By Doc Marquis
December 5, 2015
“Hail Queen Hillary! Hail Queen Hillary!” Ah, yes. This would be the rallying cry for those on the uber-left if they have their way in one year once the general elections are held in November, 2016. They would enthrone their queen in the White House as she would place her hand upon a Bible (while lying through her teeth) and take the oath of office to the Presidency of the United States of America. And what type of Queen/President would they have? Well, so far we know that:
1) Hillary lied when she said that “all” her grandparents were immigrants. Obviously she felt it necessary to lie so that she could garner the immigration vote. I’m still trying to figure out how “illegal” immigrants can “legally” vote in our great nation.
2) Hillary lied when she was chiming along with Obama that the Benghazi debacle was due to a video that had been put on YouTube. But for her, I’m sure “It doesn’t really matter”!
3) Hillary lied when she claimed her and Bill had left the White House dead broke when Bill was the President. I guess she needed to align herself with the “common folk” so she could gather their votes for the upcoming Presidential election.
4) Hillary lied when she stated “she came under sniper fire” while visiting Bosnia. In fact, her daughter Chelsea was with her and had received a bouquet of flowers from a little girl. I guess she needs to bring in the military votes to help her win.
5) Hillary lied and consistently changed the narrative about her emails. And even though 58% of American don’t believe she’s trustworthy, 38% says she is. Perhaps she also needs to bring in the votes for those poor delusional people who believe she has the integrity and veracity of a saint.
6) Hillary lied when she claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary who was the first person to have successfully climbed Mt. Everest on May 29, 1953 as gift to Elizabeth, the newly enthroned Queen of England, even though she was born and named over 6 years before he had accomplished such a Herculaneum feat. It appears she needs to bring in the vote of those with short memories also.
To sum it up, those on the uber-left would enthrone someone who has been in the forefront of politics for over 25 years who is a serial liar! As a Born-Again Christian who believes every word of God is true (let’s recall the 8th Commandment) having a serial liar as a President just doesn’t set in well with me.
Many, many folks believe that if Hillary is enthroned as the wannabe Queen, that she would follow the same mandates as her would-be predecessor, Barack Obama. Well, why not? What would be wrong if Hillary fashioned her wannabe Presidency after Barack Obama? Volumes could be written on that disaster alone! Aside from the fact Obama lied on the campaign trail when he said:
“I will remove earmarks for PORK projects before I sign any bill.”
2) “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less
than $50K a year.”
3) “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations
on CSPAN.”
4) “I will allow 5 days of public comment before
I sign any bills.”
5) “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration.”
6) “I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less
than $250K a year.”
7) “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
This was but a small sampling of Barack Obama’s lies while on the campaign trail. On this level Obama and Hillary are in total agreement with Adolf Hitler when he said: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
has any of these things have to do with Donald Trump running for President?
The Globalists, the 1% of the 1%, have a 7 part plan, an agenda that is
being used to create their New
World Order and, whereas Obama has been following their plans for
almost 7 years now and, going by her rhetoric, Hillary would follow it
also, Donald Trump would not. Allow me to demonstrate.
In my series “Frontmen of the Illuminati”, DVD 13: “Dictators of the Illuminati” (Figure 1), I had proven that Barack Obama has been following a 7 part plan towards the creation of a New World Order as had other historical dictators, to the letter, such as: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Castro, etc. If you want to understand the Obama administration and all of its activities, you must understand the 7 part plan of the Illuminati towards the creation of a New World Order as we had thoroughly examined within DVD 13: “Dictators of the Illuminati”.
Another reason the Global Elitists hate Donald Trump and do not want him as President, is because they would not be able to control him. Why? Because they have nothing to offer him that he doesn’t already have or couldn’t acquire. Understand, the reason that the Global Elitists, the Illuminati, have such vast power and reach over the world is because of three things: their money, their politics and their religion. And they will give anyone power, money and fame so long as they do exactly what they (the Illuminati) tell them to do. It’s a sad testament upon the human race but, most people would jump at being given power, money and fame.
Donald Trump is a billionaire; he’s worth approximately 10 billion dollars. So, Donald couldn’t be controlled with promises of money.
Donald Trump is a name recognized around the world. Therefore, no one could offer him fame or glory since he has had such for over 30 years now.
Donald Trump is a businessman and NOT a politician and NEVER wants to be. He can’t be coerced with political gain or glory.
Donald Trump is a wild card the Global Elitists hate, revile and fear. They fear him more than they hate him because they won’t be able to control him with any of their usual methods. Donald Trump is man of the people and the people are quite fed up with politicians never fixing anything but still finding more than enough time to tell everyone what they should be doing.
Some of what Donald Trump has publicly proclaimed he would do if he were elected President are:
He would fix our borders
2) He would fix our economy
3) He would fix our infrastructure
In the 2016 Presidential election, we don’t need another politician pretending to be a man of the people when they’re really a man of the Global Elitists. We need a businessman! We need a man with the experience and backbone to “fix America”. And Donald Trump is uniquely and highly qualified to fulfill those promises that were just listed. A politician does not have such qualifications as Donald Trump.
