Use of CoQ10 Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines
By Dr. James
Howenstine, MD. Structured Water And Aging Dr. Mu Shik Jhon states, “Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells and an overall decrease in total body water.” Evidence exists that replenishing the hexagonal water in the body results in increased vitality, prevention of disease and slowing the aging process. Structured water hydrates the body and removes free radicals thus slowing degenerative illnesses. Two water-related factors have been closely associated with aging:
Is An Energy Source Magnets Nutrient
Absorption Healing
Effects Of Water Dehydration Dry
Skin, Wrinkles Constipation Body
Fat Fatigue Diabetes Asthma Brain
Fog Sources Of Water Natural springs can be good sources of drinking water and have healing properties. Unfortunately many commercially promoted waters are using common water nicely labeled so be sure to check the source carefully. Arrowhead water from California has a good reputation. The degree of structuring varies from site to site. Often structuring begins to deteriorate soon after the water appears at the surface. Some springs are able to produce energized water for centuries. The motion experienced by water in springs contributes importantly to its energized state. Note: this operation has closed when Jim Carter died. I can’t confirm the statements he made. Practical Aspects Of Prill Bead Use Prill beads last a long time, several years of normal use. Steps in preparing and use of the beads include:
A simple test will demonstrate the benefits of Prill beads: mix one can of orange juice in regular water and another can with Prill water. There is a striking taste difference. For skeptics place a dried apricot in reverse osmosis water (common water ought to be fine) and a second apricot in hexagonal water. After 12 hours in the filtered or tap water the apricot becomes mushy, plumps up a little and tastes like a dry apricot. The Prill water apricot will reconstitute to nearly its original size, round and firm and will have a taste much closer to the original fresh fruit.
Suggestions For The Coming Codex Era My impression of the Prill beads is that they may well represent the best health buy for the money that exists in the marketplace. Consider buying more bags of Prill beads than you need as these could make a major difference in the health status of relatives, friends, and neighbors when we have no supplements, are forced to eat GMO food, have serious shortages of food and the water may be of even worse quality than it is currently if water is still obtainable. These beads are not expensive ($15 per package) and could significantly improve the health of relatives, friends and neighbors when the end times have made living much more precarious. We
stock Prill beads in our fulfillment house (1-800-416-2806) and I am
going to suggest using them to all patients with health problems. For
part 1 click below. Click
here for part -----> 1, © 2007 Dr. James Howenstine - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale Dr. James A. Howenstine is a board certified specialist in internal medicine who cared for office and hospital patients for 34 years. Four years of research into natural health convinced him that natural products are safer, more effective and generally less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs. This research culminated in writing the book A Physician’s Guide To Natural Health Products That Work (328 pages) $17.95. This book and recommended products can be obtained from www.naturalhealthteam.com and by phoning 1-800-416-2806. Dr. Howenstine can be reached at dr.jimhow@gmail.com and by writing Dr. James Howenstine C/O Remarsa USA SB 37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292. E-Mail:
Big Pharma is brilliantly managed. My guess is they will not risk a major confrontation with the American public at this time. They will probably simply slowly begin to mop up the companies that compose the more than 30 billion dollars in sales a year by the alternative health industry.