Roy Masters
November 22, 2011
From Chapter 1 of the Secret Power of Words—available on Amazon or the Foundation.
We are all involved in a struggle to become sure of ourselves, to be confident, to acquire something we call “faith in ourselves.” But for all our huffing and puffing, we forget that we once knew faith, and we also forget to ask how it was that we came to lose it. We have lived with fear and uncertainty all our lives, so how can we possibly remember when we stepped off the rock of faith and set ourselves adrift on the sea of knowledge?
On the other hand, how could we have resisted the temptation to “know” it all? To be as gods in our ability to unlock the secrets of the universe through our great knowledge? Was that not the sin of Adam, the original sin, to which each succeeding generation has given obeisance? Surely, if we were to show the slightest inclination to rely wholeheartedly on our innate common sense, the persons closest to us, those supposedly with our interests most at heart, would soon lower the boom on us, insisting that we stuff our minds with knowledge and “make something” of ourselves, no matter what the cost in terms of worry and anxiety.
Now, as in the beginning, our secret reason for turning our backs on reality and common sense is our desire to know ourselves as God. The proud ego soon loses touch with natural promptings from within and begins to rely entirely on words, thoughts, and imagination for its sense of direction. And until we are ready to give up our pride, the “I,” or ego-self, will find a false sense of security and hope in the ever-increasing activity of the mind, and only of the mind. Pride binds us to the futility of trying to know ourselves only through the process of thinking and imagining.
The more you fail (tricked by your own mind), the more your tricky imagination appeals to you and draws you into its intrigues. You lose yourself in intellectual knowing, and in doing so, you reject reality. Colorful thoughts and imaginings draw you like a magnet into the dreamworld, where you can escape the reality that would expose your guilt. When you lose yourself in exciting, colorful dreams, you fail to see the drab meaninglessness of the existence you have so pridefully created for yourself. By its very nature, pride cannot and will not see its own folly, but must escape into thought stuff.
The search for greatness through knowledge is the very thing that makes us insecure to begin with—and it is the very thing we trust in order to “feel” secure! Our trust reinforces the ancient belief in knowledge; seducers become our teachers and our authorities, the creators of our “reality.” They keep us alive in our sleep of death by dreaming up “new” knowledge, “new” techniques to reassure our faltering egos.
We feel most secure when we identify with the authorities who embody the knowledge we have come to need. Our authorities reinforce the original lie that knowledge is what we need to be secure, to “get ahead” in life; and so, without knowing what we are doing, we hand over our lives and souls to authorities, those who are in reality more confused than we are ourselves.
Something wonderfully terrifying happens to the mind of a person who dreams of becoming a leader of men. He starts to go mad, thinking he is discovering reality. Common sense deserts him, and a strange confusing cleverness wells up in its place. He becomes an authority by giving up his soul to the demon of knowledge and allowing himself to become corrupted and confused. The common sense he was born with has been stripped away and replaced by formal education. He is now ready to pull rank, to confound, confuse, and dehumanize other fools, to feel a sense of power and importance rising in his vampirish heart.
Education, as we know it, murders the soul—it dehumanizes, confuses, and confounds.
Hear me well. The secret of salvation lies not in education, but in realization. Without understanding to modify their influence over us, words become hypnotic. We spend our entire existence being programmed, and resisting programming, and struggling against the effect words have on us, not only on a psychological level, but on a physiological level as well.
Words have a way of triggering profound physical changes in us as we accept them and endow them with something of the reality they are intended to represent. Crime, violence, mental illness, war, disease—even poverty—have their roots in the way we believe; and the way we believe leads directly to the way we behave.
Language can be treacherous and dangerous beyond belief. It is the purpose of this written word to alert you to the pitfalls of mere rhetoric.
Take the matter of faith: religion is supposed to set us on the path toward God. Let us take, in particular, faith in a noble religion like Christianity (which can indeed do what it claims) and see how perverted its teachings can become when understanding of the Bible is intellectualized.
The first deadly sin of the spoken word is that which bids us to study and concentrate on “holy writing” in order to acquire understanding and the salvation of the Lord. But was not the quest for knowledge the very sin that led to our fall? If we heed the poison in this advice, and give credence to the spoken or written word instead of trying to understand the reality it seeks to awaken us to, we simply duplicate the original sin.
In order for the skilled wordmonger to control your mind, he must first seduce you away from the counter-influence of your own understanding. There are many tricks he can use to lead you into a state of doubt and confusion, the main one being to induce you to reach for a promise of glory and power equal to the godhead, a state in which you can do no wrong.
