Use of CoQ10 Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
By Dr. James
Howenstine, MD. Conventional medical thinking concerning the brain have always believed that the brain steadily decreased in size with aging and that when brain neurones (nerve cells) died they were lost forever. This explains why elderly persons generally have slightly smaller brains than younger individuals. Preserving And Renewing Brain Cells With Lithium Medical students are taught that there is a slow steady loss of brain cells with aging culminating in gradual shrinkage of the brain. Lithium has long been known to be an effective therapy for Bipolar Disorder (manic depression) when taken in high doses. However, recent research has shown that low doses of lithium preserve and renew[1] brain cells. Eight of ten persons given lithium showed an increase in brain grey matter of 3 % after only 4 weeks. By promoting brain cell regeneration and increasing brain size lithium can function as an anti-aging nutrient for the brain. Lithium also accomplishes the following benefits for brain cells:
Research has suggested that lithium blocks the secretion of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease and prevents damage from pre-existing beta amyloid. Overactivity of the brain cell protein tau contributes to death of neurones in Alzheimer's Disease. Lithium inhibits this tau protein damage and the formation of the neurofibrillary tangles seen in AD. Ten years of research by 27 counties in Texas disclosed that the incidence of homicide, rape, robbery, burglary, arrests for drug possession, and suicide[4] were higher in counties whose drinking water contained little or no lithium. Counties whose drinking water naturally contained higher amounts of lithium had significantly lower rates of all these crimes. These counties with higher levels of lithium in their tap water experienced fewer hospitalizations for homicides, mental illness[5], psychosis, neurosis, schizophrenia, and personality disorder. Low dosage lithium benefits alcoholism and mood disorders seen in heavy users of alcohol and their relatives. This therapy is often obvious to family members[6] when depression, premenstrual tension, temper flareups and irritability cease affecting the individual. Lithium has been helpful in reducing aggressive[7] behavior in children. High dosages of lithium helped two adult women with severe anorexia nervosa[8] regain 26 and 20 pounds in six weeks. Both women experienced improvement in behavioral problems. Low dosages of lithium have been found to be safe.[9] Dr. Jonathan Wright suggests 20 to 30 mg. of lithium aspartate or lithium orotate daily as an appropriate dose to stop brain aging. This is 1/3 to 1/6 the dosage of lithium carbonate used to treat manic depressive disorder. Dr. Hans Nieper of Germany has learned that lithium orotate or lithium aspartate penetrate cells more effectively than lithium carbonate so smaller doses can be used. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily along with 400 I.U. of vitamin E ensures that no lithium toxicity can develop. These lithium products can be obtained from Tehama Clinic 425-264-0059. Should Lithium Be Added To The Water Supply In The U.S.? The answer is yes, particularly for parts of the country where lithium water levels are low. Placing lithium in the water supply would almost certainly lower crime rates and would also improve the productivity of many emotionally troubled persons. Is this likely to occur? Probably not because there is no large corporation that would profit from the placing of lithium in water. To understand the political environment surrounding an issue like this it is important to have an awareness of how fluoride was placed in U.S. water supplies. Why did fluoride get placed in U.S. community water supplies? A politically important industry (aluminum manufacture) had an enormous problem disposing of the very toxic sodium fluoride created as a byproduct of the production of aluminum. Other than use as a rat poison, sodium fluoride had no economic value. Was there any evidence that fluoride decreases the incidence of cavities? No, not then or since then. Were any studies conducted to verify if the placing of fluoride in the water was safe for the American public? No. Did anyone know how much fluoride should be added to water? No. The dose selected one part per million[10] was selected arbitrarily. When the legislation to place fluoride into U.S. water supplies was passed every congressman had bottled water placed in their offices. A prominent senator always carried a flask of spring water in his coat pocket when he dined in a fashionable Washington restaurant. He stated to his dinner companions " Not one drop of fluoridated water will ever pass my lips." Such are the guardians of our nation. Since placing lithium in our water could improve general health and decrease the need for pharmaceutical drugs there is little possibility this will occur. Preserving Brain Function An interesting study was
done in
elderly nuns living in a convent to try to ascertain what factors seem
to contribute to declining brain function in the elderly (dementia).
What was discovered was that those who were involved in activities that
challenged the brain (learning new skills, working crossword puzzles,
playing chess, etc.) were less likely to become demented than those who
had no interests and were simply vegetating. This fits with "use it or
lose it concept regarding brain function in the elderly" which appears
to be valid. Footnotes: 1,
Moore G.L. et al Lithium-induced increase in human grey matter. Lancet
2000; 356: 1, 241-1, 242 © 2004 Dr. James
Howenstine -
All Rights Reserved Dr.
James A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal
medicine who spent 34 years caring for office and hospital patients.
After 4 years of personal study he became convinced that natural
products are safer, more effective, and less expensive than
pharmaceutical drugs. This research led to the publication of his book
A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work. Information
about these products and his book can be obtained from amazon.com and
at www.naturalhealthteam.com
and phone 1-800-416-2806 U.S. Dr. Howenstine can be reached at jimhow@racsa.co.cr
and by mail at Dr. James Howenstine, C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box
25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.
"Research has suggested that lithium blocks the secretion of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease and prevents damage from pre-existing beta amyloid."