January 31, 2010
from Ohio, I have a natural dislike for the SEC and particularly Florida
football. My favorite team Ohio State lost to Florida in the BCS national
championship in 2007 and to LSU the following year. Putting aside my
hatred for Florida football, it’s hard not to like Tim Tebow.
As a Christian, I have watched with interest how the media responded
to his decision to put Bible verses on his eye black, (it generated
94 million searches on Google), or his decision to eschew the temptations
in college football, and remain a virgin. Now he will have a pro-life
Super bowl ad, on one of the largest stages, celebrating his mother’s
decision to choose life. The more I hear about Tebow the man; the more
it becomes clear that something is different about him. He shows more
boldness than most pastors.
While Tebow is not perfect, I thank God for his testimony and that he
was not socialized in the government schools. The results of decades
of government school influence and “socialization,” has
been culturally catastrophic for our nation.
“We now have a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian society that is pushing a secular worldview in our government schools. All of this has come to pass because of the apathy of the average Christian and in many cases, the lack of courage in the pulpit.” (Bruce Shortt, The Old Schoolhouse, spring 2009)
Shortt goes on to say that, “Christian educators, particularly homeschool families, are the mustard seed that gives hope for revival in this dark time.”
"Since it began some 25 years ago, homeschooling has been playing defense," said E. Ray Moore Jr., Founder of Exodus Mandate. "We've been trying to establish its niche and haven't been aggressive in promoting it.” "Now the environment in the public schools has grown so toxic that it's our turn to ask Christian parents who've left their children in these schools, ''What about socialization?' (Chalcedon, Lee Duigon, Homeschooling goes on offensive)
It is not enough to just curse the darkness. We must replace rather than reform the public schools. Here are 10 ways homeschoolers can go on homeschool offense and Lord willing spark a revival in America.
1. Start a home-school coop in your local church, and begin to serve as a witness to the blessings of homeschooling to your community and beyond. A good place to start is here.
2. Develop a family ministry. Use your talents and gifts to be a source of light to your community. Follow the Lord’s admonition to care for the orphans and widows, and defend the fatherless. I am always touched by homeschool families who faithfully witness at abortion clinics week in and week out.
3. Start a Christian education week. Churches already have sanctity of human life Sunday, why not do the same with education. Pastors can preach on the Biblical mandate to provide a Christian education, and families can give testimonies, and offer support to younger parents.
4. Support ministries that defend homeschool freedom and play homeschool offense. These include the HSLDA, Patrick Henry College, Generation Joshua, Exodus Mandate and many others.
5. Disseminate materials on Christian education and homeschooling at local rally’s and events. The tea parties could use a little salt, and their view of limited government, and personal liberty is a perfect fit for homeschooling.
6. Teach your children to be media savvy and to use the new media to do an end-run around the mainstream media. We can use our spheres of influence to help impact the culture for Christ. Sarah Palin almost single-handedly defeated Obamacare with her Facebook page. Remember the phrase, “death panels”?
7. Become involved in politics, and political campaigns. Support political candidates who are sympathetic to home education, and educate those who are not. Become lobbyists in every state and legislature and governing entity. Use Christian Education week to visit your governor and state legislatures. (Samuel Blumenfeld, Revolution via Education)
8. Campaign against school levies, better to drain the swamp than to fight the mosquitoes. Contact Paul Dorr. He has personally defeated countless school levies around the country. This would make a great home school project to learn the ins and outs of running a campaign, and helping separate school and state.
9. Have a “salt and light” field trip to the local public school to evangelize. Be bold. Hand out tracts and materials during the homosexuals’ “Day of Silence,” or the Christian “See You at the Pole,” where Christians gather to pray for the upcoming school year.
10. Lastly, teach your children to think like a Christian and have a Biblical Worldview.
Don’t adopt the curriculums and methods of the state run schools, and maintain your independence from the government. Your children belong to God and are not wards of the State.
Always, keep Jesus Christ as the center of your curriculum
May God Bless you as you go on offense.
� 2010 Nicholas Jackson - All Rights Reserved