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By Anita Hoge
October 19, 2013

H.R. 5 -Power, Control, Funding, and Enforcement Aligned to Common Core Standards, Identifies the Student, Sets the Stage For Nationalizing Education

Obamacare was first to mandate to the individual. Now, education! Is this really what the American people want? Nationalizing education? HR 5, the re-authorization of ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, passed the House without a whimper. Two remarkable turns of events: first, on July 19, 2013, the Republican held House of Representatives gives Obama the socialist agenda that he dreams of-federalizing all of education and contributing to the loss of representative government. Second, the Common Core State Standards being passed in every state closed that loop. If this legislation passes this fall in combination with SB 1094, the federal government will be able to dictate what is taught in the classroom by fiat.

Local and state control will erode when federal funds go directly to the individual student bypassing all local & state authority. The individual student is identified, monitored, and targeted for intervention with the Common Core Standards. Common Core + HR 5 + SB 1094 =federal control of ALL education-private schools included with the Choice Amendments attached in HR 5. When HR 5 is combined to SB 1094, the companion bill in the Senate that was voted out of committee, the compromise will be disastrous for the Republic destroying public education, private education, and how local government functions.

Let's explain how the Common Core Standards identifies 'Johnny' in the classroom for the federal government. But, keep in mind, the Common Core Standard's key component is standardization in all 50 states.


The standards are copyrighted by the National Governors Association, NGA Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO.) The copyright ensures that the standards will be the same throughout the nation, creating a de-facto national curriculum. The standards also carry a public license which waives the copyright notice for State Departments of Education to use the standards. Two conditions apply. First, the use of the standards must be "in support" of the standards and the waiver only applies if the state has adopted the standards "in whole." This use of a copyright for public policy document is unprecedented in U.S. political history. The effect of the copyright and public license is standardization across the United States; the standards cannot be changed or modified, creating in effect, a national curriculum.

Overview of the Common Core Standards:

In 2009 the National Governors Association hired David Coleman and Student Achievement to write curriculum standards in literacy and mathematics. Announced on June 1, 2009, the standards were supposedly designed to be "relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills for success in college and careers to compete in a global economy." What is missing here is that a standards based system totally changes how we educate students in the United States. This is the same outcome based education debate that was feverishly fought in the 90's. Parents moved the clock back then on compliance, but not the continual research funded by the federal government, non-profits, corporations, and business. Obama also unlocked FERPA, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, opening the research on individual students to meet the Common Core Standards. This is a defunct, sorry, recurring, failed education model being duplicated again, and again, and again.

Older names for Common Core Standards are: OBE, Outcome Based Education, Competency Based Education, Performance Based Education, Mastery Learning Model, and Student Centered Learning. The key to this model deals with the individual meeting learning outcomes or standards. This model is an un-natural process and does not identify individual differences in people. The focus is removed from a teacher teaching the curriculum with curriculum objectives to a group of students with varying intellectual differences. The Common Core Standards transforms education with each student with varying intellectual differences meeting the same specific controlled outcomes. Traditional education is turned upside down. This system removes the Carnegie Unit (ABCD or failure). Students no longer go to school 180 days or seat time, now there is no time limit for meeting standards. There are no more grade delineations like freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. And, most important, there is a transformation away from teaching content toward teaching 'standards only' driven by constant assessments and testing.

Think about that. Everyone will meet the SAME standard. Hello, America! Everyone is not the same. This is a socialistic-communistic system....equitable education. This system does not identify differences in individuals. Those students who move faster through the standards, will be the 20% selected for higher education, the global children selected for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate, (Franken Amendment) but with the right attitudes. The other 80% will be trained for work. And yes, attitudes and values are part of the standards and part of the workforce skills for jobs aligned to the SCANS, Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Values and attitudes are a part of the College and Career Ready Standards. Senate Bill 1094 blatantly includes "across domain" testing for the social and emotional development of students. Parents be prepared for the psychoanalyzing of your student.

