By Thomas R. Horn
May 19, 2009
Enter Enoch's Antediluvian Pillars
An important
narrative is told from Masonic Legend based partly on Talmudist and other
traditions including Josephus (indirectly in the first book of Antiquities)
wherein Enoch, here considered a father of Freemasonry and before he is
translated into Metatron, is visited by his female counterpart—the
Shekinah of God—and is given a vision of the end of the world. Because
of his devotion to God, Enoch constructs nine hidden vaults underground
at Mt. Moriah. The vaults are perpendicular;
one atop the other, in which he deposits the most important ancient knowledge.
In the deepest vault (ninth), he places a triangular plate of gold, measuring
a cubit long on each side, bearing the secret and ineffable name of God.
When the vaults of knowledge are complete, Enoch covers them over with
soil and erects two pillars on the site—one on which he inscribes
the history, Arts and Sciences, and “doctrines of Speculative Masonry”
according to Masonic historian MacKey, and one on which he places hieroglyphic
information pointing to the precious treasure in the vaults nearby. The
pillars are nearly destroyed in the Great Flood and the vaults lost until
the building of Solomon’s Temple. Maverick Freemason writers Christopher
Knight and Robert Lomas in their book, The Second Messiah: Templars,
the Turin Shrowd, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry admit that
the legend of Enoch’s Pillars, as well as the Solomon Pillars constructed
afterward, are very much a “Pesher” of Masonic rituals. The
term “Pesher” is a Hebrew word discovered in the Dead Sea
Scrolls, which implies that double meanings or “ciphers” occupy
certain ancient texts. Thus “surface interpretation” of particular
writings are for common persons of moderate mental capacity, while deeper
concealed truths lay hidden for the initiated persons of higher degree.
Knight and Lomas connect this with the legend of Enoch and the illuminated
Masonic rites:
“The thirteenth degree [of the Ancient Scottish Rite of Freemasonry] is ‘The Royal Arch of Enoch’ or ‘The Master of the Ninth Arch’ and it is set at the time of the building of Solomon’s Temple three thousand years ago. It is very much a ‘pesher’ of the Holy Royal Arch Degree, which is the story of the Knights Templar removing a keystone in the ruins of Herod’s Temple and lowering themselves down into a subterranean vault that contains an ancient scroll.
“The degree tells how, in times long before Moses and Abraham, the ancient figure of Enoch foresees that the world will be overwhelmed by an apocalyptic disaster through flood or fire, and he determines to preserve at least some of the knowledge then known to man, that it may be passed on to future civilizations of survivors. He therefore engraves in hieroglyphics the great secrets of science and building on to two pillars: one made of brick and the other of stone.
“The Masonic legend goes on to tell how these pillars were almost destroyed, but sections survived the Flood and were subsequently discovered—one by the Jews, the other by the Egyptians—so that civilization could be rebuilt from the secrets that had been engraved on to them. Fragments of one pillar were found by workmen during the excavations for the foundations of King Solomon’s Temple. Whilst preparing the site in Jerusalem three thousand years ago the top of a vault or arch was uncovered, and one of the Masons was lowered into the vault where he found relics of the great pillar of knowledge. . .
