By Diane Kepus
August 17, 2013
Not only is the Common Core Standards about “dumbing down” our children under the guise of bringing them up, but it is all about Power, Control and especially Money!
While many Americans worry about government drones in the sky spying on our private lives, NSA wire tapping our phones, Washington meddlers are already on the ground and in our schools gathering intimate data on children and families.
Before you get lost in this article and decide not to read to the end, I would ask that you please go and read/save this link to the National Archives and the minutes of a 1954 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATETAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS AND COMPARABLE ORGANIZATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Please do not be turned off by the “Tax-Exempt Foundations” title or any misspelling on this document. Those old typewriters were not that easy to use. This document is so very telling and it got ignored.
We are all pretty disturbed about the “data mining” thing not just because of the cost, but the implications of it as a whole. Let me explain why your children’s and your information is no longer private through FERPA although you have been told otherwise.
Secretary Arne Duncan and the educrats at the U.S. Department of Education
knew that Congress would never vote to codify the changes they sought
in the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
so they’re using regulations in order to do so. They want to
allow private and invasive information to be gathered on students
and families in order to supply the workforce and to make that information
available without parental consent of which was previously required.
Do not let the Bush Foundations or any of your legislators tell you that this information is still protected as the Florida Statutes have been changed (2012) to match the changes in FERPA.
This whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with improving education but as a means to collect, control and manipulate all the information they can on our children, their families and teachers. And they need this information on our 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders why? To use the information on the children to create psychological profiles to be stored at the Federal Dept. of Labor.
How do you think your first grader will respond to questions like: does your Mommy or Daddy own a gun; do they fight; do they drink; go to church?
How about when they get into the Pre-K with 3 year old’s which with that being offered for free and now becomes not only a free day care center but an “early indoctrination center”? This is not one party over the other either! This is for everyone!
Say goodbye to your children’s privacy. Or yours! Say hello to an unprecedented nationwide student-tracking system, whose data will apparently be sold by government officials to the highest bidders. It’s yet another encroachment of centralized education bureaucrats on local control and parental rights under the banner of “Common Core.”
The American Principles Project, a conservative education think tank, reported, Common Core’s technological project is “merely one part of a much broader plan by the federal government to track individuals from birth through their participation in the workforce.” The 2009 porkulus package (RTTT) included a “State Fiscal Stabilization Fund” to bribe states into constructing “longitudinal data systems (LDS) to collect data on public-school students.”
systems will aggregate massive amounts of personal data — health-care
income information, religious affiliations, voting status, and even
blood types and homework-completion rates. The data will be available
to a wide variety of public agencies. Despite federal student-privacy
protections previously guaranteed by the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Obama administration has managed through
regulations to pave the way for private entities to buy their way
into the data boondoggle. Even more alarming, the U.S. Department
of Education is encouraging a radical push from aggregate-level data-gathering
to invasive individual-student-level data collection.
last South by Southwest education conference in Austin, Texas, had
gurus salivating at the prospects of information plunder. “This
is going to be a huge win for us,” Jeffrey Olen, a product manager
at education software company CompassLearning, told Reuters.
The company is already aggressively marketing curricular material “aligned” to fuzzy, dumbed-down Common Core math and reading guidelines (which more and more states are now revolting against). Along with two dozen other tech firms, CompassLearning sees even greater financial opportunities to mine Common Core student-tracking systems. The centralized database is a strange-bedfellows alliance between the liberal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (which largely underwrote and promoted the Common Core standards scheme) and a division of conservative Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. (which built the database infrastructure).
Another non profit start up, “inBloom, Inc.,” has evolved out of that partnership to operate the database. The Gates Foundation and other partners provided $100 million in seed money. Reuters reports that inBloom, Inc. will “likely start to charge fees in 2015” to states and school districts participating in the system.
According to “inBloom’s” web site – “Inspired by the vision of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), inBloom was created in response to a request from school districts to create a secure data storage resource that better enables their collection, retention, and use of student information.
Currently, New York, Massachusetts, Colorado, North Carolina, and Illinois are working with inBloom to understand how our technology resources work and how they may help them meet the needs of teachers, students, and families. Each of these states is working through selected pilot districts to evaluate inBloom’s offerings, and each is at a different stage in discussions and implementation timelines.
