By Dr. James
Howenstine, MD.
October 25, 2009
Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia is a low grade B cell lymphoma. The excessive amount of macroglobulin in the blood slows blood flow in the vascular system. This may explain shortness of breath found during flare-ups in the absence of underlying pulmonary disease. The typical patient is over 65 but the disease can be found in young persons. There is probably a genetic susceptibility as cases are often found in families.
Symptoms commonly found in these patients include bleeding gums, blurred vision, dizziness, easy bruising, fatigue, headache, mental changes, nose bleeds, numbness and pain in the hands, feet, toes, and ears, (sludgy blood flow causes more symptoms the greater the distance is from the pumping action of the heart). Skin rash may appear and unexpected weight loss can be seen.
Physical examination may disclose enlarged retinal veins with retinal bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes and enlargement of the spleen.
Laboratory abnormalities commonly seen include anemia, low platelet counts and impaired kidney function. The serum viscosity is frequently elevated and symptoms often start appearing when the viscosity levels reach 4 times the normal range. At this time the IGM has increased to about 3 grams per 100 ml. of blood. Blood viscosity measurements and levels of IGM provide valuable information about the status of the illness enabling clinicians to follow the patients progress.
Complications of Waldenstroms include visual loss, gastrointestinal bleeding, congestive heart failure, and diminished mental faculties.
Use Of LifeOne In Malignancies
A brilliant researcher who also happens to be a superb clinician developed LifeOne. He used LifeOne to treat more than 3000 patients with malignancies over a 12year period. This natural product contains high quality resveratrol, chrysin, dindolymethane, green tea extract, a Chinese mushroom that is active against cancer cells coriolus versicolor, L-selenium methionine, tumeric, and quercitin.
Many patients with malignancies have problems with absorption of nutrients. A liposomal delivery system was developed over a three-year period that permits nutrients to directly enter lymphatic and blood vessels thus bypassing problems with intestinal absorption. The high quality herbs used in LifeOne are preserved in a nitrogen environment so they cannot oxidize.
His concern that these patients stayed well after apparent recovery was satisfied and the product became available for public use. Lymphomas and Hodgkin’s disease have responded promptly to LifeOne but no case of Waldenstroms has been treated to the best of our knowledge.
Midline Lethal Granuloma (MLG) is a rare lymphoma that has never been cured by chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapy. The average life span of these persons is 2 to 3 weeks. In September 2008 an elderly male patient from California contacted me about his MLG. He was promptly started on LifeOne therapy with decreasing lymph node masses resulting. His wife had difficulty believing he was well and took him back to the prominent medical school oncologist where his diagnosis had been established. He received 7 courses of chemotherapy over 4 months and then was advised he needed heavy radiation followed by a bone marrow transplantation. She was urged not to accept this therapy. We think the fact she kept him on LifeOne during all his chemotherapy probably enabled him to stay alive.
LifeOne causes complete infiltration of tumor masses with lymphocytes and killer lymphocytes, usually within 2 weeks. Dr. Donald Roberts(surgeon) discovered this very fast infiltration rate in a patient who had a hysterectomy 2 weeks after starting on Lifeone therapy for a sarcoma of the uterus.. He came to this conclusion through pathology reports on the removed tumor mass. This infiltration can cause an initial increase in tumor size. Individuals with large tumor masses need to stay alive long enough for their tumor volume to start being reduced. This requires patients who have not had chemotherapy or radiation to stay on LifeOne therapy for a minimum of six months. For patients that have been treated with radiation or chemotherapy, a year or longer may be required.
All persons who have received chemotherapy or radiation have suffered injury to their endocrine system. This can usually be corrected by 3 months of DeAromatase therapy.
Other factors that can interfere with recovery using LifeOne include:
Active bacterial infections (the human immune system regards bacterial
infection as more serious than cancer).
Elevated blood sugar values interfere with killing of both cancer cells
and bacteria
Pain therapy with narcotics and synthetic pain relieving drugs stimulates
the growth of cancer cells.
Mistaken diagnosis of a fungal mass as a cancer mass can lead to a
chemotherapy drug being started. The subsequent killing of lymphocytes
permits rapid fatal growth of the fungal mass.
Failure to recognize adrenal insufficiency and lack of testosterone in
chronic stressful situations like malignancies can prevent restoration
of normal hormone balance. Thus the benefits of correcting muscular
weakness, fatigue, anemia, osteoporosis, and depression, which appear
after corrective use of hydrocortisone and testosterone, are not
received. At least 80% of chronically ill cancer patients have adrenal
and testosterone deficiency.
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While it certainly has not been proved at this point we are optimistic that Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia can be healed with LifeOne, due to its success with more serious lymphomas. Hopefully this article may reach a patient with Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia.
Lifeone therapy can be obtained from www.mynaturalhealthteam.com and by phoning 1-800-416-2806. It is also available from Lifeone.org
© 2009 Dr. James Howenstine - All Rights Reserved