Some may say, “Well, that’s building and construction things; what about matters of politics?” Well, Donald Trump was in a meeting a couple of days ago with a little bit more than 200 black Pastors who grilled him for about two and a half hours.
Naturally, the black question was being asked. After that meeting, the Pastors had noted that Donald Trump was passionate, spoke honestly from his heart, sincere and that he was comfortable speaking with them. Everyone emerged feeling that many, many good things had been accomplished and many stated that they would endorse Donald Trump. Others, as they should being that they’re Pastors, stated they would pray to God and go by His guidance.
Donald Trump is not someone the Global Elitists want as their next President. Donald Trump is not someone who wants to curry favor with the likes of Obama or Hillary. Donald Trump cannot be coerced with promises of money, power or fame. But Donald Trump is a man of the people. Since June 2015, when he first announced his bid for the Presidency, there has been around 130 different polls and in each of them, Trump has led the pack. And with any poll the numbers have gone up and down. Still, Donald Trump leads the pack.
Now, the big question is, will the GOP elect him as their candidate to run for the Office of the President of the United States of America? I fear that many in the GOP will do everything they can do to stop him. Many of the GOP are doing the will of the Global Elitists so Donald Trump is doomed to an uphill battle but, that has been the life of Donald Trump. In the face of adversity is when he’s at his best. Donald Trump shines best when he’s under pressure and persecution.
2016 will prove to be one of the most interesting Presidential years in American history. Will Hillary, a 25 year serial liar become the next President? Will the GOP try to derail Donald Trump? And, if they do, will he run as an independent then and become the 45th President of the United States? Ladies and Gentlemen, consider most carefully the course in which you want this GREAT country of ours to go. Our collective fates and the fates of your children and grandchildren rest upon you. What type of future do you want to leave them? What type of country do you feel they deserve? Remember, your vote will determine what you deserve to get! God keep all of you! For part two click below.
Click here for part -----> 2,
© 2015 Doc Marquis - All Rights Reserved
Doc Marquis was raised as a child in the international, occult group known as the Illuminati. For 20 years he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of Master Witch (a 3rd level Illuminati Witch). As a result of GOD's sovereignty and mercy, Doc became surrounded by Christians who presented him with the Gospel. Confronted by GOD's Word and love, he opened his heart and mind. On April 15, 1979 Doc became a Born-Again Christian, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati. He now devotes his life to traveling across the country and using public forums to expose and educate the public on the occult. Doc speaks at: seminars, lectures, conventions, conferences, workshops, churches, colleges and universities, and special interest groups. He also trains therapists, clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, local and state police, and former/present day members of the F.B.I. in the areas of victim-abuse recovery, S.R.A. (Satanic Ritual Abuse), D.I.D. (Disassociative Identity Disorder), programming/brainwashing, solving occult crimes and the eight major occult groups found in America.
Television Appearance/Consulting:
Doc Marquis has appeared on and consulted for: 20/20, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Geraldo Rivera, Hard Copy, Inside Edition, Unsolved Mysteries, Closing Comments, Camp Town Meeting, Thinking Out Loud, Telejournal News, Stand Up For Your Rights, The Americanist Perspective, Where is Rhode Island, We the People, Talk of the Town, Fox Television, Keep Looking to Jesus, and more. Doc has also appeared on international television programs in England, Italy, Japan, Jerusalem and Mexico.
Radio Appearances:
"Coast to Coast A.M. (with Art Bell), “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report” (with Doug and Joe Hagmann), Radio Liberty (Dr. Stan Monteith), “Prophecy in the News” (Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich), “Raiders News Network” (Dr. Tom Horn), “Southwest Radio Ministries” (Dr. Noah Hutchins), “NewsWithViews” (Coach Dave) “Ground Zero” (Clyde Lewis), “Omega Man Radio”, “Let Freedom Ring," Fort Wayne, IN; "The Open Forum," Teague, TX; "Old Path Ministries," Attleboro, MA; "The Lou Epton Show," Las Vegas, NV; "The American Freedom Network," and more than 1,000 other shows throughout the world.
For any information about speaking appearances or television/radio interviews, please contact Doc Marquis @: docmarquis777@yahoo.com or find him on Facebook
DVD Series: “The Secrets of the Illuminati” Series
Arrival of the Antichrist, (2010)
2. America’s
Occult Holidays, (2010)
3. Frontmen
of the Illuminati, (2010)
4. Magick,
Mysticism and Masonry, (2010)
5. Protocols
of Zion (2010)
6. The
Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy (2010)
7. Illuminati
2012 and Beyond (Volume 1) (2011)
8. Illuminati
2012 and Beyond (Volume 2) (2011)
9. Aliens,
Fallen Angels or Antichrist? (Volume 1) (2012)
10. Aliens,
Fallen Angels or Antichrist? (Volume 2) (2012)
11. Dark
Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove (2013)
12. False Flag Over Boston (2014)
13. Dictators of the Illuminati (2014)
Which Queen of Heaven? (2012)
Which Rapture are we Waiting for? (2014)
Complete set of 12 DVDs
E-Mail: docmarquis777@yahoo.com