J.B. Williams
August 11, 2010
Whether local, county, state or federal, elected or appointed, in the legislative, judicial or executive branch, they are in all cases - first and foremost - PUBLIC SERVANTS in the United States of America.
In the United States, we do not have a Royal bloodline, a dictatorship, an oligarchy or even a democracy by mob rule. We have a representative republic and every public servant is sworn to represent the will of the people – which means the will of the majority of legal U.S. citizens.
On this basis, consider the utter insanity of our federal public servants suing our state public servants in representation of illegal invaders, all paid for by their bosses, the U.S. citizens.
More than 70% of Americans oppose illegal immigration and amnesty for twenty million illegal migrants.
Yet the illegitimate Obama administration is using taxpayer funds to support, protect and defend illegal immigrants against legal U.S. citizens, and the states must use more taxpayer funds to defend states’ rights and the people against an abusive federal government.
Does this sound like public servants to you?
When have you ever seen servants make more than their bosses? The average per capita income of the American taxpayer circa 2009 was $39,138… The salaries of our public servants are as follows –
of the House - $223,500
Senate Leaders - $193,400
House Leaders – $193,400
Members of Congress - $174,000
Our public servants make more than five times that of the average American taxpayer who pays their salaries, and that’s before we talk about the millions they rake in under the table, or their lofty retirement and medical benefits or unlimited expense accounts.
The lavish vacations and international family jet-setting demonstrated by the current party of the little people is just plain over the top! Why would taxpayers ever agree to pick up the tab for these elitist America-bashing international snobs?
How could they possibly relate to the average taxpayer? They live like rock stars, including the limo, fancy parties, private jets and occasional cocaine snort, which might help explain how Joe Biden’s motorcade can’t seem to keep the people’s limos between the white lines.
For Americans to regain control of their country, they must first regain control of their public servants who at the moment seem to think they are communist dictators complete with a cabal of Russian Czars.
The people cannot regain control of their public servants by treating them as rock stars. They cannot do it by protest, rally, petition, message boards or email campaigns.
They can only regain control of their public servants by –
Reminding them that they are public servants – daily if need be.
• Treating them like public servants at all times.
• Holding their feet to the fire until the will
of the majority is properly represented.
• Replacing them if they fail to comply.
• Replacing the entire system if the system attempts
to rule with a heavy hand.
you think this is only happening at the federal level, think again.
Check your state and local official’s salaries, or better yet,
watch this video of small town Bell
California, just outside of LA.
No, it isn’t just whacky California…
This is exactly what our nation’s Founders had in mind when they wrote the following in our Declaration of Independence.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Our government has clearly become destructive of these ends. But the people have allowed it to happen and only the people can change that by first changing their own behavior.
Our Founders saw no need for term limits. That’s because they had no intention of ever treating public servants like rock stars, dictators or Czars - or ever allowing their public servants to behave in such an offensive manner.
Pay our public servants equal to the average American taxpayer, $39,183 per year and we still won’t need term limits. The politicians will vanish from the political landscape and the public servant will return.
No matter the rock star lifestyles we allow them, public servants do not rule the roost. They serve the people. When they fail to serve the people, they have failed in their job as public servants and the people have the right and the obligation to rein them in or fire them.
An important old saying that always applies at election time -
Voters don’t elect politicians, donors do!
Like it or not, this is a true statement. Voters largely vote for the individuals they are told to vote for, by the party, by the press, by the campaigns and by cool Hollywood elites who now use their star power to promote political agendas, usually anti-American agendas, as Senator Joe McCarthy once demonstrated quite clearly.
…and by the way, why are our court jesters the highest paid people in America and who cares what their political views might be?
The donors make it possible to market the product, the politician. We all know that Oreo is the best chocolate cookie with a white center, because Nabisco has spent millions in advertising to tell us so.
But a public servant is much different than a run of the mill politician. Politicians need limos, private jets, lofty salaries and star treatment. Public servants do not…
Until the American people return to the concept of public servants, they will keep electing politicians. Politicians will always act like politicians. If let go long enough, they will begin to act like dictators and Czars. That’s where we find ourselves today.
But regaining control of our nation and government is as simple as regaining control of our public servants and firing the politicians who refuse to comply.
do not have to wait until the next election cycle to begin. No matter
who wins elections, what the people do after the election is just as
important as what they do before the election.
Every public servant must be held accountable for their actions after
the election. What they promise to do before the election is much less
important than what they do after. It is the people who must be forever
vigilant in this regard.
Our federal government currently represents a shrinking minority. Only 28% agree with Obama and only 11% agree with the Democrat controlled congress. Never in history has our federal government been more unpopular than it is today. This is what happens when we elect politicians instead of public servants.
The people must demand their rightful place at the top of this food chain and return politicians to their rightful place as nothing more than public servants.
Do that and you will take your country back. Until then, the servants will dictate to their masters.
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These folks are just plain old fashioned spoiled beyond rotten. They won’t give our country back or give up the lavish lifestyles that we have to so generously allowed them to live at our expense. We will have to take it all back and there’s no time like the present to begin that process.
We can’t change yesterday and tomorrow may never come at the rate we are going. Today is the only day we can do anything about. God help us if we don’t meet the challenges of TODAY!