By J.B. Williams
June 27, 2013
more than a decade before the outbreak of American violence, tensions
had been building between citizens of all races, creeds and color,
and their federal authorities. Attempts by the federal government
to raise revenue to pay for their mindless over-spending by legalizing
illegal immigration, seizing control of all major private industry
sectors and demonizing all dissenters as “potential terrorists,”
threatening national sovereignty and security, met with heated protests
among many citizens, who resented their lack of representation in
Washington DC.
demanded the same inalienable rights guaranteed them in their US Constitution
and Bill of Rights. Despite many efforts to avoid violence by challenging
the unconstitutional acts of the federal government in a corrupted
judiciary and congress, citizen resistance eventually turned to violence,
when federal troops opened fire on a mob of angry citizens, killing
five protesters.
I adapted the above story to meet today’s circumstances, I originally
copied most of the story from the historical account of the lead up
to the first American
Revolution. I did so to demonstrate that we have been here before…
in the years 1775-1783, our Founding Fathers seized control of America’s
1775, it was the British government which had become tyrannical towards
American citizens. Today, it is our own federal government which acts
against the American people, beyond constitutional authority. Then,
it was largely over taxation without representation. Today, the federal
acts against freedom, liberty and all inalienable rights are far more
the future will once again be decided by the people, not the tyrants.
December 1773, when a band of Bostonians dressed as Mohawk Indians
boarded British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor,
an outraged Parliament passed a series of measures (known as the Intolerable,
or Coercive Acts) designed to reassert imperial authority in Massachusetts.
The British were coming…They intended to use superior military
might to enforce their agenda.
the British had greatly underestimated our forefathers determination
to live free from tyranny.
much has changed since 1775. Once again we face tyrannical rulers.
Once again, they clearly intend to use military might to force their
anti-American agenda upon the citizens of the United States, and once
again, they have grossly underestimated the will of the American people
to live peacefully in freedom.
this is not the first time Americans have faced government tyranny
on our own soil. It is in the nature of all forms of government to
eventually grow to a point at which it believes it has total autonomy
and immunity from the people they are sworn to serve. History does
indeed repeat itself, over and over again.
Thomas Jefferson warned – “A government big enough
to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take
away everything that you have.” Such is the case in America
circa 2013. Our government of, by and for the people, is ignoring
the people, even claiming that no citizen even has the standing to
dare question the legitimacy or authority of a government allegedly
of, by and for the people.
our Founders stated in the Declaration
of Independence – “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form
of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers
in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety
and Happiness.”
only difference between 1775 and 2013 is that there was no Declaration
of Independence yet, no US
Constitution and no Bill
of Rights in 1775. These documents combined, our Charters
of Freedom, are the foundation of the government formed of the
people, by the people and for the people of the United States.
do not need to reinvent the foundations for freedom and liberty. We
simply need to restore our government to these foundations to secure
the proper destiny for America. Our task is much easier than that
of our forefathers. We don’t need to create anything. It was
created for us a long time ago and it was created so that we, many
generations later, would know the road home from a dark place in history
in which the American people must once again, demand freedom and accept
no less.

Founders knew that this moment would come, that good and decent citizens
would use force as a last resort, only when left with no other alternative.
indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not
be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils
are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed.”
a day would come… a moment would arrive.
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,
and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
The future of America is not in the hands of a few despotic politicians
who have forgotten from which all government authority is derived,
the people. Our destiny is in our hands… just as it was in the
hands of our forefathers not all that long ago.
many may feel helpless, they are not. Though many may feel the battle
is futile, it is not. Though many may fear the odds, the odds are
with the people, who outnumber the tyrants 300 million to less than
a thousand.
be certain, America is in its worst condition since 1775, in every
respect. But we have been here before. We know what to do. The road
home was paved by those who came before us. There is no guess work
here. The way home, to freedom and liberty, was given to us over two-hundred
years ago. All we have to do is follow the path forged for just this
moment in history.
future will be determined by the American people. That’s the
good news… The bad news is that this means, the buck stops with
us. If America does not realize its constitutional destiny, it will
not be the fault of a few corrupt politicians, it will be our fault.
forefathers had the will, the determination and the courage to live
free at any cost. Do we?
to those forefathers and all who have sacrificed for freedom and liberty
since, we need not abolish anything. We need only alter our current
form of government, removing from it the despots who have turned away
from our constitutional republican form to a despotic democracy in
which they believe that 51% of the voters have the right and authority
to run roughshod over the other 49%.
IV – Section IV of the US Constitution reads in part –
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this
Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them
against Invasion;”
today, our federal government thinks it is a despotic democracy, free
to invade the states and infringe upon both states and individual
rights at will. This alone is a direct violation of the US Constitution
and the form of government guaranteed to every state and every citizen.
our federal government received all power from the people, it has
no authority to act at odds with the people and every legal American
citizen has the legal standing to call them out on it, according to
the constitution.
can be no doubt about what the American people must do. Only two questions
How will they do it?
2. Will they have the courage to do it?
the judicial branch no longer operates under its constitutional authority,
it must come down. If the executive branch no longer operates within
its constitutional authority, it must come down. If the legislative
branch no longer provides constitutional oversight of the other two
branches, it too must come down.
our forefathers did it right, we can do this peacefully, if only we
have the good sense and courage to do so. If we do not, eventually,
our government will force us to internal war. They will fire the first

future will be decided by the American people. How long will they
wait, what are they willing to endure, before they make that decision?
can prevail only when good people do nothing to stop it. We must simply
act constitutionally, peacefully and united. If we do, then the evil
we face today is no match. If we don’t, then we will be responsible
for forfeiting our destiny. It’s all up to us!
to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts!
I write this piece, the US Supreme Court has issued a wholly unconstitutional
ruling against DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) in favor of a homosexual’s
right to alter the definition of marriage which dates back to biblical
times. They refused to even weigh in on a statewide mandate of, by
and for the people outlawing homosexual marriage in California. In
other words, they acted as a despotic nine member oligarchy of unaccountable
rulers, rather than a high court guided by constitutional law.
does the US Constitution give nine unelected and unaccountable political
tools of the Oval Office such massive power? The court has no such
we the people don’t stop this, nobody will!