WMD: The Murderous Reign of Saddam Hussein offers a balanced view of the real Iraq, before, during and following the military involvement of the United States and its allies. WMD provides an objective report for Americans to consider prior to going to the polls in November. Exclusive interviews and expert analysis of the current geopolitical situation are provided, including an in-depth interview by Victor David Hanson, author of eleven books, including "The Western Way of War", "An Autumn of War" and "Between War and Peace."
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION The liberal bias toward the war in
Iraq was one thing. Then came a propaganda piece that did more to line
the pockets of a radical filmmaker then to tell the truth. That's when
Brad Maaske, a conservative businessman from the agricultural heart of
California, decided enough is enough.
It was time for a documentary that
told the truth about the human toll and terror under the personally guided
regime of Saddam Hussein.
Weapons of Mass Destruction, produced by Stonegate Media Group. $19.95 plus $6.00 for S/H. For each additional DVD add $1.50 Run time: 75 min. |