J.B. Williams
February 4, 2013
the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every
Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious
confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led
to the first American Civil War.
70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare… so of course, Obama rammed
ObamaCare through in an unprecedented misuse of executive power that
shut out the entire legitimate legislative process, as spineless Republicans
sat quietly on their hands watching it all happen. The people said “no
more deficit spending…and no more raising the debt ceiling…”
so, Obama ignored the debt ceiling and ran up the federal debt by more
than 60% in one term.
ideological divide in America is not only deeper than ever in history,
it is now galvanized. With the leftist
gun grab underway, the moment when push comes to shove is fast approaching.
his second stolen election,
Obama and his Marxist minions are doing
all they can to ignite civil disobedience from more than half of
the nation’s population. But are the new
American Marxists pushing for much more than civil disobedience?
Obama attempts to disarm law-abiding Citizens despite Second Amendment
rights, he is arming
known terrorists all over the globe. His
mindless minions are insulting more than 70% of Americans and threatening
to “kick their asses again” on the basis that most
Americans still believe in those dusty old concepts recorded in the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
trained not in law or the constitution, but rather in rules of procedure
and precedence, by yesterday’s draft-dodgers turned law professors,
are telling the American people that the
Constitution and Bill of Rights are themselves “unconstitutional.”
wants to control everything down to school lunches, individual medical
care, what kind of cars we can drive, who can own a weapon and what
kind, attacking cigarette smokers while trying to legalize, regulate
and tax marijuana, as his fellow Marxists
discuss how to “re-educate” Citizens that just don’t
want to go along to get along.
you hadn’t noticed that you woke up in pre-world war Germany yet,
it’s only because your city has not yet experienced Obama’s
Urban Warfare Training of the US Military. An Obama Justice Department
Memo approves the use of Drone
Attacks on US Citizens and reports of Military Officers leaving
service because they refused to confirm that they will follow orders
to fire on US Citizens are increasing.
Obama really thinks he is going to seize
control of citizens’ private 401ks to pay for his international
Marxist movement – he is going to need more than a few lawyers
and soldiers to do it. Clearly, Obama thinks that HE is the Supreme
Law of this Land.
more than 230 years, Americans have revered the most fundamental protections
of freedom and liberty, their Bible, their Constitution and their guns.
Under the Obama administration, this is now the new operative definition
of “domestic
terrorist.” According to Obama’s DOJ, they now have
the right to use Drone attacks on these “terrorists” just
like the Drone attacks used to kill terrorists in Pakistan.
is either the strangest set of anti-American coincidences in human history,
or something wicked this way comes… Even Father of American Socialism
got it right once…
a matter of fact and law, the governing rights of the States are all
of those which have not been surrendered to the National Government
by the Constitution or its amendments.”
each of these documented events is highly troublesome in the Land
of the once Free and Home of the once Brave. But combined, it all
adds up to the Obama administration and their Marxist minions working
around the clock to shove America into a second Civil War.
there any other way to see it?
Obama and his international leftist friends drive the nation deeper
and deeper into economic insanity, trillions of dollars in public debt
that American productivity can never pay, a collapse of our entire economy
is imminent. It’s just a matter of what day they decide to stop
propping it all up with baseless money printed up in the backroom, no
more valuable than monopoly money.
can a nation hooked on adult cartoons and porn, that now tunes into
Central for the latest “news” possibly combat what is
clearly happening here?
believe that a Civil War is coming alright… but this time, it
won’t be North vs. South, East vs. West or even Republican vs.
Democrat. It won’t be the 99% average Americans vs. the 1% super-rich
either, nor will it be white vs. black or Christian vs. atheist. It
won’t be Americans against their own military either.

will be ALL Americans, including their military, against the Marxist
anti-Americans destroying America, which means politicians, their lawyers
and their leftist minions in the press. I wouldn’t want to be
them when they finally succeed in pushing the nation to internal war.
their lawyers and their minions in the press are NOT the kind of people
that go to war. They are only the kind of people that order other people
to war. When “other folks” refuse orders to go to war on
their own citizens, their families, their friends, the people issuing
those orders will be standing bare naked on the front lines and nobody
will be able to save their sorry asses from the wrath of the American
Americans have never known anything but freedom and liberty. As a result,
they take it all for granted on most days. But when threatened, the
redneck nature in every American shows up, and redneck is not a region
in the country, it’s a bad attitude towards all who would threaten
our freedom.
land is our land… remember?
land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
State Constitution begins with words very similar to this –
all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded
on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness;
for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable
and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in
such manner as they may think proper.” – Tennessee
federal constitution, a compact between the states that creates and
governs the federal government (not the people) at all times, begins
as follows…
the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty
to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the United States of America.”
politicians don’t rule
the people, as all power is inherent in the people, not
their government. The US Military has not sworn an allegiance to any
politician or political agenda. They are sworn to protect and preserve
the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the people of the United
States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic – even those
who manage to seize control of the people’s White House and attempt
to use the power of the people’s resources, against the people.
Obama and his Marxist friends want a war in American streets, they are
going to get one. Sooner or later, the American people will accept Obama’s
many invitations to war.
American people have nothing to fear but fear itself, because if and
when American Marxists push this fight into the streets, the enemies
of freedom will find themselves greatly outnumbered and ill-prepared
for the people they have so foolishly underestimated.

sane American wants to see our differences settled this way… But
as Democrat John F. Kennedy said so well – “Those who
make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
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this as a warning to all who think they will rob American’s
of their individual freedoms and liberties. Don’t misinterpret
peaceful patience for cowardice or any form of consent. When
the people have had enough, they will put down this evil and make an
example of those who have forced this fight upon them.
people have nothing to fear…. But politicians, lawyers and media
minions sure do. They had better come to their senses before it’s
too late.
Representative Republic will be defended. Any American blood that
is shed in defense of the Republic will be on the hands of those who
have forced this war upon the people.
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