By J.B. Williams
February 16, 2015
The state of our nations’ disunity is epic. Our once great nation is in an accelerating death spiral and nobody seems to know who to blame or what to do about it, no matter how obvious the answers to those questions.
Unfortunately, most Americans have been carefully trained to focus all attention on the election process, as the sole means of holding their “public servants” accountable for their misdeeds. Before one election ends, the next election campaign season begins, and the people find themselves trapped in a constant campaign state, as they repeatedly miss the forest for the trees.
When all else fails, return to the basics… Keep it simple, because the more complex the problems, the more simple the solutions must be. Complex solutions are never carried out. Simple solutions work…
In this case, we are experiencing a period in history when everything established by our Founders is under assault, most of it already destroyed. One needs to look no further than the preamble to the U.S. Constitution to confirm it, or beyond the Declaration of Independence to know what to do about it.
At Our Foundation
The people, through the consent of the colonies, created the Federal Government in the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and the people, stated for what purposes they created that system of self-governance in the preamble itself.
In order to form a more perfect union;
• To establish Justice;
• To insure domestic tranquility;
• To provide for the common defense;
• To promote a general welfare;
• All of which is to secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
Everything that follows in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is erected for the sole purposes stated in the preamble, those six simple reasons for all of it. All six of those purposes have been violated by the Federal Government since, and so long as the people allow it to continue, they have no Representative Constitutional Republic and they never will have it again.
The Violations are Obvious and Many
To form a more perfect union? – Our country is divided more than at any previous time in our history. No matter whom we elect or who controls the chambers of Congress, the approval rating of the people remains in the single digits, indicating 90% disapproval, which might be the only thing Americans are actually united on today, although they will disagree on the reasons for that disapproval.
The current Administration is bouncing between 36-50% approval, depending upon which poll you believe and what day you look at the poll. At best, half of the people support the perceived direction of this administration and half stand totally opposed to the reality.
Nearly every Supreme Court opinion, unrestrained by the Supreme Law of our Land, is divided in a 5-4 “social justice” ruling, leaning slightly left or right of center depending on the issue at hand. No matter which branch of the Federal government we look at, the nation is totally divided on each, as are the branches themselves. We are no longer even trying to form a more perfect union. Our disunity has almost reached perfection…
To establish Justice? - Which justice are we talking about? Constitutional Justice, equal protection under the law, and equal application of our laws, governed by the Supreme Law of the Land? The solemn Oath to “faithfully execute the laws of the United States and to at all times protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme Law of this land?” – Or, social justice, the misuse and common law subversion of Constitutional law, allegedly for the “greater social good?”
What we have at the moment is worse than a totally lawless society. In a totally lawless society, anarchy, no one follows the laws and the will of the people can eventually prevail, just as it did following the anarchy leading up to the American Revolution.
What we have today is tyranny, wherein the common law-makers, interpreters and enforcers can operate completely outside of the law and beyond any constitutional authority with impunity. They make, interpret and enforce laws “unequally” between their loyal subjects and their dissenters, who think they are free to dissent in the open, until the I.R.S. seizes their assets, or until DHS labels them a “potential domestic terrorist,” or until they are lynched in public opinion by the complicit propaganda media.
There is NO honest effort to provide any form of Justice in America today. People are sitting in prison right now, without ever having broken any laws, some of them, without even a legitimate Grand Jury indictment for or legitimate prosecution of their alleged crimes, in direct violation of the Bill of Rights. The courts are no longer restrained by the written laws of Congress. They are free to make up their common law on a whim, to suit the political agenda of the Federal Government, of which they are a part.
To insure the Domestic Tranquility? – Are you kidding me? Race crimes are on the rise, most of it black on black crime, the rest a result of intentional race-baiting by this administration, its minions in congress, and the press, or fueled by an increasing sense of futility reaching from sea to sea. Islamic terror all over the globe has exploded on Obama’s watch, as the threat of new Islamic terrorist strikes on U.S. soil increases hourly.
Our kids are not safe… Our senior citizens are not safe… Our neighborhoods are becoming increasingly unsafe… Inner cities are not safe… Areas of our country are “no go zones” due to Islamic enclaves, Hispanic gang activity, black riots and looting, or Mexican drug cartels controlling the border areas. College campuses are becoming less and less safe, as are many churches and public K-12 schools. St. Louis, Detroit, San Diego, Chicago and numerous Southern border towns are not fit to live in.
The open borders and illegal amnesty policies of the current lawless administration insures that there can be no domestic tranquility in America, maybe ever again. The administrations tyrannical rule by “Executive Order or Action,” without any regard for “faithfully executing the laws of this land,” further guarantees that there can be no peace or tranquility in America, until these violations have been remedied.
To provide for the common defense? – The Obama Administration has spit in the face of every U.S. ally and made friends with every known terrorist group in the world, all of them in some way affiliated with The Muslim Brotherhood, which Obama has made part of his administrative cabinet.
