By Dr. James
Howenstine, MD.
September 2, 2009
Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) and Aging
Carnosine is a combination of the amino acids beta-alanine and l-histadine. Carnosine is a strong antioxidant but has even greater importance because it blocks the process of glycation. When sugars combine with protein, they may produce damaging substances called advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs). These AGEs interact with adjacent proteins resulting in impaired function, free radical formation and accelerated aging. Carnosine is a very effective inhibitor of glycation. This works by competing with protein for binding sites on sugar molecules. Carnosine is also thought to bind already produced AGEs so they get removed. This process slows aging so it is quite important. Benefits from carnosine therapy include:
Restores fibroblasts to connective tissue, which decreases wrinkles,
improves damaged skin elasticity, and speeds healing of wounds.
Diabetics have more AGEs at an earlier age than non-diabetics.
Carnosine may protect against diabetic complications.
Prevents cross-linking to beta amyloid in Alzheimer’s
disease, inhibits free radical production in the brain, and protects
against lipid peroxidation.
May help the body eradicate h. pylori, the ulcer causing bacteria
Rejuvenates old cells, extending cell life span, which should benefit
longevity (proven in mice).
Improves vision in most persons with cataracts.
Revitalizes fibroblasts, thus blocking aging of skin (wrinkles).
Carnosine is found in health food stores. The total dose is 1000 mg daily taken in divided doses. This should be a valuable supplement for all diabetics and all persons over 50 years of age.
N-acetylcarnosine Dissolves Catatarcts
A new and valuable therapy for cataracts is N-acetylcarnosine (NAC). This was developed by opthalmologist Dr. Mark Babizhayev in Moscow. Application of a 1% solution of NAC to the eyes has dissolved cataracts. This works by preventing and reversing cross linking of the lens proteins (glycation) that produces opacification and impaired vision. In six months, 90% of patients had improved vision. No side effects or decrease in vision was seen.
The dose is one to two drops in each eye containing cataracts twice daily. Some patients have noticed that the vision in the treated eye may get worse before it gets better. Persons using NAC obtain the greatest benefits in the first 3 to 5 months of therapy. Cataracts of 15 years duration do not receive as much benefit as those of less than 7 years duration. The availability of topical N-acetyl-carnosine provides the patient with a cataract a new simpler less expensive therapy than cataract extraction with lens implantation.
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Can C (NAC) can be obtained from (1-800-416-2806) and Smart Nutrition (858-270-9015) or as Eye D’Clare (NAC) from Life Enhancement (1-800-543-3873). A Physician's Guide to Natural Health Products that Work.
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