Nancy Levant
May 1, 2009
We need to step back and look at very fundamental clues which led to the freakish ignorance of the American people. Let us begin with health.
We the American people are the most drugged people on the planet. Senior citizens, bar none, are walking chemical experimentation organisms. With or without all the drugs, most seniors still die between the ages of 70 and 80, but the drugs that infect their systems are bizarre chemical cocktails and many are drugged to lethargy and death under the umbrella of humaneness or clinical trials.
For decades and decades, American women have been the recipients of sleeping pills, and anti-depression/psychotropic/mood-altering drugs. Today, it is sheik to partake in depression therapy and normal menstrual and menopause conditions have led to disease-style diagnostic chemical treatments. By default, American women may be the largest diagnosed (mental) population on the planet. As mental cases, make note they are also the mothers of American children. And these children are the most regularly and routinely-drugged children on the planet. Therefore, it is no surprise that schools partner with the mental health community as diagnostic gatekeepers for the drug industries that target our children and very often their mothers.
Couple all of this with America’s epidemic cancers, diabetes, hypertension, and multiple forms of old age and youth dementia, and the blurry drug trails from health to sickness come into controlled focus. We the people are the most regularly and routinely-drugged people in the world and we are also the largest global population of recreational drug users. In a nutshell, we are not ourselves; we are, in fact, chemically-altered.
Think, if you will, of the absolute and unquestioned reality of American parents who mass-drug their infants beginning at birth, and continuing this mindless pattern throughout childhood. American drugging does, in fact, begin at birth and continues full out through death, unquestioned. We are not ourselves; we are an induced population.
Next, we must look at the American diet. The last three generations of American people ate primarily non-foods. Grocery store breads, pastas, crackers, snacks, breakfast cereals, soda pops, and over-the-counter candies are not food. Most grains that we now eat are not food. Prior to the food pyramid, we were a far, far healthier population. But our national health plummeted with the onslaught of genetically-modified produce, coupled with the infamous food pyramid which encouraged our grain spaced (translation: vegetarian) diets.
When our grandparents were eating non-hormoned, non-vaccinated meat, genetically-pure produce, lard and butter, whole milk, and home made desserts, there were no epidemic cancers, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, old age and youth dementia, and there was no mass drugging of the population. However, we now have three to four generations of change to deal with and that change is clearly, absolutely evident in the intellectual dulling of we the people. We are not ourselves.
No matter what you believe or disbelieve about chemtrailing, something is sprayed from very high-flying jets into the atmosphere, all over the nation, in all 50 states, and for years. No one can seemingly pin down these events, rumors abound, but something is sprayed from jets, and that something spreads from horizon to horizon in all 50 states. Weather modification? Who knows? Our government certainly does not clarify, nor even mention the non-stop spraying campaign. But as we can see the chemtrail substances, let us therefore assume they are substances.
City water is treated. Bottled water, who knows? Third world produce, who knows? But the facts remain that we the people are sick in strange and unusual ways and depopulation of the planet is a global agenda item. The United States, as we know, is the sacrificial lamb of the global vision, including the Constitutional nation and her Americanized people.
When you look at the change vision, you must also look back several generations to capture the essence of this change. People themselves have changed. We are an unhealthy population by virtue of corporate power and federal intervention and mandates. We are a weaker people than we once were because we are chemically-altered by design and often times by law. A vision has many, many meanings. Look it up. You will find the word “trance” for instance. Just remember this, mass population-reduction is a mandate of the global vision. Equally, pandemic has been media-hammered for at least a decade and experimental super-virus manufacturing is: 1. Reality, and 2. One more impending crisis.
Funny how the only growing job markets are: 1. Government jobs, and 2. Health care jobs. Therefore, expect a government-controlled crisis in health care. Oh, gosh, right again.
Also, never forget that Agenda 21 calls for vegetarianism. Mad Cow, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, mercury in fish. Does that not just about cover our animal food products? When you think of “visions”, think of agenda, agenda, agenda.
So, is national ignorance bliss when coupled with epidemic alcoholism, epidemic drug addiction, both prescription and recreational, fast-acting caffeine addictions to supersonic caffeine drinks marketed to kids, psychotropic and anti-depression drugs, our new-fangled sex drive and anti-pregnancy drugs, mandatory and life-long vaccines, and old age and infant chemical cocktails?
And what are the results of chemically-based living coupled with the most powerful and far-reaching addictive drug of all called tell-a-vision? The drug that tells you what to think, what to believe, what is right and wrong, what your opinions are and are not, what to wear and how to look, what to weigh and what to eat and not eat, what to do and not do, where to live, how to travel, how to spend your money, what to drive, and to worship nature.
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Nature? Meaning “natural”? How blissful do you feel right about now, or more specifically, how stupid? Well, dream on visioners! You are indeed “visions” by design. You couldn’t have an independent thought if it smacked you in the face. Have a drink. Take a pill. Watch your tell-a-vision. Do as told. Think as told. Be as told. Mass ignorance is somebody’s bliss. Can you say food and drug enforcement, or shall we say administration?
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� 2009 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserve