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Where will we
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Joyce Morrison
October 22, 2004

The horrific hurricanes we have witnessed in the past two years gives us cause to wonder what is happening.

Could some of the possible reasons be:

  • Global Warming
  • God�s wrath has been unleashed
  • Weather�s normal cycles
  • Weather modification

Scripture often speaks of destruction as a way to get man's attention. We have to admit we have strayed far from God�s commands and have welcomed foreign gods and have been disobedient. Time and again the Bible tells us this conduct brought God�s anger. This is a real possibility which can only be verified with time.

It would be good to begin with the theory of Global Warming -- and contrary to what you read in the media, it has never been proven as fact and is still theory -- and yet the words �Global Warming� is in everyone�s vocabulary. Every child learns about it in school.

What is the purpose in brainwashing the public?

Many scientists believe there is no such thing as Global Warming and that it has been devised as a way to cripple our economy, while others are totally convinced your hair spray and lawn mowers are causing the problem.

NOAA�s response to the hurricanes is that warming and cooling of the waters comes in cycles and has nothing to do with Global Warming. NOAA also reports that strong African winds and strong wind shear produce hurricanes and those tropical patterns last for 20 to 30 years at a time.

Have we accepted what mainstream media has told us without checking further?

The most impressive warming evident occurred from the 1690s through 1730s with the running mean climbing almost 2�C! We imagine that was a significant relief in the depths of the Little Ice Age, although 1740 was obviously a bummer. Abrupt warmings also occurred in the 1770s; 1810s/20s; 1890s and 1990s. Abrupt coolings are evident and a relatively sustained warming in the first half of the Twentieth Century. With our 10-year running mean showing warmer than the series mean for almost the entire Twentieth Century, it is fair to say there has been a net warming over the record period. Some argue that warming is a problem and we will not dwell on our contention that warming is distinctly preferable to cooling. (Junk

Although we have been conditioned to believe everything that happens can be attributed to Global Warming, leading scientists will admit - they cannot prove it exists. In fact, data shows that recent hurricanes are part of a natural 30-year cycle. We're in an upswing in that cycle after a three-decade lull.

National Hurricane Center data shows that Category 3, 4 and 5 hurricanes � the most powerful hurricanes � averaged nine per decade in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Since the 1980s, reports tell us we have averaged five extreme hurricanes a decade.

England�s Tony Blair has been very pushy with the United States about our reluctance to sign on to the Kyoto Treaty. Now, even Blair has doubts that the Kyoto Treaty is really about Global Warming.

James Pinkerton writes in Tech Central

�Kyoto Treaty RIP.� �That's not the headline in any newspaper this morning emerging from the first day of the Clinton Global Initiative, but it could have been -- and should have been. Onstage with former president Bill Clinton at a midtown Manhattan hotel ballroom, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he was going to speak with 'brutal honesty' about Kyoto and global warming, and he did. And Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had some blunt talk, too.�

Looking ahead to future climate-change negotiations, Blair said of such fast-growing countries as India and China, "They're not going to start negotiating another treaty like Kyoto." India and China, of course, weren't covered by Kyoto in the first place, which was one of the fatal flaws in the treaty. But now Blair is acknowledging the obvious: that after the current Kyoto treaty -- which the US never acceded to -- expires in 2012, there's not going to be another worldwide deal like it.

Recently I reported on U. S. Director of Agriculture's Secretary Mike Johanns touring the United States, telling farmers the World Trade Organization said we will have to cut the only thing keeping American farmers alive - subsidies. I received a couple of letters from people who had all the answers, although they are not farmers�.(but their grandpa might have been) and their solutions showed how totally out of touch people are when it comes to today�s agriculture.

�Established by the U.S.-based Center for American Progress along with Britain's Institute for Public Policy Research and the Australia Institute, the international task force also calls for shifting agricultural subsidies from food crops to biofuels and making G-8 countries obtain 25 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025, all to ensure Earth's average temperature does not rise more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above its pre-industrial level.� Washington Post

Could the United States be responding to blackmail to force the redistribution of our wealth? Is there a move to reduce the consumption of the average consumer to be in line with those of disadvantaged nations?

England�s Tony Blair often scorned the United States for not signing on to the Kyoto Treaty. His drastic change of opinion that the Kyoto Treaty is not good for developed nations has caused observers to say Mr. Blair's words are �likely to alarm some environmentalists.�

It is a known fact there is a move to redistribute the wealth of the developed nations to the undeveloped nations. How can this be done?

One of the ways would be to force developed nations to come into compliance to meet the Kyoto Treaty�s extreme standards and that would definitely cripple their nation's economy. Wouldn�t it seem logical for major factories to relocate to third world nations where there are no standards? That is exactly what the Kyoto Treaty would accomplish.

Our Global Neighborhood, the 1995 report of United Nations Commission on Global Governance states: "In debates (on sustainable development), it is often asserted that developing countries with large populations pose a greater threat to the world environment than developed countries with smaller populations. However, it is well known that developed countries have higher levels of consumption than developing countries and that consumption exerts pressure on the environment."

The United Nations Commission said "Therefore, it becomes clear that not only population but also consumption has to be reduced if sustainability is to be achieved."

The United States heads the list of consumption per capita of any nation. �Some 80 per cent of that consumption is what is thought of as prosperity - wealth creation and enjoyment by some 20 percent of the world�s people. Those disparities become important when environmental sustainability requires restraint on consumption at a global level, including efficiency in the use of resources, as is the case for carbon emissions,� according to Our Global Neighborhood.

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In their distorted view, they believe evenly distributed wealth among the nations will eliminate environmental stress. Have you compared the environment of the poor nations compared to the United States?

Although Global Warming does not appear to be the cause of the hurricanes, if they can make you believe this, think about what Our Global Neighborhood will have accomplished.

� 2004 Joyce Morrison - All Rights Reserved

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Joyce Morrison is a weekly columnist and news reporter for the, an online conservative news source. She also writes for SOWER magazine,, as well as various other publications. She is a weekly participant on the teleconference of the Illinois Policy Institute, a conservative think tank and is a pro-life, pro-family activist.

Morrison attempts to educate the public regarding the dangers coming to their local communities through Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 programs which are designed to gradually take control of all private property through undue regulations.

She is a chapter leader for Concerned Women for America as well as Secretary to the Board of Directors of Rural Restoration/ADOPT Mission, a national farm ministry located in Sikeston, MO. Her most enjoyable time is spent teaching a senior adult Sunday School class which is a focus on hope and encouragement.











The United Nations Commission said "Therefore, it becomes clear that not only population but also consumption has to be reduced if sustainability is to be achieved."