“The next degree, ‘Scotch Knight of Perfection’, is set in a room which has at its centre the reassembled fragments of Enoch’s pillar, inscribed with hieroglyphics. It is claimed that King Solomon created a ‘Lodge of Perfection’ to rule over the thirteen lower degrees, and its members held their first secret meeting in the sacred vault of Enoch beneath the partly constructed Temple of Solomon.” [1]
Consequently in Masonic mysticism, Enoch/Metatron is not only controller of “divine wind” but key to the secrets of illumination. Rituals within Freemasonry related to this legend of Enoch on Moriah, his preservation of the Arts and Sciences in the underground repositories, and the rediscovery of such during the building of the Temple of Solomon are two-fold—those based on Enoch’s hidden vaults including the two pillars representing secret knowledge from antiquity, and those based on the pillars in the Temple of Solomon representing the passageway that initiates must move through en route to the guarded knowledge. The rituals based on these legends are separated for the primitive and higher degrees, with those related to the Enochian Pillars being “preserved exclusively to the higher and more modern degrees” of the Craft, while the “only pillars that are alluded to in the primitive degrees are those of Solomon’s temple” according to MacKey and Singleton. [2] In Morals and Dogma, the late Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike adds that Enoch’s name in Hebrew signifies “initiate” or “initiator” and hence the columns of knowledge erected by him and those of the Temple of Solomon parodied in the Craft and rituals (including the Royal Arch Degree) is symbolic of the Mason’s procession from uninitiated to illumined. When a person joins the Order, he passes between the twin columns during initiation, beyond which awaits the mysteries “of which Masonry is the… custodian and depository of the great philosophical and religious truths, unknown to the world at large, and handed down from age to age by an unbroken current of tradition, embodied in symbols, emblems, and allegories.” [3] Worshipful Master Mason Keith Sheriff in a lecture available on the Inhabitants Lodge No. 153 website acknowledges that the two pillars erected at the Great Temple of Jerusalem are mirrored in the Masonic Lodges as sentinels to the entrance “of the inner sanctum, where the Ark and the Divine Shekina resided.” He adds that the pillars in the Masonic Lodge represent a “portal through which the initiate passes on his admission to Freemasonry” toward the esoteric knowledge represented by and beyond the pillars, available only to those who “traverse the threshold and participate in the mysteries of the Order.” [4]
While the original Scriptural symbolism (see 1 Kings 7:21) of the pillars in the Porch of Solomon’s Temple suggest by their titles the sustaining power of God (Jachin—the right pillar, meaning “He will establish,” and Boaz—the left pillar, meaning “Strength”), the symbolical passage between the pillars in the Masonic Lodge establish among other things the goal of passing through the “guardians and gates” in order to reach the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe and the inner sanctum or “Sanctum Sanctorum” where “the Ark and the Divine Shekina” in Masonic spiritualism hold high occult understanding.
The well-known Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff, the Tyrian ‘First Grand Master’ of the order of Masons and chief Architect of the Temple of Solomon (whose legend is impersonated every time an initiate reaches the level of Master Mason) is said to have been the only man at the time of the Temple’s construction who knew, and therefore could pass down, the Enochian secrets. Every Freemason of Third Degree and higher thus understands what researchers of the Order know as well, that the Temple of Solomon is central to the origin, buildings, layout and rituals of Freemasonry. Each Lodge is a representation of the Jewish Temple, every lower degree Mason a depiction of the Jewish workmen who built the Temple, and “every Master in the chair a representation of the Jewish King.” Significant reasons why this is the case include belief by particular Masons that under the bowels of Moriah, where the Temple was built and near the place where Christ was Crucified, is Enoch’s buried arched vault that held (or holds) the mysteries of angelic knowledge and the ineffable name of God. In Cryptic (concealed or subterranean) Rites of Freemasonry, the Council of Royal and Select Masters actually ritualize this concept by playing out the discovery of the concealed vaults wherein the hidden name of God (discussed later) is bestowed. Occultists prefer to keep shrouded why knowing this hidden name is so important, but according to ancient ritual magic, it is because one can capture, control, or manipulate the power of the “god” if one possesses his oracular name. This is a demonization of a biblical tenant, which conveys that names have power, such as evil spirits being cast out “in Jesus name” and Jesus having “a name which is above every name” (see Mk. 9:38-40, 16:17; Mt. 7:22-23; Acts 19:13-17; Phil. 2:9-11).
Hebrews as well as other Old Testament peoples ascribed great significance to naming their children, believing the name held power to determine the outcome of the individual’s life. In occultism, this belief is echoed in the mythos of many magical ceremonies including those of one of the most important deities from mythology, Isis, who was venerated by the Egyptians, Greeks, and the Romans as the undisputed queen of magical skills due to being the “goddess of a thousand names.” Her enchantments were so powerful that she even forced the high god Ra to reveal his most secret name to her. She accomplished this by conjuring a magic serpent that bit the sun god—a reptile whose venom was so potent that it brought Ra to the point of death, forcing him to surrender his hidden and powerful name. When Ra succumbed, Isis uttered different secret words, which drove the serpent’s poison from his body. Afterward, the victorious goddess added Ra’s powerful and hidden name to her archive of divine words. Such magic words were considered by the Egyptians to be of the highest importance for the navigation of physical and spiritual dimensions. This was because Isis not only possessed secret words, but she instructed her followers as to how, when, and with what vocal tones they were to be uttered. If the proper words were pronounced correctly—at the right time of the day and with proper ceremony—they would have the effect of altering reality, manipulating the laws of physics, and of forcing the being or object to which they were directed into compliance, including people, spirits, and gods. Interestingly, Freemasonic scholars admit that the legend of Hiram Abiff—their original Grand Master and architect of Solomon’s Temple—is but a retelling of the mythos of Isis and Osiris, a fact that the reader will find significant later.
to the occult value or sacredness then of the numerous elements surrounding
the story of Solomon’s Temple in mystical literature, there has
been an idea for some time that groups from among the Freemasons and illuminated
fraternities intend to rebuild or to participate in the rebuilding of
a glorious New Temple in Jerusalem fashioned after the one built by Solomon.
