By J.B. Williams
October 31, 2013
Without much effort I could list at least fifty separate impeachable offenses committed by the Obama Administration over the last five years. But isn’t just being a communist enough?
Let’s stop playing word games here… progressive, socialist, Marxist, liberal, fascist, Maoist, collectivist, anti-imperialism, totalitarian, even the term democracy… these are all terms used as cover for the real agenda, communism.
Karl Marx answered the first question when he said “Democracy is the road to socialism,” and he answered the second question by saying “Socialism is but a stepping stone to communism.” Marx and Engels were the inventors of Democratic Socialism, a process by which average working class voters, referred to as the “proletariat” by Marx, would vote themselves into bondage under varying degrees of collectivism sold as democracy.
I know what you’re thinking… I have heard it many times over the years… this is America and communism died with the fall of the Soviet Union. Wrong… this isn’t America at the moment and communism did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall, far from it.
The American people scoffed when Nikita Khrushchev said,
“You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have communism. We won't have to fight you; we will so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” It has also been said that Khrushchev proclaimed, “Communists would bury America without firing a shot, your children's children will be living under communism.”
Americans scoffed because they did not understand… Americans were unaware or skeptical of the news that the Communist Party established itself in the United States in 1919 and began building its proletariat army via college campuses, government employees, churches and labor unions all across America. Now they are moving in K thru 12 via the Department of Education and the teachers unions.
In 1922, William Z. Foster made the following statement to fellow members if the Communist Party USA;
“This May Day brings us the most hopeful situation for the workers of America that we have seen for many a year. The encouraging signs are those which show the changed attitude of the radicals towards the trade unions. At last they are beginning to take the unions seriously, and to give them some of their boundless energy and enthusiasm. That is what the unions have been starving for all these years. The change in tactics of the radicals will bring a labor renaissance in a few years. It is an event of the greatest significance and importance.”
How many ways do we need to hear it? How much more do we have to see before we arrive at a conclusion that was obvious to the rest of the world at least five years ago?
Americans have lost contact with the past and all that was known many years ago, only to be forgotten within a generation or two. Because Americans don’t know history, their future is doomed and they are watching as it is torn to shreds right in front of them.
On August 15, 1949, the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities issued a second printing of a report titled 100 Things You Should Know About Communism. The following sworn statement of then Communist Party USA President William Z. Foster reads as follows;
Fifty-nine years later, America seated a Communist with a blank résumé in the White House, surrounded by his Czars and a lifetime of fellow Communist Community Organizers that made it all possible.
No American can honestly claim to know who Barack Hussein Obama really is, where he really came from, or how a totally obscure individual with a completely blank résumé was able to rise to the most powerful office in the United States on the strength of a forged birth certificate a nothing else.
This and five years of anti-American policies leave millions of American perplexed by a litany of unanswered questions…
• Why did both he and his wife lose their law licenses?
• Why won’t he disclose his alleged top-notch college records?
• Other than an ice cream parlor, where else has he ever worked?
• Why is he driving the nation into bankruptcy?
• Why is this person seizing government control of our once free economy?
• Why is this administration turning its national security assets on the American people?
• Why does this individual deny knowing anything going on in his administration?
• Why were Americans left to die in Benghazi and Afghanistan?
• Why is he dismantling our Military and turning what’s left into a San Francisco bath house?
• Why is he inciting racial tensions?
• Why is he the Commander-in-Chief of a growing class war?
• Why is he making enemies of old allies while making friends with known terrorists?
• Why is he running weapons to drug lords in Mexico and terrorists across the Middle East?
• Why do congress and the Supreme Court allow the utter destruction to continue unabated?
• Why is he attacking Christianity while promoting radical Islam?
• Why is he putting American soldiers in prison while defending Jihadists?
The answer to all these questions and many more is right under everyone’s nose… what do you expect an avowed communist to do?
When did Barack Hussein Obama become an avowed communist? -- you ask… When he was bred, born and raised in a communist household and groomed by a huge family of fellow communists.
The trail is impossible to miss. His father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a communist from Kenya. His mother and her parents hosted Communists at their home, plus his brother Roy and cousin Odinga, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, Rev. Wright, Don Warden (aka Dr. Khalid al-Mansour), Professor Edward Said, Jeff Jones, Van Jones, not to mention his friends at ACORN and the New Party.
At some point, people have to stop looking for answers they already have and act on the overwhelming evidence.
Americans have watched the Obama Administration destroy everything American for five years now. Obama’s promise to “fundamentally change America” is the only truth Obama has told in the last ten years. He has fundamentally changed America. He has driven the nation to more the $17 trillion in debt with more than $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
At the same time, Obama has given over $450 million to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and just approved another $313 million to Muslims in the West Bank, controlled by The Palestinian Authority (Hamas) for home mortgages and business development. Obama and Kerry gave an additional $500 million to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, bringing the total for the U.S. taxpayer investment in the Muslim Brotherhood to over $4 billion.
As Obama arms the Syrian rebels, they cut funding for resources to our own troops in Afghanistan, fighting the same people Obama is arming in Syria and Afghanistan, cutting death benefits for the families of America’s fallen, and cutting troop tuitions.
Again, I must ask… What would you expect a communist to do?
Is being a communist an impeachable offense? If it isn’t, God help America…
The Obama Administration has committed at least fifty impeachable offenses over the last five years through its policies. Never has there been an administration so ripe for impeachment.
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If the House of Representatives do not act swiftly to save America from the worst political regime in U.S. history, impeaching for the court of public opinion to decide, they can kiss their own political power goodbye.
The House must force the Senate to convict or acquit, to stand up for America or throw America under the bus to save America’s first communist regime. The American people must insist that the House take immediate action to end the Obama regime and derail any potential for another Clinton Administration.
The people must demand this of their representatives in the House. Contact your Rep. today!
Being a communist is an impeachable offense. It’s time to impeach! If not now, never!
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JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American's greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at:
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