducing representative government to corporate.
  • Explains what the UNs Biological Treaty is, AKA "Smart Growth" or "Rural Legacy," and how Americans are being forced to move to "Growth" areas, causing the value of their farmland to drop.
  • What"regionalization" is and how the world is being moved regions or "free trade zones" like the European Union and the coming Free Trade Areas of the Americas, which is the final phase of the North American Union.

Understanding the North American Union & Public Private Partnerships, $14.95.
Shipping: $6.00 for S/H & $1.50 for each additional DVD
 Running time: 45 min.

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