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By NWV News Writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
November 22, 2011
© 2011

Regardless of the fact that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) already possesses a multi-billion dollar intel center exclusively for global warming, a new report by a government watchdog group claims that the Obama administration believes the nation’s intelligence community needs yet another taxpayer-funded entity to better determine the impact of climate change on national security.

It was just a few years ago that the CIA opened its top-secret global warming headquarters, the Center on Climate Change and National Security. Its charter is not the science of climate change, but the national security impact of phenomena such as desertification, rising sea levels, population shifts, and heightened competition for natural resources, according to the Judicial Watch.

According to a source within the intelligence community, the CIA launched The Center as the focal point for its work on the subject. The Center is a small unit led by senior specialists from the Directorate of Intelligence and the Directorate of Science and Technology.

"The Center will provide support to American policymakers as they negotiate, implement, and verify international agreements on environmental issues. That is something the CIA has done for years. Decision makers need information and analysis on the effects climate change can have on security. The CIA is well positioned to deliver that intelligence,” said then CIA Director Leon Panetta, who is now the Secretary of Defense, where the new climate change center with be instituted.

The Center assumed responsibility for coordinating with Intelligence Community partners on the review and declassification of imagery and other data that could be of use to scientists in their own climate-related research. This effort draws on imagery and other information that is collected in any event, assisting the US scientific community without a large commitment of resources, according to political strategist Mike Baker.

The new Center does more than bring together in a single place expertise on an important national security topic—the effect environmental factors can have on political, economic, and social stability overseas. It was also meant be aggressive in outreach to academics and think tanks working the issue. The goal was a powerful asset recognized throughout our government, and beyond, for its knowledge and insight.

"No one really knows what goes in the exclusive unit because it operates under a cloak of secrecy that rejects all public-records requests, despite President Obama’s promise to run a transparent government. What we do know is that the unit is led by senior specialists,” the JW noted.

"We also know that the CIA's Center, launched in 2009, does not address the science of climate change but rather the national security impact of phenomena such as desertification, rising sea levels, population shifts and heightened competition for natural resources."

Apparently, the CIA's staff isn't getting the job done because the Defense Science Board (DSB), a decades-old committee appointed to provide the Pentagon with scientific and technical advice, says the U.S. intelligence community needs an organization that can assess the impacts of climate change on national security.

This means creating a new climate information system database, a whole government approach to mitigating the effects of climate change and engaging with international leaders in identifying global solutions.

The nation’s Director of National Intelligence should establish a new group “to concentrate on the effects of climate change on political and economic developments and their implications for U.S. national security,” according to a report (“Trends and Implications of Climate Change for National and International Security”) issued recently by the DSB. “Climate change will only grow in concern for the United States and its security interests,” the DSB’s chairman writes in the report’s introduction, which is addressed to the nation’s Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics.

The changes in climate patterns and their impact on the physical environment can create profound effects on populations in parts of the world and present new challenges to global security and stability, the DSB asserts. “Failure to anticipate and mitigate these changes increases the threat of more failed states with the instabilities and potential for conflict inherent in such failures.”

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According to Judicial Watch, in the last few years the Obama Administration has been quite active in its campaign to enlighten Americans about the ills of global warming. A few months ago a group of esteemed scientists from several public universities warned that climate change will make food “dangerous” and add to the malnourishment of millions worldwide.

Before that separate government evaluations revealed that global warming causes mental illness and cancer and that it creates national security threats by spreading disease among people and animals. Authored by government scientists from various agencies, the mental illness/cancer report claims global warming is one of the “most visible environmental concerns of the 21st century”

The separate national security assessment, made by intelligence and health officials, says climate change will destabilize developing nations as well as the U.S. economy and military.

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According to a source within the intelligence community, the CIA launched The Center as the focal point for its work on the subject.