When learning about these companies I always urge you to do your own research and always go to the board of directors, leaders or whatever title they are using – it is always very telling.
The National Education Data Model (NEDM), available online, lists hundreds of data points considered indispensable to the nationalized student tracking racket. These include:
“Bus Stop Arrival Time” and “Bus Stop Description”
“Dwelling arrangement”
“Diseases, Illnesses and Other Health Conditions”
“Religious Affiliation”
“Telephone Number Type” and “Telephone Status”
Home-schoolers and religious families that reject traditional government education will be tracked. Original NEDM data points included hair color, eye color, weight, blood types, and even dental status.
How exactly does amassing and selling such personal data improve educational outcomes? It doesn’t. This, at its core, is the central fraud of Washington’s top-down nationalized standards scheme. The Bill Gates/Jeb Bush-endorsed Common Core “standards” are a phony pretext for big-government expansion. The dazzling allure of “21st-century technology” masks the privacy-undermining agenda of nosy bureaucratic drones allergic to transparency, accountability, and parental autonomy. Individual student privacy is sacrificed at the collective “For the Children” altar.
In 1989 at the Governor’s Conference in Kansas, Senator Lamar Alexander (you know him – he is the one who had his hands on HR 5 wording it so you thought it was great and has always been for nationalized education) stated, The brand new American school would be year-round, open from 6AM to 6 PM for children 3 months to 18 years”.
And the parents get to visit with their children when? They aren’t supposed to because the goal is to have our children under the control of the government. You don’t believe me?
1934 NEA former Exe. Secretary Willard Givens stated, “the major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him the understanding of the transition to the new social order.”
Teachers, the NEW has never been your friend if you are a true teacher and have a love of children.
closing I would once again like everyone to know the words expressed
by the former General Counsel Bob Chanin of the NEA when speaking
to their convention
in 2007. He stated, “In my opinion, NEA and its affiliates are
such effective advocates. Despite what some among us might like to
believe, it is NOT because of our creative ideas; it is NOT because
of the merit of our positions; it is NOT because we care about children;
and it is NOT because of a vision of a great public school for every
child. The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because
we have POWER and we have POWER because there are more than 3.2M people
who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues
each year because they believe that we are the unions that can most
effectively represent them. The unions that can best protect the rights
and advance their interests as education employees.” [Link]
In Senator John Kline’s, (Chairman of the Senate Eduction Committee) letter of February 2010 to Arne Duncan stating his concerns and dismay that the grant awards were to be based “in part on the willingness of the states to expand their state-wide longitudinal data systems that would include a broad swath of student information,” Kline quotes Duncan as having stated in regard to the national standards that the data collection was part of the “cradle to career agenda.”
This is not only the mindset of the Unions, but of the Progressives and the Federal government as well. Fed ed is not about excellence or academic achievement. It’s about control, control, and more control.
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My remaining question in this is to Senator Kline. “Why Sir, did you not make every effort to stop this monster since everything being done to put the Common Core Standards in place, you knew in 2010, was without legislative process? And you want us to trust you? Your HR 5 legislation in regard to the CCS should have also undone everything previously put in place. If this country can be run with the stroke of a pen ti implement executive orders and no legislative authority, then things can be undone with legislative authority.
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Diane Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
My background as an Accountant /Auditor showed me my love of “digging.” In 1980 when I took up the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “I was in deep babe.”
I am married with a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandson and you can readily understand why I chose Education or the “lack thereof” and Human Trafficking as my passions for the past 4 years.
I have witnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
I actually began my Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on to the push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the infiltration of the Common Core State Standards which are to be implemented into the states without proper state legislation.
The Common Cores State Standards (CCSS) are an important issue we must tackle by getting the information out to the parents so they can help stop this. This is not about making your children smarter, or worrying about whether they will actually go to college or not – this is about Total Control by others who are not their parents. The cost alone – wait until your property taxes go off the charts to pay for this. It is all about $$ and Big Business.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible to teach and inform them the truth about the Common Core State Standards and all the other evil things of which are being put on our children on a daily basis and most of it without parental permission.