Disclosure of this has occasionally reached the public’s ear. The
Illustrated London News, August 28, 1909 ran a spectacular
supplement in which they detailed this goal. The article was titled, “The
Freemason’s Plan To Rebuild Solomon’s Temple At Jerusalem”.
Three years later, September 22, 1912, The New York Times
published an outline by Freemasons to rebuild the Temple under the title
“SOLOMON”S TEMPLE: Scheme of Freemasons and Opinions of
Jews on Rebuilding”. By 1914, some publishers had begun adding
unprecedented details, including a report that the land on which the Dome
of the Rock now stands was secretly purchased and plans were already under
design for the construction of the Third and Final Temple. Researchers
since have produced intelligence that a hushed collaboration was firmly
in place, held back only against the right time, opportunity and circumstances
when exalted Freemasons and their associates would move with haste to
reconstruct a New Temple, from which their “earthly representative”
would reign.
In addition to occultists, groups including the Temple Mount Faithful and the Temple Institute in Jerusalem are busy restoring and constructing the sacred vessels and vestments that will be used for service in the New Temple at the arrival of their “Messiah.” Students of Bible prophecy recognize the importance of such plans as signaling the arrival of Antichrist. Old and New Testament scriptures explain that a false Jewish Messiah will appear, enthroning himself as God in the Temple in Jerusalem, but afterward he will defile the holy place by setting up a sacrilegious object in the Temple and ordering the sacrifices and offerings to cease (see Dan. 9:27; II Thess. 2:3-4). For any of this to occur, it is necessary for the Temple to be rebuilt, thus making claims by Freemasons or other groups interested in fulfilling this monumental task highly suspect with regard to unfolding end-times events.
A major obstacle that arises when discussing the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem is the present-day existence of the Islamic shrines known as the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, an issue that may also be resolved in Bible prophecy. A fault line near Jerusalem has been the cause of a half-dozen major earthquakes over the last thousand years and may be strategically located to utterly destroy the Islamic shrines at any point in time. Zechariah 14:3-4 reads, “Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.” Such a catastrophic event could wipe out the Muslim compound and provide a catalyst for rebuilding Solomon’s Temple. Reports in recent years have featured scientific evidence and geological surveys warning that buildings in this area could be severely damaged if not utterly demolished by an earthquake. The Associated Press in what sounded particularly prophetic in this regard reported, “Most at risk… is the Old City and the 11-acre elevated plaza housing two major mosques, including the gold-capped Dome of the Rock. The site is known to Muslims as the Al Aqsa Mosque compound and to Jews as the Temple Mount—once home to the biblical Temples.” [5]
It is also entirely possible that an event such as an earthquake would not be required to bring about the dream of a new Temple in Jerusalem. The Middle East is a powder keg and war with its missiles and bombs could take out the Islamic shrines in a single hour. Some claim the Muslim structures could even be intentionally targeted during a conflict as a way of facilitating the construction of a New Temple. Some writers and researchers into this field of study predict that a prophesied (II Thes. 2) Masonic Temple for all faiths will be built on the very spot from where the debris of the Moslem structures are cleared following some calamity, and that then a New Messiah will pass through the golden Masonic portals of the New Temple, announcing to the world that the Universal Savior of mankind has come.
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Whether circumstances will be sufficient to build the New Temple before America elects its next president in 2012, evidence that the foundation upon which the Man of Sin shall reign is impossible now to deny.
Editor's note: This series is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book: APOLLYON RISING 2012: The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed. Sign up to be notified when APOLLYON RISING 2012 is released and get $60.00 IN FREE GIFTS! Sign up here!
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4,
The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shrowd, and the Great Secret of
Freemasonry, By Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, pp. 204-205, Published
by Fair Winds, 2001
History of Freemasonry Part 1: V. 1 By Albert G. MacKey, William R. Singleton,
pg 49 Published by Kessinger Publishing, 2003
MORALS AND DOGMA, by Albert Pike, published by the Supreme Council of
the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States
Charleston, 1871. Pg 210
Jason Keyser, "Jerusalem’s
Old City at risk in earthquake," Associated Press, updated 10:26
a.m. CT, Mon., Jan. 19, 2004)
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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