The enemy is not at the gate, they are in the White House, and all branches of our Military, as well as all National Security agencies and again, congress. Instead of providing for the common defense of the United States, our Federal Government has turned all National Security assets on the American people, and infiltrated the highest levels of our Government. They are protecting known illegal invaders, instead of keeping their oath to prevent any illegal invasion of our country from foreign influences.
Instead of enforcing the Uniform Rules of Naturalization established by Congress, they have thrown them all out the window via “Executive Action” without any such constitutional Executive authority. They have become entirely destructive of all reasonable efforts to provide for the common defense of the United States, both here and abroad.
To promote a general welfare? – Not to provide welfare to all, but to promote things that are in the best interest, or the general welfare of all American citizens. Our government threatens the general welfare of all Americans by using taxpayer funds to pick winners and losers, including providing “general welfare benefits” to people who have no right to be in our country at all.
During the Great Depression, 30% of Americans were out of work and dependent upon some form of government assistance for their very existence. Those soup and bread lines were quite visible to all, and there was no mistaking the poor state of our economy. Today, more than 40% of Americans depend upon some form of government assistance, while the government and their press tell you how great the Obama economy is doing. The American Dream is no longer the freedom to work, earn and own, but rather to see how many free gifts one can rob from the taxpayer’s treasury.
Freedom and Liberty have been traded for free cell phones and ObamaCare… all of it at the expense of the general welfare of all Americans and the future of freedom and liberty.
To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves? – This is the entire purpose of everything our Founders created. If the actions of our Federal government result in the loss of individual freedom and liberty, for any or all decent, honest self-reliant productive members of society, it has become destructive to the purposes of the people and the nation as a whole.
Without true constitutional justice, domestic tranquility, an adequate common defense of our nation, our heritage, our fundamental reverence for freedom, our language and traditions, or the general welfare of all who were endowed by our Creator with the inalienable Right to Life, and the Pursuit of happiness under our own steam, there is no Liberty.
Not only can there be no Liberty for ourselves, we have doomed all posterity to a substandard life of poverty under tyrannical governments focused only upon its own wealth and power.
What Americans have allowed to happen to themselves, out of ignorance, apathy and cowardice is bad enough. But the life we are dooming our children, our grandchildren and their children to, is inexcusable and unforgiveable.
I challenge every reader to go examine the Bill of Rights, and discover that there is nothing in those Ten Amendments that our Federal Government has not already violated, repeatedly. Still, it is allowed to continue.
Every Politician is to Blame
Without exception, every member of congress that fails to hold the Executive Branch fully accountable for its misdeeds is complicit by that failure. Every member of the Obama Administration who is knowingly and wantonly undermining the will and freedom of the people is guilty of treason. And every member of the U.S. Supreme Court who fails to uphold and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights is also guilty of treason and misprision of treason. There can be no social justice where there is no respect for Constitutional Law.
But who is to blame for these politicians?
Every American citizen who sits idly by, allowing these politicians to destroy our Constitutional Republic without rising up in defense, is responsible. Every American who votes only on what their government can do for them, ignoring what their government is doing to them, is responsible.
Every American who through ignorance or apathy just stumbles through life as though none of this will ever affect them personally, or can see the threat we all face from within, but lacks the courage to stand in outrage, to stop the destruction of our once great nation, is responsible.
Every American more focused upon their own individual pet agendas than the best interest of our Republic, the freedom and liberty of all Americans, is responsible.
Every American who thinks they can solve these problems in a few more elections, without ever holding any elected servants accountable, is responsible.
Every American waiting for someone else to solve the problem, or refusing to set aside their own pride or ego in order to band together in a formidable force, is responsible.
Freedom is not for fools or cowards…. The reason our Federal Government is getting away with all of this, is our nation is full of fools and cowards, today.
If you are looking for a solution, find a mirror. Enforcing every letter of the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the only solution, and if you are waiting for anyone else to do it, it will never get done.
But I will tell you this right now… there is no solution to the condition of our Federal Government that does not begin with Impeachment of the entire Obama regime. If you are going to run away from this one, nothing else you do is going to fix anything today.
If you think you can defend freedom and liberty without a fight, you have already lost. Freedom is not easy, it never was. Freedom has always come at a very high price indeed. But it is worth every penny, every drop of blood, for without freedom, there is no peace, no tranquility, no prosperity, no liberty and eventually, no life. The United States will be saved by the American people, or it will be lost forever. No politician is the solution… Every politician is part of the problem….
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JB Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3000 pieces published over a twenty-year span. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom, the men and women who have paid the price of freedom and liberty for all, and action oriented real-time solutions for modern challenges. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner. He is co-founder of action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America. He is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen run investigative legal research and activism organization preparing to take on American's greatest legal battles. Williams receives mail at:
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