Lloyd Marcus
September 10, 2011
Obama's jobs speech was reminiscent of a cliché scene in cowboy movies. A loud mouth guy stands on the steps of the jail-house and enrages the crowd to overrule the sheriff, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a trial.
used his bully pulpit to say, in essence, if those Republican S.O. Bs
do not pass my jobs bill immediately without review, they should
be politically lynched. Unquestionably, Obama's speech had a bully edge
to it. Pass my jobs bill NOW!
Obama lied about all of the freebies in his jobs bill being “paid for” just as he did to pass Obamacare.
In his typical manipulative deceptive fashion, Obama said several “right things” such as government getting out of the way of small business while his administration does the complete opposite.
The center piece of Obama's speech was his despicable signature exploitation of class envy and demoni-zation of the rich. Obama in his speech reduced the American Dream to being a union worker with good wages and benefits. Obviously, Obama considered entrepreneurs with higher aspirations to be part of the problem. How dare they seek to have more than anyone else? To each according to his needs. Scary. Very scary and evil.
As expected, Obama's job speech was written using the left's same old play book. We Tea Party patriots knew what Obama was going to say in his “jobs speech” before he delivered it.
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OK class, what will be Obama's minions next move to force Republicans to pass his jobs bill NOW? I hear you yelling the correct answer. You guys are toooo cool, tooo smart and right on target! I give you all an A+. Obama's minions will proclaim everyone questioning Obama's job bill to be racist.
Folks, this president is divisive and evil. We must vote him out in 2012. God bless.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin
� 2011 Lloyd Marcus - All Rights Reserved
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Self proclaimed Black Unhyphenated American, Lloyd Marcus is a featured columnist on American Thinker, Renew America, Canadian Free Press and numerous other Internet websites. A speaker, activist, singer/songwriter, recording artist and entertainer, Marcus was a featured act on the historical 2009 Tea Party Expressed Tour. The finale event was the Sept. 12th Taxpayers March and Rally in Washington DC where Marcus performed for a million people.
His appearances include FoxNews, CNN, PJTV and numerous TV and radio programs. He emcees and performs his patriotic original songs at rallies and special events across America. He was the featured entertainment at the 2009 Free Republic National Convention. Marcus' mission is to use his God given gifts to spread the "truth" that Conservatism is best for all Americans. He resides in Central Florida.
An elected official, Marcus is Chairman for Precinct 424, Volusia County Florida. He is also Creative Director for the Republican Executive Committee of Volusia County.
Lloyd Marcus, Singer/Songwriter of the national "American Tea Party Anthem." President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color)