By Cliff Kincaid & Roger Arnoff February
24, 2006 Sick and tired of Hollywood�s assault on traditional values? A group in Rochester, New York decided to do something about it. Viewers Insulted by Loser Entertainment, known by the acronym VILE, staged a protest at a local theater against the pro-homosexual propaganda film, �Brokeback Mountain,� which is up for an Academy Award on March 5 and has already received 4 Golden Globes. A VILE spokesman, Michael F. Brennan, told AIM that five television cameras covered the protest but that a local gay activist also showed up to spit on his sign, which said, �Brokeback Mountain Assaults Wives and Children.� Brennan said that a young lady screamed at him, �You are a homophobe bigot,� and that he replied, �Geez. I didn�t call you names, is that all you got?� Actually, they�ve got much more. They�ve got Hollywood on their side. And tragically, the American people, mesmerized by the glitz and glamour, may not understand the true dimensions of the assault that their country and culture are under. The VILE protest suggests there is an awakening under way. The VILE acronym is appropriate because �Brokeback Mountain� is truly an example of �loser entertainment.� It is a winner, however, for the militant homosexual lobby, which wants to force the public to accept, sanction, and celebrate its �lifestyle.� The film is a loser in more ways than one. The lifestyle, of course, results in alienation from family, and death and destruction. But films like this are also losers in terms of public appeal. The Christian Film & Television Commission has just released the results of a survey showing that the public�s choices for their favorite films differ sharply from what gets honored by the Hollywood elite. Ted Baehr, chairman and founder of the group, said the survey showed that the most popular movies, in terms of ticket sales, have strong or very strong moral content and acceptability ratings. �Every year, our financial analysis proves that good guys always finish first,� he said. Baehr and his Movieguide publication will be holding a March 2 Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala in Beverly Hills, California, to honor family-friendly films and television programs. But in terms of awards and honors bestowed by Hollywood, the losers may turn out to be the winners. Hollywood celebrates bad behavior. In addition to �Brokeback Mountain,� which is expected to receive at least one Oscar, one of the stars of �Transamerica� is on the ballot. This is a film featuring a man who became a woman, another �progressive� step forward for the Hollywood elite. In real life, Hollywood director Lee Tamahori was recently arrested on a sex charge in drag and a wig. In addition to their street protest, the VILE group issued a detailed statement explaining how �Brokeback Mountain� functions as pro-homosexual propaganda. The second-rate acting and beautiful scenery are backdrops to an attempt �to convince the American public to condone a self-centered, obsessive, disordered �love� as more important than the misery inflicted on the families, wives and children that this �love� affair wounds and disassembles,� the statement explains. It goes on to say, �The �disordered� characteristics of this Hollywood propaganda speak to the �affective immaturity� of its protagonists. The protagonists in �Brokeback Mountain� cannot relate (like normal men/fathers) to women and children�Their obsession comes first.� The film, the release goes on, �attempts to brainwash the viewer into empathy for destructive, self-centered behavior.� Hence, abnormal behavior is depicted as normal. What�s more, those of us who react negatively to this abnormal behavior are being led to believe that we are abnormal, and that we should just �get with it� and learn to appreciate degeneracy. In a letter to the local paper, which made the protest into a controversy, Brennan said that, despite reports to the contrary, he did see the movie and that the main characters� �vile indifference� to their wives and children was and is the point of their protest against the film. �To destabilize modern families by legally sanctioning these relationships is cultural suicide,� he noted.
Hollywood is a very corrupt place in many ways. One reader has sent me a note, asking, �Did you ever check out the number of registered sex offenders in Hollywood? Very dense, relative to other areas. I wonder why.� He recommended a website where you can find the names and addresses of sex offenders in a given area. Take
a look. Just type in the 90210 zip code and California. And take a
look at some of the mug shots. This is the side of Hollywood you won�t
see on Oscar night. � 2006 Cliff Kincaid - All Rights
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Cliff Kincaid, a veteran journalist and media critic, Cliff concentrated in journalism and communications at the University of Toledo, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Cliff has written or co-authored nine books on media and cultural affairs and foreign policy issues. Cliff has appeared on Hannity & Colmes, The O�Reilly
Factor, Crossfire and has been published in the Washington Post, Washington
Times, Chronicles, Human Events and Insight.
What�s more, those of us who react negatively to this abnormal behavior are being led to believe that we are abnormal, and that we should just �get with it� and learn to appreciate degeneracy.