In order to hang onto the belief in your “godliness,” you must be made to doubt the reality that says it isn’t so. That reality, once doubted, becomes almost impossible for you to believe again. You see it as the lie, in place of the lie that made you doubt it. You can no longer believe or accept it; you even see it as a threat. You become a victim soul, whose only belief system is the relationship between you and the words of your seducer.
Through your relationship with deceit, you undergo emotional, mental, physical, animal changes. Through this connection, also, come the suggestions that lead your changeling being to calamity. If you are lucky (blessed), you may wake up one day and see that you have been betrayed. You see all those wonderful dreams, goals, and nice people for what they are.
It doesn’t matter whether your ambition is “socially acceptable” or downright illegal and immoral; the lie blinds you equally well either way. The end result in either case is betrayal, disappointment, disillusionment, guilt, rage, depression, unhappiness, and frustration. But if deceit can be used to make us set aside reality and encourage our pursuit of the forbidden, it can be used again to “save” us from guilt.
Perhaps it is time now to turn to religion and salvation from sin; and here is where we are in danger of falling to the guile of the serpent again. Remember that the original problem was doubt, a doubt engendered by our separation from understanding through the leading of words. When the serpent speaks to your soul, he uses words in a very special way, to deceive, to get you caught up with those words instead of with “the enemy”—understanding. He wants you to concentrate too hard, to memorize scripture or learning of whatever kind, to block your understanding, and to make you the victim of an institutional power structure that has its roots in hell. Remember, the only way to freedom and salvation is to have faith in the understanding in your heart.
The first thing a deceiver does is acquire gobs of religious knowledge and a degree or two. Of course, he may not see himself as a deceiver; he has simply “bought” the lie that will poison all his actions from here on out. He knows that our faith and very existence are locked into the knowledge of this world, and that our ego inherently looks up to authority. For the most part, the more knowledgeable a person is, the more wicked he is, having traded deep understanding for the “respect” that is bestowed on much learning.
The wicked have a great natural influence on the less wicked. Wickedness is the authority of this world, and the wicked person’s nature is nurtured by his mindless fixation to knowledge. Thus, knowledge translates into power for the authority figure.
Knowledge develops in us a wicked, lying nature that is recognized as authority by other budding egos. Wherever you look, in the political scene or the underworld, you will see big sinners dominating, shaping and leading the little sinners.
The error of Adam was to hearken to the voice of the woman rather than to what he knew in his heart to be right. The woman, with her serpent-coached tongue, became Adam’s authority, the reinforcing source of his prideful existence. To this day, the ego existence of man revolves around woman and deceitful authority. A woman who is pretty and is a good liar, good at supporting the male ego in its prideful endeavors, does not have to work at all. A man will work himself to death for her lying support. She represents life and truth to him.
The spirit of the serpent ascends to power wherever the masses of people are enslaved, by their pride, to the pursuit of glory. At a certain point, that pride, in its guilt, needs a religion to relieve it of pain and save it from sin. But the egomaniac’s idea of salvation is not the same as ours. What the prideful ego wants to be saved from is the knowledge of its sin. It will accept any twisted teaching that helps it to save face—anything that makes the soul feel good about itself and that supports and sustains prideful wickedness with a sense of goodness.
The first thing that false preachers do with their hypnotic authority is make you believe that the Bible is the Word of the Lord, when it is simply a message, a word from God, designed to bring us back to understanding. Then, they persuade you to study “The Word,” to focus your attention on words in a hypnotic way, a way that draws you away from real understanding.
Study is an unhealthy egotistical fixation on words, the kind of involvement that ruined man in Paradise; it has the same appeal and sustaining/reinforcing effect today as it did then.
The sin of doubt has to do with joining (through misguided faith) with the spoken word. Mankind’s biggest problem is his inability to believe his own understanding to conjoin with his own wordless, commonsense view. He reacts, responds to, and accepts what other people (especially experts) say. His response is based on the original trauma of believing a lie, which set him up to respond to words and to “authority” forevermore.
Responding is the key to growing in the likeness of the source to which we are obedient. By responding, we dramatize the subtle will of the source. Responding, therefore, strengthens the original bond established through believing, so that responding to the word makes us doubt our true selves more than ever. Doubt leads to still more response, until mindless response becomes our faith, and through that faith comes our thinking and intellectual knowing, forerunners of confusion.
Hellfire preachers use our compulsive responses to make believers out of us. These masters of pressure tactics chain us to the kind of faith that is not faith at all, but is actually doubt in “faith’s clothing.”
The faith we have in words arises from our doubting commonsense Truth. Because we are totally caught up in words and have lost sight of the original truth, it is difficult for us to see what is happening to us.