The Remarkable Carrot and Stick Routine

Forty-five of the fifty states in the United States are members of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. States were given an incentive to adopt the Common Core Standards through the competitive federal Race to the Top grants to the tune of $4.35 billion from the Recovery Act. President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced Race to the Top competitive grants on July 24, 2009, as the carrot. To be eligible, states had to adopt "internationally benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the work place." This meant that in order for a state to be eligible for these grants, the states had to adopt the Common Core State Standards or something similar. The rush to accept federal dollars provided a major push for states to adopt the standards. The Common Core Standards are funded by the governors and state school chiefs, with grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and others. States are planning to implement this initiative by 2015 by basing at least 85% of their state curricula on the Standards. Last year Obama also provided the states with Flexibility Waivers for No Child Left Behind. With this funding coup, states would have to also entertain College and Career Ready Standards, workforce skills in the affective domain, moving away from an academic curriculum toward a standards based system.

With the implementation of new standards, states are also required to adopt new assessments. The two consortiums surfaced with two different approaches to test the standards. 26 states formed the PARCC RttT Assessment Consortium, (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, Race to the Top.) The approach focuses on computer-based ‘through-course assessments’ in each grade combined with streamlined end of year tests, including performance tasks. The second consortium, “the SMARTER Balanced Consortium, consists of 31 states for adaptive online exams.The decision to use which assessment is determined by state education agencies.

Work is in the planning stage to create a common, universal assessment system based on the common core state standards. Of course. If you have a national curriculum, you must have a national test. This unprecedented move changes the Standardized Testing most students are currently taking, because standardized testing measures content and does not measure attitudes. The "Universal Assessment System" is assuredly NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress and has always been the prototype for all state assessments that experimented with testing in the affective domain.

The clever plan to standardize the standards was actually passed by individual states or state boards of education. This removed the legal violation of the federal government directing and supervising curriculum which is against federal law. In summary, once your state accepts the Common Core Standards, power is removed from your neighborhood school and the teacher in the classroom. Common Core removes the old system based on content and replaces it with individual Common Core Standards that each individual student must meet and every individual teacher must teach. The Common Core lowers the bar of academics with a "dumbing down" approach in order for all children to meet them. Feedback loop control is initiated to force compliance on the school, the teacher, the student with data tracking creating a Total Quality Managed system. Individual educations plans, career pathways, small letter iep's, whatever you want to call forcing the individual student to comply to ONLY the Common Core, will be developed for EACH and every student creating a system of interventions if the student does NOT meet each standard through federal Special Ed funds, IDEA. HR 5 and SB1094 refer to the interventions as "Specialized Student Support."

HR 5, the Dollar and the Force Behind the Common Core. SB 1094 Out of Committee

The legislation passed by the Republican held House of Representatives sold our country out with this piece of legislation. The funding, Title I, "follows the child." What does this mean? This means that the money will fund each student wherever they want to go to school. This funding bypasses the state government and the local district. Interesting enough, the amendments attached by key Republican Congressmen, and a few other Democrats, have an assortment of issues that contribute to ensuring that representative government is erased.

Eric Cantor, (VA) R, and Rob Bishop (UT) R, allows Title I funds to follow the student to other public or charters schools upon the state opting to allow it. Rob Bishop also makes Title I portable to public ( including charter) schools and private schools. Matt Salmon, (AZ) R, provides States with the flexibility to allocate Title I grant funds in a manner that follows the child. States may allocate these funds based on the number of eligible children enrolled in the public and private schools served. John Tierney (MA) D, ensures a state’s accountability system is applied to charter schools in the same manner as to other public schools. Jeff Duncan (SC) R, states would be able to direct block grant funding to any education purpose under state law.

In Summary: Creating Choice, Diminishing Public Schools, Grooming Charter Schools.

Under the House Bill, HR 5, a student is "given" Title I federal dollars to go to the school of their choice. Which school will they go to? The public school across the district? across the state? to a private school? Catholic school? homeschool? across state lines? Your tax money is traveling everywhere blurring tax bases. What will this do to your local school district? What will this do to a locally elected school board who will no longer have control over the tax base with students moving everywhere? The funds must be divided to each student in an equitable way.

