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Is President Bush
Really "One of



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Big Brother Comes To Wal-Mart

Welcome to the Gulag

Seat Belts,
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S.A.R.S. Simply Another
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Big-Time Spooky

So Much Sewage







By Mary Starrett

October 24, 2003

Urged Syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker of the Orlando Sentinel in a column on Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin regarding his comments about terrorism being "a battle between a Christian nation and Satan". President Bush repudiated the top brass officer as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon will launch an internal investigation into the senior military intelligence officer's comments.

Boykin's being considered a "religious bigot" for stating what all Christians who read their Bibles ought to believe or else henceforth start referring to themselves as something other than "Christian".

Boykin, in a speech to a gathering at a church outside Portland, Oregon last summer mentioned things like "principalities of darkness", "Satan", "spiritual warfare" and how his God was "bigger" than the god of the Islamic faith. So far, I'm not seeing anything the Lt. Gen said that's at odds with Scripture. But others, including our "evangelical" president say the man was out of line. They say he had no right slamming the Muslims and that his comments were evidence of his "bigotry".

The rest of the world thinks belief in such things as devils and spiritual warfare and talk of our God being the "only" god is sheer nonsense, but we happen to subscribe to such "folly". Jesus was scorned for His radical pronouncements and He was clear in telling His future followers they could expect to be persecuted as well.

Boykin has raised some ire by saying "we're a Christian nation and the enemy is Satan". What's wrong with that?

Senate Armed Services Committee chairman John Warner, (a Republican) and the committee's ranking Democrat are calling for a thorough look-see into whether Boykin's comments were "inappropriate", saying in a letter to Rumsfeld "statements�of an inflammatory, offensive nature that would denigrate another religion" were a no-no. We have come to the place in time where espousing the very basis of our faith is now officially considered "bigotry".

While George Bush falls all over himself proclaiming Islam to be a religion of "peace", those who've bothered to flip through the Koran know it's anything but. (Maybe the president's copy of the Koran had certain passages abridged- like the ones that say Muslims should kill all "infidels"-infidels being anyone who isn't Islamic.)

In 1993 a frightening move toward one world religion culminated in the Parliament of the World's Religions. There, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Wiccans and Bahais all came together in one feel-good kumbaya effort to discover their commonality. Quotes from the meeting say "we affirm that a common set of core values is found in the teachings of (all) the religions and these form the basis of a global ethic". It went on to state "we must sink our narrow differences". Narrow? I think there's a HUGE and very WIDE difference between what Muslims and Wiccans and Jews believe and what I, as a Christian, hold to be true. The conference warned against contending that one religion was true and others false was tantamount to bigotry and prideful boasting.

While Lt. Gen. Boykin spoke of his faith in the ONLY true God, he was racking up points as a bigot. As this world marches toward a world religion, it seems only Christians can't claim their faith is the true faith without being called "intolerant". Intolerance of other paths to God was what Jesus was all about. He said He was the only way. You might not believe it, but you cannot change it. Accept it or reject it. That is the very essence of our Christian faith. Jesus is not one way, He's the only way. Take it or leave it.

To hang Boykin out for all to ridicule is not only a slap in the face to those who founded this Christian nation upon Christian principles, but it is to cater to those who allow anyone their religious perspective UNLESS they're Christians! Apparently the senior defense department general Boykin is the only REAL Christian anywhere NEAR this administration. Shame on Bush and the rest of those who are calling for this man's stripes.

Seems Boykin's the only one who actually believes that "by His stripes, we were healed".

� 2003 Mary Starrett - All Rights Reserved

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Mary Starrett was on television for 21 years as a news anchor, morning talk show host and medical reporter. For the last 5 years she hosted a radio program. Mary is a frequent guest on radio talk shows. E-Mail







"As this world marches toward a world religion, it seems only Christians can't claim their faith is the true faith without being called "intolerant". Intolerance of other paths to God was what Jesus was all about. He said He was the only way. You might not believe it, but you cannot change it. Accept it or reject it. That is the very essence of our Christian faith. Jesus is not one way, He's the only way. Take it or leave it."