The seducer that ruined our lives with words now rises to save us with words. And with words he pretends to bring us back to God. What he fails to reveal is that we cannot learn our way back to our Creator. We cannot expect to find God through the study of religion. Truth is not in words, but in the understanding of the heart.
If I were to demonstrate the principles of hypnosis, I would select my subject by his ability to concentrate, to focus his attention onto an idea or object. Having tricked him into concentrating, I could funnel suggestions to his subconscious mind through his fixated attention. My will would become his will, and he would obey me. A hypnotized person will obey another’s command in much the same way that he should be obeying the wordless prompting of his own conscience.
Doubt what you know to be right deep in your own consciousness, and you will begin to follow the suggestions of others. Doubt yourself, and you lose the ability to believe or to follow what you know is right. When you lack inner guidance, something has to get and hold your attention in order to control you, and nothing is more powerful than a promise of glory and salvation for your fallen ego.
When our understanding of the Bible’s message becomes perverted to see it as the Word of the Lord, then the book becomes a god, and the preacher becomes the high priest, the interpreter of the message. The preacher uses the Bible like the hypnotist uses a point of fixation—to overpower the subject. He then twists its meaning into the suggestion he wants his “subjects” to obey.
You will let anyone hypnotize you who promises to cure you by releasing your “great hidden potential.” Inherently and egotistically, we recognize how to obtain something we want through emotionalized belief and fixation to lies.
Remember, the original sin was following the “spoken word,” disobeying God’s command in order to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The first couple, from whom we have all evolved, simply could not resist the lure of knowledge, thinking that just by knowing what there is to know of good and evil, they would be able to rule the world like gods. But no matter how hard a person studies to know intellectually the Word of the Lord, all he can become through all his learning is a student robot.
Teach and preach the Word of the Lord, and you become a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Any “man of God” worth his salt knows that he can’t “teach God” without becoming something of a god himself to his students. Five years in a seminary add up to five years of prideful endeavor, stuffing one’s mind with the knowledge of God while leaving the understanding of God far behind. All that the cleric has left to show for his efforts is a pile of intellectual verbiage that can do nothing but confuse the seeker of Truth, while helping the willful to justify their sins.
The self-anointed Christian says, “Yes, I sin all right, but I am always forgiven by the blood of Jesus.” And he sticks to his story in spite of the fact that several chapters in the scripture point to the fact that a man with a truly saved nature can no longer sin. (See John 3: 1-11)
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The mark of the Satanic minister, who misuses Christ’s teaching, is his insistence that “no one is perfect other than Christ himself,” and that we can sin all we want to because Christ forgives us. Such a minister thereby uses Christ to support every imaginable sin of pride, and overlooks Christ’s own injunction to us to become perfect even as he is perfect. It is incumbent on us who understand the true meaning of Christ’s message to unmask the Devil wherever we find him, and to point out the inconsistency of his teachings with the very book he claims to hold dear. It’s time to unmask the Devil, to repudiate the “letter” that “killeth,” and to proclaim the spirit of understanding that “giveth life.”
Listen to Roy Masters LIVE call in radio show Monday to Friday from 9 PM to 11 PM Pacific on KDWN Radio in Las Vegas, NV.
� 2011 Roy Masters - All Rights Reserved
Roy Masters—who in his 80s continues to broadcast the longest-running counseling show in talk radio history, his internationally syndicated daily radio program Advice Line, grew up in pre-WWII England. He started his journey toward understanding human nature when as a teen he saw a stage hypnotist at a vaudeville show in Brighton. The hypnotist easily put volunteer subjects in a spell and made them do outlandish things, like dancing with a broom and forgetting their own names.
Puzzled by the hypnotist’s mysterious power, Roy distinctly remembers pondering the question: “Why can’t hypnotism be used to make people act sensibly, rather than foolishly?” Inspired by the idea of harnessing this baffling force for good, he later pursued the art of hypnotism and established a successful hypnotherapy practice.
After several years of practice, Masters made his central and pivotal discovery about the root of people’s emotional problems, addictions and complexes. He realized that people did not need hypnosis, because their core problem was that they are already hypnotized—not by a clever stage performer, but by the stresses, pressures and seductions of daily life.
He used his knowledge to discover a way to help us become de-hypnotized, and discovered that the root of the power of negative suggestion lay in our wrong emotional response, that of resentment. Masters’ remarkably effective exercise, a simple observation technique called Be Still and Know—is at the core of his unmatched track record in helping people overcome even the most serious mental-emotional problems, and is the centerpiece of a successful program within the U.S. military community (“Patriot Outreach”) that is helping thousands of military personnel and their families cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).