Under the Senate Bill, SB 1094, funding establishes or expands inter- or intra-district public school choice programs that follow the child starting at birth to age 21, mandates workforce skills, and testing across ALL domains, attitudes and values included. It also establishes a NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARD. (This bill does not extend the choice funds to private schools, Senators Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Paul Rand (R-Ky.) amendment to allow Title I dollars to follow a student to any school, public or private, was defeated.) The meshing of the two bills gives us the entire agenda. The writing is on the wall.

Eventually, there will no longer be "better" schools, only equal schools. It is only fair, there shouldn't be wealthy school districts and poor school districts. Right? This ensures that your local school district will struggle. If a local district survives, they must be in-tune and in compliance with the common core agenda with perhaps minor functions like hiring, firing, maintenance of buildings, and managing federal accountability guidelines. Many states have already gone to court over equitable school finance and alternatives to property taxes. The trend is a regional tax base, pooling tax money, and this legislation lays the groundwork to do just that. Schools will close because of less funding to operate, and so called "academic bankruptcy" for not meeting standards. This also sets the stage for charter school take over, which is a public school without an elected board. Local and state representative government will continue to be gradually diminished. Follow the money.

Sending Federal 'Choice Children' to Private Schools

Will a private school be forced to accept a choice student? Will this choice money force private schools into " equal opportunity" and "an equitable resource implementation plan" for the choice students enrolled? Will choice students force the national curriculum and national testing on the private schools? Yes, Yes, and Yes. Particularly if your state passed the Common Core Standards.

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Charter schools will be the norm, the future for all public schools. Charter schools are the model for taxation without representation. Specialized Student Support, Continuous Improvement, Teacher Evaluations, and Data Tracking Oversight with testing, testing, testing for accountability are all packed into HR 5 along with the choice amendments. Will the Democrat Senate pass this legislation this fall? Combined with SB 1094 introduced by Senator Harkin, which is the Democrat version of HR 5, we can count on it. We will have federalized all of education in the United States of America-Obama's Dream.


Stop the Common Core Standards.
Stop HR 5.
Stop SB 1094.


Historical Documentation: Soviets in the Classroom, Charlotte Iserbyt, deliberate dumbing down; Website.

See Obama's, Race to the Top Agenda' - States Under Republican Leadership Fall For the Carrot: Children Sold-Out for a Profit, by this author for documentation. Website.

HR 5 legislation. HR 5
SB 1094 legislation out of Committee: SB 1094

Franken Amendment- Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate: The Chosen 20%:

� 2013 Anita Hoge - All Rights Reserved

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Anita B. Hoge, lecturer, educational researcher, parent.

In 1990 a federal investigation was completed against the Pennsylvania Department of Education, after filing a federal complaint against the Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, & the US Department of Education's National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, under the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment. Forced the Pennsylvania EQA to be withdrawn. Forced the US Department of Education to do their job to investigate the psychological testing of children without informed written parental consent. NAEP was never investigated because the Department said I didn't have standing, although documents had proven that NAEP did experimental research & used different states to pilot their agenda by embedding their test questions into the Pennsylvania EQA as well as other state tests.

Subject & main researcher for the book, Educating for the New World Order. My story is told about an incredible journey into the devious & deceptive operations of our government to change the values, attitudes & beliefs of American children to accept a new world order. The first to document the expansive data collection operation of our government establishing micro-records on individual people in the United States. Experimentation, illegal testing, & data collection is exposed.

Lectured all over the Unites States in the 90's about illegal & controversial testing, curriculum, & collection of data by our government. Arranged & lectured town hall meetings all across the state of Pennsylvania to withdraw affective student learning outcomes to stop Outcome Based Education. In January of 1992, parents in Pennsylvania won the battle against OBE when the Independent Regulatory Review Board had requested that the State Board of Education remove all outcomes which dealt with attitudes, habits, traits, feelings, values, & opinions which are difficult & subjective to measure & that the remaining outcomes be defined & coordinated with academic requirements that can be measured. The battle continues.










Work is in the planning stage to create a common, universal assessment system based on the common core state standards. Of course. If you have a national curriculum, you must have a national test. This unprecedented move changes the Standardized Testing most students are currently taking, because standardized testing measures content and does not measure attitudes.